Hogwarts: The Book of Laws

Chapter 111 Confrontation in Knockturn Alley

Since Lean returned to his cabin in the forest, he has not gone out again. On the one hand, it is necessary to study several ancient magic scrolls brought out from the Lost Stone Forest, and Townsend's research on bloodline also needs to be understood by Lien. Secondly, Lien felt that his luck was a bit unlucky, and he was like a primary school student of Death, so nothing good would happen if he went out.

It’s early August, the time that all little wizards are most looking forward to. The new students can finally go to the world they long for, and the old students can also take this time to make an appointment with their friends to go shopping in the largest wizarding shopping street in the UK.

Hermione had also made an agreement with Rean to go to Diagon Alley in three days.

At this time, Rean was standing at the junction of Diagon Alley and Knockturn Alley. Behind him is the laughter and laughter of Diagon Alley, and in front of him is the dark and dense Knockturn Alley.

"Hahaha, the young man can tell by looking at it that this is his first time coming to Knockturn Alley. How about it, do you want me to introduce it to you?"

An old woman with a wrinkled face and only one eye said with a smile when she saw Lean coming to Knockturn Alley alone. As he spoke, his hand pulled on Li En's arm, as if Li En would force him if he didn't agree.

Li En glanced at the black hand on his arm and said with a smile on his face: "I originally thought that the older people get, the smarter they become, but I didn't expect that the majority of people in this world are stupid people."

As he said this, Lien glanced at the many malicious eyes in Knockturn Alley.

A blue flame suddenly ignited from Li En's palm, and then swam up Li En's arm as if it were alive.

Seeing that something was wrong, the old wizard hurriedly tried to take out his hand, but unexpectedly his hand was firmly attached to Lien's arm by a huge force.

The blue flame finally reached the old wizard's palm, and at this moment, the old wizard was surprised to find that his hand could twitch.

Just when the old wizard took away his palm and had no time to be happy, the blue flame suddenly enveloped the entire old wizard.


A bloodcurdling scream suddenly sounded, attracting the attention of many wizards in Diagon Alley and Knockturn Alley.

Fortunately, Lean came here in disguise today, otherwise Lean's beautiful photo would have appeared in the Daily Prophet tomorrow.

When the wizards in Diagon Alley saw that this happened outside the dividing line, they immediately became excited. After all, this is what happened in Knockturn Alley, and it didn't happen in Diagon Alley, so it couldn't hinder him.

It is human nature to watch the excitement.

The wizard of Knockturn Alley was carefully studying Lean's face to avoid bumping into Lean later.

Maybe the wizards in Diagon Alley don't know what this blue flame is, but the old fritters in Knockturn Alley can tell it at a glance - calendar fire.

This is extremely advanced and extremely dangerous black magic, and there are only two types of people who can use it. One type is a person with high magical power, who has the ability to control the calendar fire and prevent it from getting out of control; the other type is a person with brain problems, who cannot control it at all, and comes with the idea of ​​dying together with the enemy.

But no matter what kind of person they are, they are not the ones these old fritters are willing to mess with.

And judging from the current situation, Lien is undoubtedly the first.

The old wizard's screams quickly subsided, and Li En opened his hand, and the blue flame fell into Li En's hand obediently.

Li En looked around, and there was no longer the greedy look in his eyes. He nodded with satisfaction, then made a fist and extinguished the blue flame.

Gently stepping over the black thing on the ground, Lean walked forward along the central main road of Knockturn Alley.

He had already found out clearly that today was the day Lucius and Draco came to Diagon Alley, and it was also the day the Savior entered Knockturn Alley by mistake.

"Sorry, Lucius, we are a regular store here and we don't accept these things."

As soon as Lean walked to the door of Bojinbok's store, he heard a very greasy voice.

"It's better to come early than to come by chance." Li En said silently, opened the door and walked in.

The "ding bell" doorbell made a clear sound due to the movement of the door, reminding the owner that a guest was coming.

"Ah, Lucius, I have guests here. I'm very sorry, I don't accept these things here, so your trip was in vain. Okay, put these things away quickly." Mr. Borkin smiled at Lean laugh.

Nowadays, the Ministry of Magic is stricter about dark magic items. For safety reasons, he has completely suspended the acquisition of dark magic items, and even these items placed outside have been screened.

But Lucius has been pestering him relentlessly today, with the intention of not leaving until Bo Jin takes him.

So Mr. Borgin gave what he thought was a warm smile to the wizard who broke the deadlock.

Ah, this novice's aura, for the sake of you asking Lucius for me, today Mr. Borgin is here to teach you a truth - there are no wizards in Knockturn Alley who are not deceitful. Mr. Borkin thought so.

Lucius also quickly put away the items originally placed on the counter. He didn't want outsiders to see that he had these things.

He turned to look at Lien and snorted coldly. However, no one left. It seemed that he was waiting for Li En to leave and continue to sharpen Borgin.

Mr. Borkin glanced at Lucius, feeling a little helpless.

Now this dark magic item is a hot potato, everyone avoids it like a tiger or a scorpion.

"Sir, take a look, what do you need? The things I have here are all of the best quality. You can go out and ask around. Who doesn't say that my things are good?" Bo Jin ignored Lucius and turned to And introduced various things to Lien very enthusiastically.

Lean also followed Mr. Borgin for a walk, which really opened his eyes. He didn't know until today that alchemy items can be made into so many shapes.

His thinking has always been limited to clothes and jewelry.

"How about it? Is my stuff good? What do you like? Since you are a new customer, I can give you a 15% discount... Don't look at me like that. This is already very low. discount. Do you know how high the cost of these things is..." Mr. Bojin continued to promote his products.

Lucius looked at Bojin with disdain. He had already seen that Bojin first offered a very high price and then discounted it.

This also deceives new customers, and those with a little experience cannot be deceived at all.

"I didn't see anything suitable, but I think this gentleman should have a lot of things, why not take them out and take a look?" Lean said with a smile.

Lucius was a little surprised, but he was careful not to take out the things.

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