Hogwarts: The Book of Laws

Chapter 117 The first day of school

The next morning, when Lean came to the restaurant to have breakfast, he saw Ron and Harry in the center, surrounded by stars. Judging from the smiles on their faces, they also enjoyed this feeling.

Percy and Hermione were a little unhappy because Ron and Harry had deducted points from Gryffindor before school started.

But fortunately, with the lessons learned from Lean and Malfoy, the little wizards of Gryffindor selectively ignored this problem. Although even if not, there is a high probability that the little lions will not mention this issue. After all, in their view, an exciting experience is more important than anything else.

"Ha, Lean, you are here. Look, the deeds of the savior are in the newspapers." Kes found Lean, holding a roll of newspapers in his hand.

Since forming a small team, Kes has developed the habit of reading newspapers every day.

Before the intelligence system of your own organization was established, you could only extract information by reading newspapers. This is what Kers said.

As he spoke, Kes took a donut and ate it. He also spread the newspaper on the table, revealing the headlines on the newspaper.

"Shock! The Savior actually did such a thing on the way to Hogwarts"

Lean looked at the editor, Rita Sky.

"Tsk." Lien sighed softly and began to read the following content.

The content is also in line with Rita Ski's consistent writing style, which is exaggerated and frivolous, and contains many fictional things.

"If you ask me, this editor Ski is really talented." Kes said with a smile, "I believe she will be able to sell novels if she writes them."

"Okay, let's eat quickly. But it's strange to say that it obviously happened last night, but the newspaper will be out today. When did these wizards become so efficient at work?"

Rean poured himself a glass of milk, and also poured a glass for X. The two picked up their glasses and clinked them with each other, as if they were drinking beer.

"...I wouldn't be surprised at all if they fire you for stealing a car. It depends on how I deal with you then. You probably haven't thought about what happened when your father and I found out the car was gone." Feeling···"

There was a loud sound that shook the plates and spoons on the table.

Kes was drinking milk at this time, and suddenly he was so frightened by the shouting letter that the milk spurted out of his nose.

Rean put down the cup in his hand with some luck. He was about to drink when he heard this huge sound.

Mrs. Weasley's voice echoed in the restaurant, attracting the attention of all the little wizards. For a moment, there was no little wizard in the restaurant who spoke.

It seemed like a long time passed before the sound ended. The roaring letter seemed to have exhausted its magic power and fell from the air, burning into a ball of flame.

The little wizards continued to stare blankly for a while before coming back to their senses, each whispering to their friends.

The first Gryffindor class this morning was Herbology, with Hufflepuff. After finishing breakfast, Lean said hello to Hermione and went to his classroom.

Slytherin's first class was Charms, which he took with Ravenclaw. Professor Flitwick happily stood on the pile of books on the podium and looked at every little wizard who entered the classroom.

"Ha, children, welcome. We will not teach new knowledge in this class. I know that little wizards cannot cast spells outside of school. This means that you will not be able to review our classes in the past two months. A spell learned in a year.”

"But don't worry, our class is just for review." Professor Flitwick held the wand in his hand and accurately delivered the teaching aids to each little wizard.

There are feathers, a cup covered in paint, a chopstick broken in half, and more.

Feathers are used to cast levitation spells, paint-covered cups are used to cast cleaning spells and water-making spells, and broken chopsticks are used to cast repair spells.

The little wizards happily looked at the teaching aids in front of them, although they had little confidence in their magic. But no matter what, practical classes are always fun. No little wizard wants to listen to a theory class that is smelly, long, and can easily make people fall asleep.

For a time, the sound of chanting curses could be heard in the Charms classroom.

Rean completed all the spells in the first time. For this, Professor Flitwick gave Slytherin two points.

Nowadays, many professors have finally figured out that Lien's strength cannot be matched by even seventh-grade graduates, so the points awarded to Lien have become less.

Malfoy's spell casting speed is also very fast. It can be seen that he has been practicing at home for a long time during this summer vacation. In other words, the Slytherin snakes quickly completed the release of all spells.

Because no matter what, they can cast spells at home during the summer vacation, and they must have cast spells at home.

After half the class was over, only a few Muggle-born Ravenclaws were left who were still continuing their magic.

These little wizards became a little impatient after seeing others stop. And it was precisely because of their impatience that the difficulty of their spellcasting went up to another level.

"Children, relax, it doesn't matter even if it's a whole class. After all, our class is meant for practice, isn't it?" Professor Flitwick encouraged.

"Okay, kids, don't just sit around. This is a good opportunity to practice spells. Using a wand to cast spells is nothing. Real magic masters will master the technique of wandless and silent spellcasting. This requires you to have enough knowledge of spells. You have a lot of experience, if you want to learn this skill, I don’t think you should just sit here.”

Professor Flitwick obviously knew the reason for the impatience of the young wizards, and thoughtfully solved the problem for them.

At the end of get out of class, all the little wizards successfully cast all their spells, which made Professor Flitwick very happy.

Even when I left the classroom, I kept dancing unknown dances.

After Li En came out of the classroom, he walked directly to the classroom for the next class.

Maybe it's because you have to take courses in the third grade, so the second grade courses are a little tight, as if you want to experience all the charm of magic in the second grade.

But it was obvious that the next lesson would not allow Lean to appreciate the beauty of magic.

A History of Magic, with Hufflepuff.

Professor Binns' hypnotic sound once again showed its due strength. Except for Lien who used "listening with ear plugs", the other little wizards in the audience lay on the table and fell asleep. They didn't listen until the end of get out of class during lunch. Wake up to temptation.

After having lunch, Lean and Hermione went to the Defense Against the Dark Arts classroom.

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