Hogwarts Diary: Snape Goes Crazy

Chapter 320 Do You Really Like Me?

After the second project, the most heated discussion was about Vesey's underwater performance.

Vesey's series of operations are simply the most shocking thing for everyone.

After all, no one has ever been able to do such a thing. Letting a mermaid take the initiative to lead the way and help her unlock it is unprecedented.

Meanwhile, Ronald suddenly became popular.

It's not about what he participated in, but his vivid description. He told the process of Vesey's communication with those mermaids in a very interesting way.

The psychological activities of those mermaids were even discussed.

Padma was very interested in his appearance.

Every time he met in the corridor, Padma would take the initiative to talk to him.

Just as Vesey was thinking that they might be able to get together as a couple, she heard Ronald's unhappy voice:

"Is she really annoyed? I really don't understand. Does she want to listen to my analysis all day long?"

Even his passion for telling stories to others diminished.

This is really the red thread that Yue Lao pulled, and he cut it again.

Cupid shot the arrow of love and he let Cupid go away.

After entering March, the weather became warmer.

They also sent Sirius a letter agreeing to meet him.

And told them the date they were going to Hogsmeade.


Sirius's reply came.

857 It said that they should meet at the end of Hogsmeade village at two o'clock in the afternoon, and bring a pile of food, the more the better.

Vesey's eyes turned red as soon as she saw the letter.

"He must have suffered a lot because of us...

Harry also felt extremely guilty.

He even began to think, why did he tell Sirius all these things? Was Sirius really what he wanted when he suffered from hunger all the way here?

But after feeling guilty, he felt better again.

If possible, he really wanted to see Sirius now.

2 p.m.

Harry followed Vesey and the others to Potions class.

These are the last two classes of the week.

After Vesey and the others won the second competition, Malfoy stopped looking for them. He thought that Harry's victory was a fluke.

But he himself had to admit that Harry, who could pass in second place, was indeed not someone he could laugh at.

Harry and the others were used to Malfoy's gloominess these days.

But this time, before the Potions class started, Malfoy and the others showed arrogant expressions.

When he saw Harry coming, he couldn't help laughing wildly.

"They're coming, they're coming!"

They laughed loudly.

Harry and the others looked over and found (cjbg) that each of them was holding a copy of "Network Master Weekly".

"Give me a copy and let me read it!"

Vesey held out her hand to Pansy.

Pansy subconsciously gave it to her, but when she realized it, she quickly hugged Malfoy's arm and shouted, "Oh, Potter is bullying people!"

He winked at Vesey behind his back.

Vesey smiled at her and opened the magazine.

When she reached the middle of the page, she finally found what she wanted to read.

"The Secret Heartbroken History of Vesey Potter"

Good guy.

Was it written about her?

So what are those Malfoy people laughing at?

Vesey looked down curiously.

Miss Vesey Potter is a unique girl. Dumbledore told everyone that Vesey was born in a sanatorium and was recuperating there due to poor health.

But the reporter learned that this was not the case.

Vesey Potter was born in an orphanage, and she suffered a lot since childhood.

"She is blind, and when she came to school, she didn't even know she was smart!"

Miss Pansy Parkinson of Slytherin told reporters this.

"I've never seen such a pitiful girl like her again."

The reporter also sounded sympathetic.

Such a girl should have grown up with the love of Dumbledore and Harry Potter.

But no.

The reporter asked the Gringotts commissioners, and they said that the entire Potter family's treasury was in the palm of Harry Potter's hands.

He had no intention of giving anything to Vesey, because he believed that all the Potter family's property should belong to him. This was a male desire for exclusivity.

This resulted in Vesey Potter's life being in straits, and she had to work hard to win first place in the Triwizard Tournament in order to maintain her life.

Of course, these are just a few minor setbacks for this poor girl.

Vesey snorted.

Malfoy was speechless.

Forget about having trouble with Harry, this guy actually slandered her wife?

I really hope that Dumbledore can face up to this problem, and I also hope that Vesey and her brother Harry Potter can return to normal life with everyone's best wishes.

At Hogwarts, the drug is apparently banned.

"If you stay away from her, I won't talk about her..."

"Vesey is our house beauty, and all of us Slytherin boys regard her as a goddess, but our goddess is confused by that Granger.

Malfoy glared at her.

"Are you okay? I'll forget it if you arrange it, now you start to arrange it Hermione, what's wrong with you, Hermione?"

To Vesey, this girl from the Muggle world was incredible.

As we all know, Hermione Granger is Vesey Potter's good friend. In the second competition, Miss Granger appears as Vesey's "baby".

"Every time I see her, I feel like I've seen something annoying. I really hope she can stay away from Vesey!"

Vesey asked calmly.

Vesey said coldly.

We all suspect that she gave Vesey and Harry Potter some kind of drug, otherwise why would they both be crazy and surrounding her?"

But what she didn't know was that Miss Granger was only friends with her because of her brother.

Malfoy looked at her stubbornly.

"But if I don't do this, I won't even get your dislike."

He rarely saw Vesey smile at him.

It would be fine if this Miss Granger was really beautiful, but Miss Granger's appearance is ordinary. Standing next to Vesey, she looks like an ugly duckling and a white swan.

"Then I'm sorry. I don't like you, and I haven't done anything extraordinary to you. I hope you can reflect on yourself and stop provoking me. Otherwise, there won't just be a fight waiting for you!"

A noble boy named Draco Malfoy said helplessly.

Malfoy calmly stated the key to the matter.

He wanted to say that he did all this for Vesey, but Vesey was not happy about all this.

All you can see is Vesey getting angry at him.

The Vesey he usually sees doesn't even look at him. No matter what he does, he can't attract her attention.

Harry Potter dated her all day long. It was obvious that Harry Potter already had his official girlfriend, a girl with an oriental face who was very beautiful and smart.

She tossed Wizarding Weekly aside.

You hate my brother and my friends. If you say you like him, what do you mean? I have saved you before, but I don’t want you to treat me like this!

Then stared at Malfoy,

"I can't feel it, Malfoy, I don't feel any love from what you do, I just feel that you are torturing me.

Miss Granger is a witch who likes to collect celebrities. She maintains a best friend relationship with Vesey and uses this relationship to seduce Harry Potter.

But Harry still didn't want to let go of Miss Granger.

"You really can't feel it? Don't you know what I want?"

"That's not the reason for your nonsense, Malfoy. Do you want to fight?"

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