Hogwarts: The Book of Laws

Chapter 145 Compensation Bill

"Dad!" Malfoy called out the moment he saw Lucius.

"Master Malfoy." These are the wizards in black robes, but due to the existence of the black gap, they cannot salute.

"Extremely Cold Realm"

The ice quickly spread to several black-robed wizards who dared not move, and their eyes widened with a hint of disbelief.

"Mr. Lucius, long time no see." Lean looked at Lucius with a smile.

Lucius was frightened by Rean's actions. He had never seen anyone dare to kill him in front of him. But now someone has done it, but he dare not move. His wife and son are all here.

"Mr. Zell, it should be clear between us. Why are you here today?" Lucius looked at the destroyed houses around him, suppressed his anger in his heart, and asked through gritted teeth.

"Mr. Lucius, is this the way the Malfoy family treats guests?" Lean asked instead of answering Lucius's question.

"Hmph!" Lucius snorted, but did not refuse. He walked forward, preparing to take Lean to the living room.

"Dad." Malfoy tugged at Lucius's clothes.

Lucius turned his head and glanced at Malfoy, who was like a quail behind him, and then glanced at the high-spirited Lean standing in front of him, and was furious.

"Why don't you bugs take the young master to the back quickly? If there is any damage, I will skin you."

This is what Lucius said to the house elves. After speaking, he seemed to have changed a different person and continued to lead Rean to a reception room.

The two of them didn't say anything about the black-robed wizards during the whole process. Lucius thought these people were dead, while Lien was thinking about how to get the maximum benefit.

"Come, try this cup of tea. This is picked from a tea tree that already possesses magical power. It only lasts a little bit a year. If the Malfoy family wasn't a little powerful, they wouldn't be able to get this tea." Lucius personally made a cup of tea for Rean.

This was also meant to scare Lean, as the power of the Malfoy family was beyond Lean's imagination.

"Mr. Malfoy, thank you for your hospitality." Rean picked up the cup and took a sip slowly.

It's really good. After taking a sip of hot tea, I feel that my whole body is much smoother, my mind is clearer, and the flow of magic power in my body seems to be less blocked.

"Good stuff." Lean couldn't help but sigh.

This is a big family. We keep good things to ourselves, and no one outside even knows about it.

"Mr. Lucius, I'm here to ask you a question." Lean put down the cup.

Although this tea is good, to be honest, what comes next is the bulk.

"What's the problem?" Lucius asked, resisting the urge to kill the little wizard in front of him with a death curse.

"Do you know about Horcruxes?"

"How did you know?"

Lucius was a little surprised. According to his investigation, the young wizard in front of him was just a Muggle wizard. How did he know about Horcruxes?

"Don't worry about how I know, I'm asking you now if you know, Mr. Lucius?"

"Okay, let me know a little bit."

Lucius was a little strange, not knowing what kind of medicine Lien was selling in the gourd, but he still agreed. Such things as Horcruxes have corresponding inheritance in pure-blood families, even in Hogwarts.

"Then who do you think is most likely to make Horcruxes in recent years?" Lien asked in a persuasive way.

Lucius swallowed, of course he knew who it was, but he couldn't say.

"It seems you know, Mr. Lucius. Do you think the thing that person gave you could be a Horcrux?"

Reen said with a smile, and after speaking, he picked up the tea cup on the coffee table and took a sip of tea.

The tea was still cold. After taking a sip, Lien smashed his mouth and took another sip.

"Impossible!" Lucius shouted.

He couldn't believe that the diary was a Horcrux, but he believed it.

He thought of Voldemort's serious look when he handed the diary to him, and he thought of Voldemort's madness in pursuing black magic. Reason told him that the diary was probably a Horcrux.

"That's the truth, Lord Lucius."

Rean took out the diary, opened it and wrote "Hello" on it.

The remnant spirit of Voldemort in the diary is full of questions. What happened to this man and is he here again?

Little Voldemort closed his eyes this time, smashed the jar and replied "Hello".

"Bang!" The diary was closed forcefully again.

I knew that this little wizard was sick, but why did the house outside look so familiar just now? Voldemort's remnant soul thought.

"How is it, Mr. Lucius, do you believe it now?"

Lucius sat on the sofa, shivering all over.

He knew that the mysterious man was not dead, and that he would return one day. He also knew that the item worthy of Voldemort's treasure was a wonderful dark magic item.

But he didn't expect that the diary was Voldemort's Horcrux, nor did he expect that the Horcrux would be revived. What he didn't expect the most was that this kid would get it.

"Tell me how much you want."

Lucius looked at Lean sitting in front of him and asked this question very smoothly, smooth enough to make him feel heartbroken.

He knew that he was going to bleed again today.

"I heard that there are several ancient alchemical items stored in the Malfoy family's treasure house. I wonder if I have the honor to see them?"

"How do you know?" Lucius looked at Lien in surprise.

It wasn't that he wasn't calm, but that the alchemy items passed down by the Malfoy family were tightly covered, and no news was exposed.

Damn it! Lucius suddenly remembered the house elf he had given away with his own hands.

There has never been an example of a house elf being given away to someone else in the wizarding world, and naturally there will be no leaks of house elf secrets. Lucius had thought that house elves would uphold the elf's beliefs and keep secrets, but he didn't know that house elves would always only be loyal to their current master.

"This is not acceptable. There is no discussion at all. You must know that although I am the head of the Malfoy family, there are some elders in the family, and they also have the right to speak."

"The last time I set aside a plantation for you, my voice in the family has dropped to another level."

Lucius said a little tiredly. He now wished he could use a time turner to go back in time and change the diary.

But no, it would have been okay if he didn't know that the diary in Lien's hand was a Horcrux, but now that he knew it, it wouldn't have worked.

"Just tell me a sincere price. I don't want to argue with you anymore."

Lucius felt a little tired.

"The Malfoy family's collection of books, as well as the black-robed wizards outside, each has ten magic crystals. In addition, Master Malfoy called me a Mudblood several times before, and this also includes three Sky Star Grasses."

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