Hogwarts: The Book of Laws

Chapter 156 The Ministry of Magic’s Difficulties

In the end, Harry and Ron still didn't speak, so the next day, they were called to Professor McGonagall's office.

at the same time.

"Lian, it seems that Mr. Potter is really the one who opened the Chamber of Secrets."

Early in the morning, Beaver sat next to Rean and said while eating breakfast.

Li En ignored him, chewed slowly and swallowed what was in his mouth, and then said, "Why do you say that? I remember you said you wouldn't say nonsense without enough evidence?"

"Yesterday, the prefect registered the whereabouts of the little wizards in the afternoon. Do you know this?"

Lean nodded. Senior Gemma's operation of blocking the door opened his eyes. It is rare to see such a fiery character in Slytherin, which is full of aristocratic style.

"I heard that no matter how much Professor McGonagall pressed him, Mr. Potter just wouldn't say what he did yesterday afternoon." Beaver said quietly to Lean.

Ryan was silent for a moment, he probably knew what Harry was going to do.

"Perhaps Potter really has something to hide?"

"We don't rule out this possibility, but it's very unlikely." Beaver nodded. Any possibility that exists must be taken into consideration.

Reality is not fiction, anything can happen.

"So currently, Porter is the biggest suspect." Beaver said.

While the two were talking, the little wizards around them instantly became noisy. This is a very strange thing. Slytherin snakes are always very quiet when eating, and even when they speak, they will be very quiet.

Lean glanced at Beaver in confusion. Beaver understood, and pulled over a member of the mutual aid group to ask.

Bifur said a few words to the little wizard, then sat back with a strange look on his face.

"Looking at your expression, what happened?" Lien became even more curious.

"Here comes Chief Malfoy," Beaver said, glancing in Draco's direction.

Lean looked over. Draco looked indescribably majestic at this time. Goyle and Crabbe also held their heads high, squinted upwards, and looked at people with their nostrils.

"Headmaster Dumbledore is in trouble." Rean said quietly, and then forked two more sausages from the plate in front of him.

At this time, the young wizards gathered around Draco to ask what the patriarch Malfoy's intention was today.

But after five minutes, the young wizards were no longer interested in surrounding Draco. Because there is more exciting news - Mr. March is back, bringing with him Cornelius Fudge and two other wizards dressed as Aurors.

All the little wizards were speculating whether the Ministry of Magic was going to take action against the heir of Slytherin and the murderous snake.

However, until the end of breakfast, there was no news. The little wizards had to go to class obediently and no longer think about these things.

Because the professors have already said that there will be more study time this year, so the final exam may be a bit difficult.

This sentence was a double blow to the little wizards, and their already sad mood became even sadder.

The classes in the morning were so wonderful that the little wizards had no intention of listening to the lectures. They were all concerned about the purpose of Patriarch Malfoy and the Minister of Magic today. The professors also had no intention of teaching because they had heard some bad rumors.

In a strange atmosphere where both professors and students were absent-minded, the morning class ended just like that.

However, when the little wizards happily walked into the restaurant, they discovered something was wrong.

Dumbledore sat on the staff bench without joy or sadness, with Minister Fudge sitting on his right with a smile on his face, Lucius Malfoy sitting on his left with an expressionless face, and three Aurors standing in a row. behind.

The professors sat aside with livid faces. Filch kept mumbling and crossing his hands on his chest, trying to find a comfortable position to hold it in the place that usually belonged to Mrs. Norris.

Rean sat at the dining table and looked at the empty golden plate in the middle of the table, feeling unhappy.

It was obvious that there was something big to be announced, so no food was served to allow all the little wizards to arrive. Lean estimated that announcements such as "Gather in the dining hall for an announcement" were also posted on the bulletin board in the college common room.

About ten minutes later, the little wizards all came to the restaurant.

When Fudge saw that people were almost here, he stood up impatiently, smiled and said to everyone: "Haha, classmates, good afternoon."

Percy was the first to applaud, looking at Fudge with admiration. Fudge also noticed what was going on here. He was a little interested in this discerning young man, so he smiled and nodded to Percy.

Percy's face turned red with joy, even redder than his red hair, and he pumped his hands even more vigorously.

But fortunately, he also knew that Fudge was going to speak next, so he quickly put down his red hands.

"I'm sorry to inform you that in view of the incidents of little wizards being petrified since the beginning of this school year, the Ministry of Magic has to isolate the suspects in the chamber of secrets case fifty years ago. Of course, we He is just being quarantined, and if it is ultimately found that it is not him, the Ministry of Magic will ensure that he is released."

These words caused the little wizards to start talking instantly. Of course they knew who the suspect was in the case fifty years ago. Since the secret room was opened, the little wizards began to read various information and learned that fifty years ago The incident was naturally easy.

Rubeus Hagrid.

The Keykeeper of Hogwarts and the Keeper of the Forbidden Forest.

Most young wizards didn't have much discrimination against this giant hybrid. Instead, Hagrid gained the favor of many young wizards because of Hagrid's warm-heartedness.

However, since Harry was suspected of being the heir of Slytherin, not many people had interacted with Hagrid. Everyone knew that he had a good relationship with Harry.

The most important thing is that he is still a suspect in the accident fifty years ago.

People, originally they were very taboo about this.

"No way!" Harry slammed the table and yelled.

Ron kept pulling him beside him, trying to get him to sit down.

Thanks to having a father who works in the Ministry of Magic, Ron also knows that the Ministry of Magic is not something Harry, who currently only has the title of "Savior", can afford to offend.

And he still refutes the face of Fudge, who has the best face, in full view of the public.

"Oh, Harry." Fudge seemed not to care about Harry's attitude and greeted him cordially.

"We are not saying that Hagrid is a suspect, but we are isolating him temporarily. You know, he was a suspect before, so we can only rule him out as a suspect first."

Fudge walked to Harry and said. He also patted Harry's shoulder with his hand, and pressed Harry hard into the seat.

Harry wanted to stand up, but Ron held him tightly.

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