Hogwarts: The Book of Laws

Chapter 147 Withdrawal

A week later, Pudding was helping Lean prepare his luggage. Every piece of clothing was folded by Pudding without any wrinkles before it was put into Lean's suitcase.

In addition, Pudding also prepared a lot of snacks and drinks, leaving Lien to drink them on the train.

Hermione had returned to London a few days ago, and the enthusiastic Grangers invited Ryan to have dinner and agreed on a time to go to the station together.

At this time, Rean was conducting business with Lucius Malfoy in the house outside Hogwarts.

"This is what you want." Lucius' face was sallow, and the two dark circles under his eyes were particularly obvious.

Lucius has been using the copying spell in the library this week without stopping at all. He didn't even dare to give orders to the house elves, for fear of spreading some news.

Pudding was the precedent, and he didn't dare to gamble.

"Thank you for your hard work, Lord Lucius."

Rean picked up the box on the ground and lifted it to the table on the side. After opening it, there are books inside that are only the size of a pinky fingernail.

This box is cast with a traceless stretching spell, so that everything inside will look small from the outside. Rean randomly took out more than a hundred books that he had read in the Hogwarts library, opened them, and compared them with his memory.

There was no mistake. It seemed that Lucius was not being clever.

However, Lean has not completely let down his guard against the books in front of him. Who knows if Lucius will delete a few words from a certain book.

You can’t practice it anymore, but it’s still feasible to use it as a reference.

There are dozens of transparent magic crystals placed in the corner of the box, and there are also three small jade boxes with a faint golden light shining on them. You can tell at a glance that they were expensive to make.

That is a blocking spell that can keep the medicinal properties of the medicinal materials from being lost.

"Have a good deal, Mr. Lucius."

Lien said with a smile after quickly checking the goods, and then he took out an iron box from his pocket, with three or four blocking spells cast on it.

The magic in the entire wizarding world is vast, and who knows what weird magic Voldemort knows, so for the sake of insurance, Lien specially added two or three more spells to prevent Voldemort from slipping out.

Lucius took the iron box and glanced at Lien.

The protective spells on the box were all from the Book of All Laws. There were no such spells in this world, so Lucius felt unable to do anything when he got it, and finally had to take a look at Lien.

"Ah, I'm sorry, Lord Lucius. You know, this is just a small measure, after all, it is here. But the Dark Lord."

Lean said with a smile, his tone indescribably flirtatious.

Lucius reluctantly handed the box back to Lean, glanced at Lean, and secretly sighed that newborn calves are not afraid of tigers.

But then Lucius began to sigh again. Now that Lien was only in his second year and had such strength, it was natural not to take him seriously. When Lean grows up, won't his strength be...

Maybe you should invest some money in him. Lucius suddenly thought.

The Malfoy family has stood tall in the wizarding world for so long, relying on their ability to adapt to the changing circumstances.

A powerful wizard will eventually die. No matter how powerful a family is, it is impossible to dominate all families all the time. At this time, the importance of taking sides becomes clear.

In the original book, why the Malfoy family was exempted from liquidation after Voldemort's death? Isn't it because they were on the right side in the end?

"Lord Lucius, I have lifted the protective spell above, can you guarantee your safety?" Rean looked at Lucius and said.

After all, such easy-to-squeeze money is rare, so you have to cherish it.

"Although the answer is that the Malfoy family has been passed down for so many years, and they still have some skills."

Lien nodded and said no more. He just unlocked the protective spell on it and handed it to Lucius again.

Lucius got it, opened the diary and made sure it was genuine, then sealed it again and released more than ten blocking spells in one breath.

The remnant soul of Voldemort in the diary:? ? ?

"Okay, the deal is done, I'll leave first."

Lean nodded with a strange expression on his face, and he suddenly noticed that Lucius's attitude suddenly improved.

Isn't it Stockholm Syndrome, addicted to being squeezed?

Li En touched his head and thought involuntarily, then he was so excited that he quickly threw the terrible thought out of his mind.

After the transaction was completed, Lean returned to his cabin in the forest without stopping.

Pudding stood at the door, holding his suitcase. Seeing Lean appear in front of the door, Pudding raised Lean's suitcase with both hands. It wasn't until Lean took it that he bowed and said, "Master, have a nice trip."

Rean didn't hear it at all. After taking the suitcase, he apparated directly to Granger's house.

Hermione put her wand in the box given by Lean early in the morning to isolate the magic wave. This was informed by Lean's letter before, otherwise the magic wave caused by the Apparition would trigger the magic wave in Hermione's wand. Trace silk, thus determining that she cast spells outside school.

"Sorry, I'm late." Lean said to the angry Hermione in front of him.

Lucius had said seven days before, so he agreed. Little did he know that today happened to be the start of the second semester.

After finishing the transaction, he hurried over to Granger's house and prepared to go to the station.

"Ah, everyone is here. Great, let's go." Mr. Granger walked in the door and said with a smile.

He had just put Hermione's suitcase into the trunk of the car.

"Okay, uncle."

"Hmm." Hermione made a sound from her nose.

"There's really something going on this morning, Hermione." Lean explained.

"Hermione, it's not too late." Mrs. Granger also helped.

"Huh!" Hermione became even more angry. She was obviously her own parents, but she was helping Lean.

But the little girl's anger went away just as quickly as it came. By the time they arrived at the station, the little girl was already talking and laughing with Lean.

After passing through the wall and arriving at platform nine and three-quarters, Rean met Kes and Beaver.

In other words, the two of them found Rean.

"Did you know that another little wizard was petrified in the castle during the Christmas holidays?"

The first words that Kes said when they met made Lean startled.

"What!" Hermione was also shocked.

"I heard that it was a little wizard from Hufflepuff. It has spread around now. I heard that it happened last night. You see, those parents are trying to persuade the little wizards to take a break from school this semester."

Looking in the direction Bifur pointed, several parents were pulling the little wizards, hoping they could go home with them.

"Fortunately, my parents didn't come with me, otherwise they would have asked me to suspend school." Hermione said.

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