It's another big amount of energy in the account.

Vesy almost burst out laughing.

Sure enough, there are many energy points in this way.

There is hardly anyone who does not sympathize with her.

Even if he didn't know what happened before, after being popularized by others, he would show a sympathetic and pitying expression to Wei Xi.

Mr. Weasley was even more sympathetic to her.

Because Ron was also captured by those people at that time, Vessie changed everyone and saved Ron.

This made their whole family grateful to Vesey.

After all, if it weren't for Vessy, Ron would probably be just like the innocent third-year student who was still being treated at St. Man~Go.

Or maybe like that Millicent, he became a vampire wizard, and now he's under close surveillance, - with little freedom left.

"It's okay, I know it, I'm here to convey Dumbledore's words, he said he'll be there later, so don't be afraid......"

Mr. Weasley said sadly.

He had been a little puzzled when he heard Dumbledore's summons before.

It's going to be a while, it's going to be there, why do you have to let him convey it?

Now that he looked at the child's appearance, he finally understood.

This child is already afraid of this, and if it comes to the trial in a while, she will definitely be even more afraid.

He even wanted to accompany Vesey to the trial himself.

With such a Weixi, he is not at ease at all.

But he accompanied Vesey to the door of the trial, and did not let him in.

Because he was neither a member of the Wizengamot, nor a law enforcement officer, or even a witness.

Tonks, they couldn't get in, so they had to hand over Vesey to a wizard who came to approach.

Luckily, the wizard was a woman, and she nodded at Vicsy and motioned for her to follow in.

However, when she entered the hall, she did not lead Vesey to her place, but led him to a chair in the middle of the hall with chains on it.

"Sit on!"

The witch whispered.

Then she turned and left.

Viche didn't care about the things on the chair and sat down directly.

But she immediately realized that she might seem a little too calm, so she feigned uneasiness and moved.

Her face was even paler as paper.

She looked cautiously ahead.

There were rows of chairs, and the chairs were already full of people.

In front of the chairs is a row of tables.

In the middle of the table was supposed to be Fudge, and next to him sat a witch dressed in pink.

Vesey was almost immediately sure that the witch might be Umbridge.

In the original book, one of the most annoying characters.

Umbridge was excitedly flipping through the materials on the table, whispering a few words to Fudge from time to time.

Not much.

She coughed loudly on purpose, as if to remind her.

All eyes were on him.

Then Fudge made a sound.

"Well, that's the end of today's trial......"

He didn't finish his sentence when the door suddenly opened.

It was Dumbledore who came in.

Fudge's face changed.

"I don't know why, no one invited me for such a big thing, I really don't know why?"

Dumbledore asked calmly.

Fudge opened his mouth, as if to say something, but said nothing.

Dumbledore didn't seem to mind if he couldn't speak.

He looked through the whole hall and said with a smile, "Oh my God, everybody's here, and I saw a lot of my old friends, full of people......"

There was laughter in the hall.

Dumbledore was invited to sit down, and others sneered.

Apparently mocking Dumbledore for not having a stool to sit on.

But Dumbledore didn't care, and he came to Vessy's side, as if reaching out to touch her shoulder.

Vesy closed her eyes tightly.

She didn't hide, but her whole body kept shaking.

Ding, +10 energy points

Ding, +10 energy points

Ding, +10 energy points


Dumbledore's hand was lowered.

There was a gleam of water in his blue eyes. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Even if he was worried that the child was a bastard like Voldemort, he didn't feel comfortable at all to see this child become like this.

"It's okay, don't be afraid!"

He said in a deep voice.

The sound is as reliable as ever.

Vesie nodded as if she was holding back fear.

Dumbledore wanted to comfort her again, but he was surprised to find that such a thing had happened, and Vesie didn't cry.

She's sad to be strong.

He sighed softly.

Then with a wave of his wand, a chair was placed next to Visie.


Fudge screamed loudly.

Dumbledore sat down with a smile, looked at Fudge and said:

"Oh, I'm sorry, I saw that there was no place for me, so I conjured up a seat for myself, no one should have an opinion, right?"

Fudge hurriedly looked behind him.

Those people did have a lot of people who were dissatisfied with Dumbledore, so this time they were able to make these people deliberately not inform Dumbledore.

He hoped that those people would stand up and accuse Dumbledore.

But he made a mistake.

Those people were really dissatisfied with Dumbledore, and even whispered about whether Dumbledore was old and had something wrong with his brain.

But the point is, none of them spoke out loud.

It's all buzzing like flies.

This made Fudge almost have a heart attack.

He glared at the men viciously, and in the end he had no choice but to ignore Dumbledore.

He looked at Vessy.

Thinks Vesey is best bullied.

After all, Wei Xi looks pale now, her body trembles, she must be a persimmon who can handle it.

He flipped to a certain page and asked with a sneer, "Visy Potter, right?"

Visy nodded.

Fudge glanced at Umbridge.

Umbridge immediately laughed and said, "Miss Potter, you have to make a voice to be able to answer the Minister's question!"

She said pretentiously.

Vesy almost fell with disgusting goosebumps.

But with so many people there, she could only nod timidly.

"Okay, I'm Vesie Potter!"

Fudge was satisfied.

"What do you think of someone accusing you of teaming up with a vampire wizard to kill people in the street?"

What's that?

Vesy almost laughed.


This Fudge is really shameless!

She is like this, no matter how you look at it, she is a victim, and she was interrogated by him as a bastard?

But she also knew that Fudge was deliberately trying to provoke him.

She was not annoyed, thought about it, pretended to be frightened, almost stood up and asked:

"Murder? Who died? When I left with them, wasn't it certain that no one died?"

Ding, +10 energy points

Ding, +10 energy points

Ding, +10 energy points


Her words sent guilty expressions on many people's faces.

They were actually interrogating a good boy who left with a group of gangsters for the safety of so many people.

The child had only just woken up from a coma, she even suffered ......

Some people blushed and covered their faces, and they really wanted to disappear here immediately.

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