Hogwarts: The Book of Laws

Chapter 128 An invitation to a duel from Voldemort

After the game, Rean gave the refined defensive items to Hermione and Kes.

Kes and Beaver accepted it with a smile. The alchemy items in their hands meant that Lean regarded them as friends.

According to legend, the monsters in the Chamber of Secrets were used to clean out the little wizards in Hogwarts who Slytherin believed should not learn magic. In other words, it was during this period that purebloods were extremely safe in Hogwarts.

But Kes and the others didn’t say anything like they didn’t need it.

After Hermione received it, she gave Ryan a hug.

In the days that followed, Hogwarts became quiet, as if the previous attacks were an illusion.

But Mrs. Norris lying in the school doctor's room and Filch who had been lingering under the wall with the words reminded the little wizards that the secret room had really been opened.

However, because of Filch, no little wizard is willing to come to the first floor now, unless it is absolutely necessary, such as eating, attending classes, etc., but then they will pass quickly.

As long as you slow down a little bit, Filch will drag you in place and won't let you go for a long time. Several little wizards have been late for class because of this reason.

The professors were also made miserable by Filch and went to Filch many times to discuss the matter. Filch would agree every time, but would turn around and wander under the wall again.

Over time, not many people were willing to deal with this crazy and insane Filch. Perhaps no one had ever been willing to deal with him.

Lean was walking in the corridor, looking at Filch standing under the torch in the distance and crying silently, and felt a little uncomfortable. But he didn't go to comfort her because it was already curfew.

Since Mrs. Norris was attacked, Filch's patrols at night have been much less frequent, which has caused the little wizards to go out at night much more often.

Rean quietly walked to the basement from the small corridor next to him. He had just returned from the Forbidden Forest.

There are countless materials in the Forbidden Forest. This is a big treasure. It is impossible for Lien to look at this piece of fat and remain indifferent.

"Yes, with these tinder, I can strengthen the pendant."

Rean touched the pendant around his neck. The rope of the pendant was just an ordinary rope. Lien wanted to use these tinders to weave a magic item again, and then put it into the pendant, so that two pieces of equipment could be contained in the same volume as one piece of equipment.

Lean touched the wall and walked toward the basement. The dark environment did not arouse any fear in Lean. This was his confidence in his own strength.

"Haha, you hidden rat, your stink can make carrion birds circle around you ten times, and you are still hiding there?" Lien stared at the darkness in front of him and mocked.

In his eyes, there was a large mass of magic power there, and judging from its shape, it should be a humanoid creature.

"Haha, Ryan Zell, we meet again." A voice as cold as a poisonous snake came from the darkness in front of him.

This is Voldemort's voice. Lean reacted quickly. Without him, he had heard it too much when he was at Gunter's old house.

A figure in black robes, with his face hidden in a hood, flashed out from around the corner. The torches on the wall swayed unsteadily, and the shadows reflected on the wall began to show their teeth and claws.

"I said, I want you to die." These words were growled by Voldemort.

There are not many connections between Voldemort's Horcruxes. After such a long time, each remnant soul gradually formed its own character and personality, and each other was aware of this problem, so the connections between the various Horcruxes became Much less.

However, when Lean killed the remnant soul of Voldemort last time, the remnant soul of Voldemort still expressed its unwillingness to the outside world. The sleeping remnant of Voldemort. Maybe it wasn't contacted, but the remnant spirit of Voldemort who was active behind Professor Quirrell's head at that time received the message.

"You dare to destroy my Horcrux, I'm here to fulfill my promise." Voldemort began to walk forward slowly, "Don't worry, I have cast a silent spell here, no matter how big the movement is, it will It won’t attract anyone’s attention.”

Rean looked at Voldemort's moving body with some doubts in his eyes.

No, what kind of remnant soul is Voldemort in front of me, and he can act on it?

No, it doesn't have to be a body. It can also be a parasite on the back of other people's heads like last year.

Lean thought this, but what followed was, where did Voldemort replenish his vitality?

Last year Voldemort parasitized the back of Quirrell's head, but forced Quirrell to hunt unicorns in the Forbidden Forest to survive. As for the professors in Hogwarts today, Voldemort definitely does not have the strength to parasitize them. Moreover, professors often come into contact with Dumbledore, and with what happened last year, Voldemort does not have the courage to parasitize professors.

So the person standing in front of Li En now can only be a little wizard.

"Hahaha, are you wondering why I can stand here?" Voldemort looked at Lean's eyes and knew that he was thinking about this problem.

"Let me tell you." Voldemort decided to let the boy in front of him know how powerful he was, and not let him die in doubt.

I, the great Dark Lord, have always been so considerate towards my enemies.

"Dumbledore, that old guy, always thinks he can control everything, but is that really the case?" Voldemort's words were full of sarcasm.

"Thanks to him, I can stand in front of you with a new attitude, and I have the opportunity to send you to reunite with your parents."

"He thought he could control everything, but he was wrong. Did he think that if he put the Philosopher's Stone in the Mirror of Erised, I wouldn't be able to get it? Yes, I really can't get it."

"But his mistake was that he shouldn't play savior tricks with children. I got the magic stone from his hand. The power is fascinating."

"Perhaps he thought that the stone had lost its magic power and was no longer useful. But how did he know that? There was still the last trace of magic power in the stone, and it was this magic power that gave me new life."

As he spoke, Voldemort began to laugh.

Lean listened silently without saying a word. The plot has now become biased, and it is no longer the plot that I am familiar with.

"I heard that you once had a duel with that little guy from the Malfoy family at the opening ceremony? Yes, it's really good. So in this situation, can we also have a duel?" Voldemort finished laughing. , stared at Lien and said.

Rean looked at Voldemort who took out his wand in front of him and said nothing.

"Hurry up!" Voldemort roared.

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