Hogwarts: The Book of Laws

Chapter 104 Next trip

According to the feedback from the exploration technique, Lien came to a huge stone located in the northwest of the Lost Stone Forest, where the rewards for clearing the level were collected.

Lien stood in front of the stone and touched up and down before discovering a small secret door on the back of the stone, where the rewards for clearing the level were stored.

"The interests of ancient wizards are really unique." Li En couldn't help but said, "I don't know how I came up with the idea to design such a thing."

What Lien is sure of is that no one would have thought that there would be a reward here unless the elders informed them in advance.

Of course, it is not ruled out that a very lucky person accidentally discovered it or a little wizard who searched carefully after destroying the phantom produced by the magic circle.

And every wizard who clears the level will receive a reward. If you don't take it, your reward may be taken away by the next discoverer.

Perhaps the ancient wizards just wanted to find some wizards with willpower, perseverance, and luck.

But this couldn't stop Lien, who had probing skills.

Lean put his hand in, touched it, and showed a satisfied smile.

There were a lot of things inside, so Li En took them all out and placed them all over the floor.

First, there were a few pieces of parchment. In fact, there should be more, but more than half of the parchment had long since lost its original function due to wind and water erosion. The remaining pictures appear to have appeared in recent times.

There are some things written on it that Lien can't understand. In fact, these are just a few spells, but they were prepared for the trial wizards thousands of years ago.

Thousands of years are enough time for a language to undergo earth-shaking changes, so it's normal that Lien can't understand it.

Then came several potion bottles, with no liquid left in them. If the bottle is considered an antique, then Lien may still be able to sell it for some money.

Thousands of years of time have made everything so fragile. Several good-looking alchemy items had already broken into several pieces the moment Lien touched them.

As for the other items, they don't even exist anymore.

Rean put the parchment paper with legible writing into his space bag, and buried the rest of the garbage in the soil.

After doing all this, Rean returned to the town.

He has no intention of explaining all this publicly. The most important thing is that it is too troublesome to explain. First of all, the question "Why do you know" is difficult to explain.

Lean lay on the bed and stretched out comfortably, and then he was disturbed by a "beep beep" sound.

Lean turned over and didn't want to pay attention, but the sound sounded again and again.

In the end, Lien sat up with some annoyance, wanting to see what the sound was.

"Pais?" Looking at Pais who was pecking at the glass with his beak, Lean said with some confusion.

He stood up, walked to the window and opened it to let Pais fly in.

Pais flew in and landed on the table in the room, gave Lean a hard look, then raised his feet and took out a letter.

"It's a holiday, who will write to me?" Li En said doubtfully, rubbing his chin.

First, exclude the three brothers and Pudding, because they can use their own owls to write letters.

"Hold the straw!" Lien shouted the moment he saw the signature of the letter.

This is from Hermione.

"...I will write to you every day." Rean thought about what he and Hermione said on the platform.

"Damn it, why did you forget it all of a sudden?"

Li En suddenly felt that the letter in his hand was very hot. He wanted to throw it away, but after thinking about the consequences of throwing it away, he held back.

Pais was growing impatient because Hermione didn't feed him his favorite nuts, and Ryan obviously didn't remember either.

"Cuckoo." Pais waited for a while and found that Lean hadn't moved yet, so he couldn't help shouting, wanting to remind Lean.

Meanwhile, Lean was happily writing to Hermione.

In her mind, Hermione did not blame Lean for breaking his promise, but asked where Lean was now.

When Lean saw the content of the letter, he immediately breathed a sigh of relief. He took out a pen and paper and began to reply to Hermione seriously, telling Hermione about the Stone Forest with slight modifications.

He didn't mention anything like the phantom produced by the magic circle. He only said that he had encountered the mysterious magical animal.

"Pace, will this letter...Pace?"

After Lien finished writing the letter, he stood up and prepared for Pais to send it back.

However, what he saw was Pais's back.

Pais was standing on the top of the table, looking out the window, motionless, his back looking indescribably desolate.

Alas, it’s so difficult to be an owl. You have to wake up early and sleep late every day, sleeping in the open air, to deliver letters, even all year round. You have to call out whenever something happens. Just like this, I can't even eat a few of my beloved owl nuts. I can't live this day.

Pais looked at the scenery outside the window and kept thinking in his heart.

Suddenly, Pais seemed to see nuts raining from the sky. Suddenly, Pais felt desolate in his heart.

I actually missed Nuts so much.

Pais suddenly felt very pitiful until a nut hit him on the head.


Pais raised his head strangely, and then he saw Rean holding a bag of owl nuts and scattering them on top of his head.

Lien also saw Pais turning his head and smiled at it. He knew that Pais was angry because he didn't feed it.

However, Lien only felt that his eyes flashed, and the bag of owl nuts and the scattered eyes disappeared in his hand.

Then, with lightning speed, Pais stretched out his head and took the letter from Lien's hand.

With a "clang" sound, it smashed through the glass and flew away.

Rean looked at all this in surprise, a little unbelievable. He couldn't believe that he had raised such a shameless bird.

However, the window in front of me still needs to be repaired.

Lien raised his hand and clicked on the broken window. It was like going back in time and the scattered glass shards returned to their original positions along the trajectory they had just scattered.

Looking at his masterpiece in front of him, Lean nodded with satisfaction, then turned his head to pack his things.

He did gain something from his trip to the Lost Stone Forest, but it was far from big.

And the vacation has just begun, so he still has a lot of time to spend.

Lean didn't have many things, so after simply packing them up, Lean returned the hotel room.

"So, where to go next?" Rean walked out of the town and said looking at the path leading into the distance.

"Forget it, never mind, wherever you go." Since there was no clear destination, Lean decided to leave the matter to God.

He raised his hand and disappeared on this country road in an instant.

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