Hogwarts: The Book of Laws

Chapter 134 The Third Victim

Professors McGonagall, Professor Sprout, Professor Dumbledore and Professor Flitwick stared at each other for a long time without understanding why Lockhart was so eager to die.

Or maybe we misunderstood him and he is really capable. Professor McGonagall thought so when she left.

But in the blink of an eye, she forgot about this moment. The most important thing now was that she needed to go back and divide Hogwarts into divisions, and each professor was responsible for patrolling an area.

In addition, the transfer of house elves also needs to be arranged. In addition to patrolling that day, the elves were also responsible for the meals of the little wizards.

Soon, the entire Hogwarts knew the news about Saturday's screening and the Duel Club. This was the news released by Lockhart.

And he also emphasized that he and Professor Snape would perform a real battle for everyone at the beginning of the club. For a moment, everyone seemed to have forgotten about the secret room that had been opened, and all their thoughts went to the Duel Club.

Filch seemed to have been handed over to talk to Professor Dumbledore, and now he no longer embarrasses the young wizards. However, the hostility is still there. Whenever the little wizards pass by, he will say some unpleasant things.

But even if the little wizards heard it, they would pretend they didn't hear it. Nowadays, not many people in Hogwarts are willing to talk to Filch.

"Hell, why do we all stay in the dormitory on Saturday and are not allowed to go out? I made an appointment with Juana to go to Mrs. Puddiff's Teahouse, what should I do now?" During lunch, Beaver sat down on the dining table. On the chair, he said somewhat depressedly.

"And Dean Snape gave us double the usual homework, saying it was so that we could calm down and stay in the dormitory to complete the homework that day." Kes was also a little sad.

Students in the third year of Hogwarts and above can go to Hogsmeade on Saturdays. But now that it was suddenly announced that he was not allowed to go on Saturdays, and he had to complete double the homework in the dormitory, Lien believed that many little wizards would wail.

In fact, this is indeed the case. At this moment, there are already little wizards in the restaurant discussing this issue.

Lockhart only said that they were not allowed to go out on Saturdays. At that time, the little wizard thought it was nothing, but until Snape gave them double homework, they immediately became uneasy.

Immediately afterwards, another group of little wizards walked in dejectedly.

"What! Professor McGonagall also assigned double homework?" At the Gryffindor table, a wizard suddenly jumped up and shouted, instantly attracting the attention of the young wizards.

But at this time, the little wizards didn't want to know who was yelling, but were very interested in what he said.

"Hell, Professor Flitwick, Professor Sprout, and Professor Binns all give double homework, right? You can't finish it in one day on Saturday."

"I don't think it's possible Professor Binns."

"It was already hard to not go to Hogsmeade, but I didn't expect it would be even worse now. Sigh..."

For a time, the restaurant became even more lively.

"Ahhh, you're going to kill me." Kes yelled and climbed onto the dining table.

But no one looked over, because everyone was wailing at this time.

Every time a little wizard comes, there will be more power to cry.

Of course, there is not without good news.

For example, Professor Lockhart has now set up a duel stage in an empty classroom on the first floor, and Professor Dumbledore has also assigned two house elves to help him.

After discussing for a while, the little wizards began to discuss the news about the Duel Club. Now that extra homework has become a reality, it is better to think of something good, such as showing off your skills on the duel stage and gaining the admiration of the girl you like.

Or maybe you have disliked a certain little wizard for a long time, so why not take this opportunity to make him look embarrassed in front of everyone.

After thinking about it, the little wizards put down their knives and forks and started running to the library. If you read more books now, you might be able to learn a magic spell, and you might be able to use it later.

In the afternoon class, the professors looked at the young wizards who were actively asking questions under the podium with great confusion. After learning the specific situation, the professors all answered the questions of the little wizards with smiles on their faces.

"Okay, kids, please wait a moment, we need to go to class first." Professor Flitwick said with a headache as he looked at the small hands raised under the podium.

Half of this class has passed, but the problems of the little wizards have not diminished at all, but have become more and more serious.

After hearing what the professor said, the little wizards reluctantly put down their hands. Some young wizards began to think about whether they should seek advice from some young wizards with strong magical abilities when they returned home.

Hermione Granger seems to be very powerful. She used a petrification spell to petrify a cage of Cornish elves, and that was only if the elves caused trouble.

Many little wizards silently made up their minds.

After the afternoon classes were over, the little wizards began to walk to the restaurant together, talking and laughing.

Li En held the book and passed through one little wizard after another, gliding forward like a loach in the flow of people.

When he and Hermione were in separate classes, the two would agree on a time and place to meet.

After arriving at the location, Lien realized something was wrong. The little wizards circled around the corner in front, talking something at the same time.

"Lean." Hermione came out from the side and held Lean's hand.

Rean glanced at Hermione, then pointed at the crowd, and asked curiously: "What happened there? Why are there so many people?"

"Alas, this matter is very complicated." Hermione sighed, "Colin Creevey was petrified, and his friends said that he went to find Potter to take photos. This is the case for everyone. I knew it, so I didn’t care.”

"But after class, the Patil sisters passed by when they were going to have dinner. Then they saw Colin lying on the ground, and Potter was standing next to him. The Patil sisters were so scared, so He screamed, and then he looked like this."

"Get out of the way!" Madam Pomfrey's voice came, followed by a senior student holding a stretcher.

"Quick, quick, get out of the way and put him on a stretcher." Madam Pomfrey directed the pupils while carefully checking Colin's injuries.

"Exactly the same, Dumbledore must sift through Hogwarts tomorrow!" Madam Pomfrey said viciously, and her words also fell into the ears of the little wizards around her.

Because the stretcher could not be lifted by one person, the senior wizard cast a floating spell on the stretcher so that it could reach the school hospital smoothly.

"Magic is not allowed in the school corridor!" An old hand grabbed the little wizard who was casting the spell.

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