Hogwarts: I Am Such a Model Wizard

Chapter 284: daily prophet

Chapter 284 Daily Prophet

After asking several times but never receiving a response, Kyle reluctantly put the diary back into the box.

 Is this a dead end?

 It’s boring, he has something even more exciting that he didn’t make up…well, he didn’t mention it yet.

 Psychological endurance is really poor.

Kyle put the box and the ink bottle back under the bed, and then arranged the parchment on the table.

After careful inspection, Kyle found two more errors, and they were all details that could be overlooked if you weren't paying attention.

One part may be a coincidence, but there are three problems in a row...it's obviously intentional.

Riddle is indeed not an honest kid. It has only been a few days and he is already thinking about causing trouble.

Kyle shook his head and looked through the other contents on the parchment against the "Magic Symbol Collection".


 “Kyle, where have you been all day?”

It was getting dark, and as soon as Kyle arrived in the Great Hall after leaving the Room of Requirement, Fred and George ran over and pulled him to sit down at the Gryffindor table.

"I'm reading a book." Kyle said, "What's wrong~www.wuxiamtl.com~all day long?" Fred was a little unbelievable.

“And you didn’t even have lunch!” George said, “We waited for you in the auditorium for two hours at noon.”

“I was so absorbed in watching it that I forgot.” Kyle explained calmly.

 “What do you want from me?”

“No wonder you got full marks on the exam...” Fred muttered quietly, but didn’t ask any more questions.

 He took out a copy of the Daily Prophet

 “I know why Lucius Malfoy is so angry, look at this!”

Looking at the familiar photo of a speeding car on the front page of the Daily Prophet, Kyle was slightly stunned.

 “What are you doing with a newspaper from a few days ago?”

 “This is today’s newspaper, just using the same photo.”

George pointed to the eye-catching caption above the photo:

 “Conspiracy at King’s Cross Station, the life of the savior hangs by a thread.”

Still an article by Rita Skeeter.

However, unlike the last time where the entire article was condemning Mr. Weasley, in this article, he has transformed into a positive character who is thoughtful and thoughtful.

Although it is only a short sentence...but this is Rita Skeeter's article, and it is already rare to have so many complimentary words.

Other than that, the rest is not so friendly.

“We learned that on the first day of Hogwarts, the entrance to platform 9 was suddenly closed early, resulting in two students being unable to enter the platform.

An insider revealed that one of the two students was actually Harry Potter who defeated the mysterious man..."

 The article describes the scene in great detail, as if she was there.

“To seal the platform in advance requires a very advanced Confusion Charm, which even Aurors may not be able to do easily...

But according to a parent of a student, he seemed to have seen a man in black robes at King's Cross Station... The look was very similar to the notorious Death Eaters.

The person in charge of guarding the platform at the Ministry of Magic also said that when the entrance was sealed, he was clearing the memory of a Muggle family... attracted by the hoot of an owl, they accidentally saw a wizard entering the platform. "


Kyle turned to Fred and George and asked, "Have you been seen by Muggles?"

 The only wizards who entered the platform before the entrance was closed were the Weasley family.

 “No….” George was not sure either.

"But we didn't hear any owls hooting when we were at King's Cross Station."

Kyle nodded and continued reading. “Is this a coincidence? Or is the platform closure an elaborate plot by someone to kill Harry Potter and avenge You-Know-Who?

 And that person may be hidden among the parents sending students away..."

 “We received a letter from home this morning.”

 Fred said with a hint of joy in his voice, "Dad's investigation is over."

“Thanks to you, Kyle.” George stepped forward and patted him **** the shoulder.

Kyle shook his head.

 In fact, even without him, Dumbledore would not sit back and watch Mr. Weasley lose his job, but it would not be so soon.

"It seems that Lucius Malfoy should have received the news in advance and knew that Mr. Weasley was fine."

Kyle said with a smile: "No wonder he said yesterday that "Weasley" will not be so lucky forever, instead of "you"..."

"That's it."

Fred couldn't help but laugh: "And it's not just that, look at this again!"

 He turned over a page of the newspaper, and there was a paragraph on the back.

“The member of the Ministry of Magic who was guarding the platform said that he saw a total of six wizards at King’s Cross Station at that time, including Lucius Malfoy…”

 After seeing this name, Kyle immediately understood what Fred and George meant.

Lucius was originally a "suspected Death Eater". According to Fudge's character, he might have investigated him after learning about this incident.

 “Rita Skeeter... is amazing.”

Fred smacked his lips and said, "We prepared three letters in total, but only sent one."

"The remaining two letters have been thrown away." George spread his hands and said: "She wrote in much more detail than us."

 “Maybe someone else wrote to her too.”

At this time, Harry on the side said thoughtfully: "Look here...only the people in school know that I hit the Whomping Willow, but she also knows it."

 “Yes, we think so too.” George smiled.

Although the development of things was a bit unexpected, as long as Mr. Weasley can successfully pass the investigation, it doesn't matter who writes the letter.


 In the wizarding world, any topic related to mysterious people or Death Eaters will immediately become a hot topic.

Although a day had passed, people in the auditorium still glanced at Harry from time to time during dinner.

At the guest of honor seat, Lockhart was also talking about this matter with other professors, saying that he was not at the station at the time, otherwise the Death Eater would have been caught.

 As for Harry...he didn't pay attention to the looks of these people.

 Mainly because after such a long time, he has already gotten used to it... This is still good. It was even more exaggerated when he first entered school last year.

 And he had other things on his mind.

To be honest, after seeing today's Daily Prophet, even Harry himself had some doubts about whether this was true.

This is all too coincidental.

 He couldn't help but think again of the house elf named Dobby who had robbed his letters during the holidays and caused him to be warned by the Ministry of Magic.

The other party also didn’t want him to return to Hogwarts.

Why on earth does it do this? Does the platform thing have anything to do with it? Is there any connection between it and Voldemort...or Death Eaters?

 Harry was puzzled.


 (End of this chapter)

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