Hogwarts Diary: Snape Goes Crazy

Chapter 187: What Does Voldemort Know About Women?

The dinner lasted all night, and the House Cup was awarded. This year, Slytherin and Gryffindor were tied together.

This made Harry exhale several times.

But the Gryffindor students didn't care, they just felt that they were shocked to win the House Cup.

Students throughout the school were discussing what Vesey and Harry had done, and they thought it was amazing.

It turns out that Vesey and the others have had such a wonderful experience this year.

Justin and Ernie came together and apologized. They felt really guilty.

Although Harry only politely expressed his forgiveness, they were also very happy.

Hagrid came back at three o'clock in the morning.

As soon as he saw Harry and the others, he hugged them and cried.

"Thanks to you, thanks to Vesey, otherwise I would have died there!"

Professor McGonagall told them that because of what happened this year, the end-of-semester exams were cancelled.

This sentence successfully made Hermione put down the book in her hand, and she couldn't help but cheer.

Next Dumbledore made an announcement about Lockhart.

He said something happened to Lockhart's spell and he needed to go to St. Mungo's to retrieve his memory.

This news won the cheers of almost all the teachers and students in the school.

Even the professors applauded.

It's obvious that Lockhart is annoying.

This year, he completely lost the love of everyone at Hogwarts.

During the last period of this semester, they had no classes at all.

Every day he would go to the school doctor's office and stay until night, only to leave after being urged by Madam Pomfrey.

They feel happy even doing homework next to Vesey.

There is also good news.

Lucius Malfoy was fired from the school board.

Malfoy can no longer walk around this school with arrogance.

He was getting a little sullen now.

Ginny has returned to her former lively and cheerful self, and now she always stays by Vesey's bedside, chatting with Hermione, or doing homework.

And every time Ginny came over, Ronald would wink at Harry.

But it's strange to say that Harry used to think that Ginny liked him, after all, Ginny would blush when she saw him, but now she doesn't even seem nervous anymore.

She would say hello generously and look as free and easy as Hermione.

This made him feel helpless towards Ronald's teasing.

Ginny definitely didn't like him anymore.

Harry was aware of this, but didn't see anything wrong with it.

There was even a small sigh of relief.

He has absolutely no thoughts of falling in love right now.

Maybe it was Voldemort who made Ginny realize that love is worse than making friends, right?

Thinking of Voldemort's slander against Ginny in the Chamber of Secrets, Harry shook his head helplessly.

Voldemort is really not a good guy, he even spread rumors that Ginny likes Vesey.

This is really ridiculous.

What kind of joke did the two girls say?

What does Voldemort know about women?

Two weeks later, Vesey finally woke up.

As soon as she woke up, she was faced with a double kiss from Ginny and Hermione.

It seemed that during the time she was sleeping, the two people seemed to have become good friends. Even if they kissed her together, they were not very angry.

Vesey was a little confused, but still very happy.

In addition, when she returned to the Slytherin common room, Cassandra hugged her for a while before running away with a red face.

Vesey really felt disappointed. For a moment, she seemed to see Cassandra about to kiss her.

It seems that he was obsessed with sex and had hallucinations.

When she went to the auditorium for dinner in the evening, she enjoyed unprecedented treatment. Almost half of the students in the school wanted to hug her or shake hands with her.

Dumbledore also ordered a band to come over for a small celebration.

Hagrid lifted her up, put her on his shoulders, and ran around the entire school, much to Vesey's delight.


Almost in the blink of an eye, they were about to board the Hogwarts Express and leave.

Harry, Ronald, Hermione, Ginny, Fred, and Vesey occupied a separate box.

Fred and George set off a huge firework for them, but it almost jumped into Vesey's lap, which made Ginny and Hermione angry for a long time.

It was Vesey who interceded for them.

This made Fred and George secretly tell Vesey that they suspected that when Ginny was controlled, she actually learned how to get angry from their mother.

Ginny looked terrible.

As for Hermione, she must be going through menopause.

Women are all tigers!

When the train arrived at King's Cross Station, Ronald seemed to suddenly remember something and asked Ginny: "What did you see Percy that he didn't let you say?"

Ginny glanced at Vesey.

She said a little embarrassedly: "It's like this, Percy has a girlfriend."

Fred smashed the book on George's head.

George actually didn't respond.

"It's Penello, Ravenclaw's prefect. I saw them kissing in the empty classroom downstairs..."

He wrote to Penello last summer vacation. He always thought that this was what I wanted to say, which made him feel extremely embarrassed... You won't laugh at him, right?"

"I would never dream of thinking this way!"

Fred said in surprise………

But looking at him, it's like Christmas has come early!

Who is Harry Potter?

"Okay, I say it's time for you to go!"

He was staring at Harry as if Harry was evil.

And the woman he met before he and Petunia got married.

This year, she could finally talk to the Dursleys properly.

Where have you seen it?

"Happy? They will be disappointed that I didn't die there!"

Vesey originally planned to meet the Dursleys last year, but because of the vampire incident in episode 1.9, she naturally couldn't.

Just like today’s girls are still very young.

And this girl actually looks even prettier than Lily. When she looks at people, her eyes are like a blue spring.

She should be Lily Evans' child, but...

"Who are you......"

That bad old man couldn't have sent it to the wrong one, right?

Of course, there are still differences.

"Hello, are you Mr. Dursley?"

When walking out of the station, Hermione said hesitantly: "Your aunt and uncle will be happy if you do such a crazy thing at Hogwarts this year!"

Vesey raised his head.

When the Hogwarts Express was about to arrive at the station, Harry took out a pen and paper and wrote a few notes.

Vernon Dursley looked at Vesey with a frown.

at the Evans home.

Harry twitched the corners of his mouth.

At this time, an angry voice appeared next to them.

As soon as Vesey was pulled out of the passage by Harry, she was hugged by Mrs. Weasley.

Mrs. Weasley smiled.

Lily Evans.

"This is the phone number. If you miss me, just call me or invite me to hang out. I can't bear to spend the whole summer talking to Song Jili, Dezhongli Shijia..."

The fat, well-dressed man was looking at them with disgust.

"Oh, dear, you're back safely. Although Ginny keeps telling us that you're fine, I'm still worried. Are you really fine?"

Penny's sister!

After saying that, he pulled Vesey through the passage.

She waved her wand, and various lights reflected on Vesey's body.

There were pictures of this girl everywhere.

This girl is the one they should raise, and that bad old man sent someone else here?

He always felt like he had seen Vesey somewhere.

These are healthy colors.

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