Hogwarts: I Am Such a Model Wizard

Chapter 779: Don't talk about martial arts

Chapter 779: Not talking about martial ethics

The appearance of Kyle and others caught the Death Eaters off guard. Perhaps in their view, it was impossible for Aurors to support them in such a short period of time, so they did not pay too much attention to their own backs from the beginning.

While they were distracted, some shopkeepers reacted quickly and began to attack the Death Eaters.

 The original situation was reversed in an instant.

 “Collapsed!” Kyle knocked away another Death Eater again, and when he was about to replace him, he suddenly noticed a strange-colored smoke floating next to him.

At the same time, an indescribable stench flowed down the tip of his nose and reached the sky, as if the whole world suddenly became clear!


Kyle resisted the urge to spit out his dinner, and immediately gave up the idea of ​​continuing to deal with the Death Eaters, and instead used the Bubble Curse on himself.

  After doing this, he took two deep breaths and felt much better instantly.

"Fred, George!" Kyle's voice sounded a little muffled because of the bubbles, but the anger in it was obvious, "Can't you use some normal means?"

"This is normal!" Fred blinked in the mist and said innocently: "As the owner of a magic trick shop, I only use some magic props during battles. Is there any problem?"

 It’s not that they have the guts to run away, it’s just that they really have no choice.


The most likely possibility now is that Voldemort and Dumbledore will fight in Austria and both sides will lose.

It seems that the Death Eaters did not act together. Those elites disappeared after leaving the Ministry of Magic, leaving only such a group of rabble with numerical superiority to attract most people's attention here.

It's just that in that case, there won't be as many people caught as now.

Of course, these are all Kyle's guesses, or those elite Death Eaters may not be somewhere else.

 After Mr. Weasley explained the situation in the Ministry of Magic to them, the surroundings immediately became quiet.

But Voldemort can only do it, just like two evenly matched Quidditch teams. If one side wants to win, it is impossible to pay no price at all.

They didn't like Fudge, or rather, few people liked this indecisive minister, but after hearing the news that he had been killed by Death Eaters, everyone still felt uncomfortable and indescribably panicked.

The smell spread so quickly that when the wind blew, it filled the entire street, leaving no place to hide.

Kyle came up with this idea when he met Dumbledore.

This is the purpose of the Death Eaters. By killing the Minister of Magic, they disrupt the Ministry of Magic's plans against them. At the same time, they can also establish their authority and severely damage the morale of their opponents. The benefits are not too many.

 “Thank you for your support…”

Judging from the current situation, the Death Eaters have been very successful. Everyone knows their purpose, but there is no way to deal with it.

Not only the Death Eaters, but also the shopkeepers who were with them began to subconsciously run further away from them.


 But among the people present, no one had this kind of self-control.

After the last Death Eater was thrown out, the shopkeepers stepped forward to express their gratitude. However, because the news had not spread yet, they did not know that something had happened in the Ministry of Magic, and they all complained about the Aurors and Strikers. Inaction.

The other one was even worse. His body ran away and his head was left in place. Because he didn't know the opponent's destination, Kyle couldn't do anything even if he wanted to help.

 After all, Britain is so big, and Diagon Alley is not the only place that is famous.

What he was now certain of was that Dumbledore must have been injured, and the injury was not serious. His entire arm was almost crippled. Only Voldemort could do this.

This resulted in the Death Eaters' combat effectiveness being directly reduced by half, or maybe more, and then being knocked down one by one by Kyle and Mr. Weasley.

Similarly, this is also the reason why the battle will end so quickly. There is one thing to say. Apart from the large number of people, their combat effectiveness is really not very good. Even without Fred and George's secret weapons, Kyle is sure to win in half an hour. Solve them within.

 A total of thirty-three Death Eaters, none of whom could escape, were all **** and thrown aside.

Kyle turned around again, and to his disappointment, none of these people were familiar faces, neither Barty Crouch Jr. nor Bellatrix were among them.

As more and more dung eggs exploded one after another, the stench soon began to permeate Diagon Alley, and as the instigators of all this, Fred and George immediately became the two most disliked people. As a person, I avoid everything I go.

The battle ended quickly and dramatically due to the unscrupulous behavior of Fred and George.

After saying that, the two waved to Kyle, ran to the place with the most Death Eaters again, and took out more dung eggs.

If you can't run back...tsk tsk, that scene will be a bit bloody.

When Kyle saw this, he could only quickly walk to Mr. Weasley, who had not yet realized what was going on, and reminded him to use the Bubble Charm to protect himself as soon as possible.

“The Ministry of Magic is really unreliable. No one has come to support it for such a long time. Could it be that Fudge and Scrimgeour were having a candlelight dinner together?”

Mr. Weasley tried his best to offer words of encouragement, but with little effect.

There were several other people who tried to escape, and without exception they all left something behind...some were a leg, some were half an arm.

 There’s nothing I can do about it, the smell is too strong and I can’t stand it.

“By the way, we can also advertise our store.” George was also not affected by the smell, and said with a smile: “As you know, the current situation is not good, and our store has not been open for a long time.”

Of course, he just didn’t want to. If he remembered correctly, when he was besieging the shopkeepers just now, this man was the one who laughed the most and looked like he was enjoying it.

This is good for now. If his body can run back before the protective magic of the Apparition Spell expires, it is possible to reattach his head.

Even the Minister of Magic was killed by Death Eaters... What can ordinary wizards like them do to protect their own safety?

No one spoke, the atmosphere was as cold as frost, and even the stench that had not dissipated around them seemed unimportant.

The only thing everyone can do now is to make every effort to remedy the situation...elect a new minister as soon as possible and get the Ministry of Magic up and running again, but this also takes time.

More importantly, it is almost difficult for ordinary wizards to concentrate under the influence of this smell. Unless they have great perseverance and self-control, there is no way to apparate.

 The reason for doing this is probably that they want to hide something...for example, to distract the injured Voldemort.


After a while, Fred and George couldn't stand the atmosphere anymore, and they were worried about their shop. After saying a few words to Mr. Weasley, they ran forward quickly.

 And their actions also brought several shopkeepers back to their senses.

Kyle thought for a moment and followed them. Florin Fusco, the owner of the cold drink shop, looked at their backs hesitantly, as if he wanted to say something, but after hesitating for a moment, he still sighed. No words were spoken.

 He came to Kyle and said, "Thank you, you saved me again."

"It's nothing." Kyle shook his head, "If you really want to thank me, just treat me to ice cream."

"Of course, no problem." Florin Fusco patted his chest and said generously: "No matter when you come, you can eat for free. This promise will always be valid!"

"That would be great." Kyle's eyes lit up, and he became more determined to open a store in Diagon Alley.

As for what kind of store to open... Subconsciously, he turned to look at the person in the Quidditch boutique, but the other person turned his attention to the side without hesitation. Just kidding, how much does an ice cream cost? Even the cheapest broom can be eaten there for half a year.

 “Tsk, stingy.” Kyle couldn’t help curling his lips, and could only give up the idea of ​​opening another Quidditch boutique for the time being.


At this time, Fred and George's screams suddenly came from the distance, and Kyle subconsciously took out his wand.

"Don't be nervous." Florin Fusco said, "I think their screams have nothing to do with the Death Eaters. They probably just found their own shop."

 “What do you mean?” Kyle asked.

"It's just..." Florin Fusco looked at Mr. Weasley's eyes and said hesitantly: "The extent of the damage to their trick shop may be a little serious."

Out of curiosity, Kyle immediately ran over to see what was going on.

Weasley’s Wizarding Wheezes was still some distance away from the entrance to Diagon Alley. Before Kyle could reach the place, he heard their shrill screams again, one after another.

 The sound was terrible, as if someone had taken away all their galleons.

But the truth is pretty much the same.

 Their store is gone.

As soon as Kyle turned the corner, his field of view suddenly became wider. The originally neatly arranged shops suddenly became empty.

 The missing one is Fred and George's shop.

Probably because it was specially taken care of by the Death Eaters, Weasley's Wizarding Wheezes was one of the most severely damaged shops in the entire Diagon Alley.

The gate and the Weasley statue that served as a sign were smashed to pieces and scattered on the ground. Even the walls and windows were not spared.

It used to be an exquisite two-story building, but now there is only a pile of rubble, which can be about half a meter high when piled together.

 The products that were neatly displayed were thrown everywhere...on the street, on the ground, on the opposite wall, but not on the shelves.

Let’s put it this way, if he hadn’t known in advance that there was a store here, Kyle would have thought someone dumped the construction waste here.

 But it’s not difficult to understand…

Fred and George have been making jokes about Voldemort for quite a while now. They haven't taken down the "Constipation Ren" advertisement yet. Not only that, they also posted many spoof portraits of famous Death Eaters.

For example, Bellatrix and Rodolphus Lestrange were painted as a pair of ugly Cornish elves who were madly biting each other to promote their new products. Sugar, a candy that makes you lose your temper after eating it.

There is also a goblin with the same face as Antonin Dolokhov... It is advertised as a bald hat. After wearing it, it will temporarily become various forms of baldness, but the hair will grow back after two days, which is also currently The most popular prank product in their store.

  Kyle had seen many people sneaking this kind of hat into the castle when he was in school. They would wear this kind of ordinary-looking hat with their school uniform to avoid Filch's inspection.

 After you get it, you can pretend to let others use it casually, or wear it yourself, and then show your bare head everywhere.

The little wizard who is not troubled by hair loss seems to regard this as a very interesting thing and enjoys it endlessly.

By the way, it is said that the inspiration for this hat came from Mr. Weasley, but so far Mr. Weasley himself does not know about it, and Fred and George are also very stubborn and insist on refusing to admit it. , only said that he came up with this idea after seeing Professor Slughorn at Hogwarts.

But the problem is that they had already graduated when Slughorn taught, and the hats were sold in October last year. At that time, they were still working at the Ministry of Magic and had no chance to see Slughorn. kindness.

But this is not important anymore.

 In short, Fred and George have been using Death Eaters and Voldemort to promote their new products. Although this approach is very relaxing, it is equally risky.

For example, like now... Death Eaters appear in Diagon Alley to cause destruction. After discovering this "rebellious" behavior, they will naturally not let it go.

So Weasley's Wizarding Wheezes was demolished, and it was demolished completely.

 “My shop!” Fred and George’s screams echoed in the early morning night air.

"Kill them...Kill them!" George's eyes were red, and he took out all the dung eggs on his body, intending to teach the Death Eaters a lesson they would never forget.

 For example, stuffing dung eggs into their mouths, and then stuffing them into a bigger dung egg.

"Don't be impulsive. Mr. Weasley is asking them questions. It's not too late to teach them a lesson after he's finished asking." Kyle stopped him in time.

When he came just now, Mr. Weasley was asking those Death Eaters about the mysterious man's plan and the location of other Death Eaters. If those people really knew anything, Fred and George's quarrel would actually delay the business.

"But my store...this is our hard work..." George struggled hard and couldn't even speak clearly.

"I know, but have you forgotten that you are a wizard?" Kyle said helplessly, "Remember what Professor Flitwick said? You are wizards, not baboons with sticks."

 He waved his magic wand, and the stones on the ground immediately spliced ​​back together and returned to their original positions.

Fred and George were stunned for a moment before they realized...Yes, how could they forget the repair spell?

So the two immediately gave up the trouble of finding Death Eaters and instead joined the work of repairing the shop.

 First it was the wall, and then the broken glass window was restored to integrity and automatically returned to the window frame...

"You should be lucky that the Death Eaters used fire spells instead of fire spells." Kyle restored a dark statue fragment to its original state and said, "Otherwise, even if you are proficient in repair spells, It’s no use either.”

"Then they're dead!" Fred said through gritted teeth.

"However, they probably don't dare to use the Fire Curse." George calmed down and said, "That thing can't be controlled well but it will affect your own people. There are a lot of Death Eaters coming this time. Unless they want to Get in there yourself.”

As he spoke, he glanced at Kyle meaningfully.

So far, he has only seen a wizard like Kyle who can use the Fire Spell as an ordinary fire spell.

Dumbledore and Voldemort are certainly possible, but he has never seen them.

With the joint efforts of the three of them, it took only five minutes to rebuild Weasley's Wizarding Wheezes.

Then there are the surrounding magic props. This is much more difficult than repairing the store, and many of these props are one-time consumable products, such as maps and various potions. If they are broken, they are broken, and the repair spell is useless at all.

There are also those more complicated things that cannot be repaired in a short time.

They did a quick count and found that the store was more than half empty than before.

 Looking at the empty counters and shelves, Fred and George turned purple. These were all galleons, just gone!

At this moment, their hatred for the Death Eaters and Voldemort reached its peak, and they wanted to tear them apart and put them on the shelves.


 (End of this chapter)

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