Hogwarts, a Scholar Becomes a God

Vol 7 Chapter 68: The game is over, the referee scores

Latest website: On the mirror-smooth blue space door, Clark's last scene in the historical fantasy is reflected.

The next moment, the real Clark was "spit" out by the boiling space portal.

The teenager took the treasure brought out of the illusion and landed steadily on the ground. The surroundings were quiet for a while, and then it seemed that someone turned up the volume.

Clark heard the sound from the audience, screaming and applauding, deafening, like the Irish supporters at the World Cup.

"Look!" Bagman shouted from the stands, "Look! Our youngest warrior has slain the dragon and got the treasure! This will shrink Mr. Prewett and the other warriors. The gap between!"

Facing Bagman's exaggerated remarks, the students of the other two schools pouted in dissatisfaction. They looked up at the sunset and sunset in the sky. Clark's game had already taken more than four hours.

This is still in the case that the historical fantasy is inconsistent with the real time flow, and the time he consumes far exceeds other warriors.

At this time, with Clark's appearance, the blue fantasy portal boiled again, and then a bigger guy was "spit" out.

That was the dragon that was just killed by Clark in the illusion, but after leaving the illusion, it regained the appearance of the Hungarian Horntail.

However, compared to when it entered the illusion, its body size shrunk, and the color of its scales turned black and reddish, but it was 60% similar to the evil dragon in the illusion.

In addition, it seems that because of the reason that it had just been beheaded once, the Hungarian Horntail had not recovered from the illusion, and when it fell to the ground, it hung its head and did not move, as if it were dead.

Clark saw that the dragon trainers led by Charlie rushed over to check the status of the Hungarian Hornets.

At the entrance of the field, Professor McGonagall and Hagrid hurried over to greet him.

They were all waving at him, asking him to pass, even from such a long distance, the smiles on their faces were still clearly visible.

In the surrounding stands, the noise of the crowd knocked against his diaphragm, and Clark waved to those who supported him with a bright smile on his face.

Although for the past few months, he has been showing that he doesn't care about the game, and seems to be winning, but the invisible pressure is actually only clear to him.

Now that all the dust has settled, he has successfully passed the first project, and his mood is rarely relieved.

"That's amazing, Clark!"

Professor McGonagall who came over said loudly, saying this from her mouth is already a high praise.

"You need to go to Madam Pomfrey before the referee scores... Although the damage in the illusion is not real, it certainly doesn't feel too good... She's there."

"You did it, Clark!" said Hagrid gruffly. "You did it! And you're dealing with a wasp, you know Charlie says the wasp is the most ferocious—and it's enhanced."

"Thank you, Hagrid," Clark had to say aloud, so that Hagrid wouldn't go on rashly and divulge the fact that he had taken himself to see the dragon beforehand, although it wasn't a big deal.

"Okay, Prewett, please hurry to the emergency tent..." Professor McGonagall said.

Clark waved to the stands again, then walked out of the field in a dashing manner.

He saw Madam Pomfrey standing at the entrance of the second tent, looking anxious.

"Fire dragon!" she said in a tone of disgust, pulling Clark in.

The tent was divided into small compartments, and he recognized Krum's figure through the canvas, after all, he was so tall.

Madam Pomfrey looked closely at Clark's face, and how his shoulders, who had been wounded in the illusion, but now had the same shoulders, complained angrily.

"Last year was the Dementor, this year is the Fire Dragon, what are they going to bring into this school next?

Although it won't hurt in there, who knows if there will be any mental effects... Come on, drink this..."

She handed Clark a glass of the smoky, odd-smelling purple liquid, and then asked him to move his shoulders as ordered to see if there was a problem.

"Okay, sit quietly for a minute—sit down! Then you can watch your score."

She hurried out of the tent, and Clark tasted the purple liquid in the glass. Well, it turned out to be a glass of iced grape juice. Maybe she thought it was similar to wine, and it could make people relax.

"How are you feeling, Clark?" Fleur's voice came from next door.

"Thank you for caring, I feel great." Clark responded with a smile.

He had just finished speaking when two men lifted the tent curtains and rushed in—Hermione, followed by Neville.

"Clark, you're amazing!" Hermione said excitedly, loudly. "You're amazing! That's amazing!"

"Okay, I think Clark himself understands that," Neville reassured her, then looked at Clark too, "but if I tell you, you're amazing!"

"You two, why are you making such a mess." Clark scolded with a smile.

At this moment, Bagman's voice came from outside, and Hermione quickly packed up and wiped away the excited tears from the corners of her eyes.

"Clark, let's go, they're going to rate you..."

Clark walked out of the tent with his head bowed, holding the treasure brought from the historical fantasy in his hand. Neville followed him and told him all the information of the previous three games.

"Among the three, the most aggressive should be Krum of Durmstrang.

His physical strength is very strong, not like a normal human, in addition, his wand and strange, not only can be used for melee attacks, but also with lightning damage.

After entering, he directly found the fire dragon, fought with it, successfully drove it away from the cave, and then picked out a golden wine glass inside.

The girl named Furong cast a kind of magic and summoned many dolls, not only in appearance, but also with good fighting power.

These dolls successfully contained the fire dragon, giving her the opportunity to sneak into the cave and steal the treasure.

But in the end, the fire dragon still spewed out a powerful flame, destroying her and the doll together. "

"As for that Bruce Stewart," Neville hesitated, "I don't know how to describe it. As soon as he entered the cave, he used his spell, cast a big move, and transformed into some strange weapons..."

"It's a musket, Clark!" Hermione, who was born in a Muggle family, added, "After that Bruce Stewart activated the spell, he summoned countless muskets behind him, forming a dense rain of bullets, suppressing the fire dragon. Move, or even run away with serious injuries."

"Although the power of that move is very powerful, among the few warriors, he was the only one who activated the curse mark once. From this point of view, he is not as good as you." Neville said aside.

Clark smiled and shook his head.

"How do you know that the other two people didn't activate the spell seal?

Even if it is not activated, the two of them definitely benefited from it and guided part of the power, otherwise Krum's attack would never bring thunder and lightning, and Furong would never be able to control so many dolls. "

His tone was very determined, as if he had seen it with his own eyes.

Hermione asked curiously at this time, "What about you, did you also use the power of the spell?"

Clark raised his head proudly, "Me? I rely solely on my own strength!"

Of course, the plug-ins brought by the system can also be regarded as a kind of strength.

As they spoke, they came to the edge of the field.

The Hornets had been removed, and Clark could see where the five judges were sitting—just to the right of the auditorium, on raised golden chairs.

"Everyone has a maximum score of ten or less," Neville said.

Clark squinted his eyes and looked into the chair against the sunset. He could only see dark faces. He was completely unable to judge the attitudes of the five referees.

"Please show the warriors the treasures they brought out of the illusion for the judges present to score!"

It was Bagman, and Clark heard his voice.

Although everything just now has been revealed in the blue portal, Clark still raised his right hand and spread his palm.

Under the bright red sunset, a crystal clear blue light was like a wave, rippling from Clark's palm one after another, as if dragging the entire playing field into the deep sea, shocking everyone.

Everyone's eyes were focused on Clark's palm.

There, an aqua blue, teardrop-like transparent gem is exuding a charming light.

That's right, Clark, who acquired the ownership of the Nibelungen Ring, did not take the ring out of the illusion, but obeyed his agreement with the Rhine fairies and returned all the gold to them.

In return and thanks to him, the Rhine Fairy who was fond of Clark also left a tear for him and gave him the teardrop.

According to legend, the merman or the murloc will only shed tears for a loved one in his life, and once the tears fall, they will turn into pearls and gems.

Among them, there is the purest blessing in the world called "love".

The teardrop that Clark has now obtained is such a rare treasure.

As an expert in jewelry and jade identification in the magical world, Mrs. Maxime has seen too many so-called gems, but this "mermaid tear" from Clark is also the first time she has seen it in her life.

It is said that once the owner of this jewel dies, this "mermaid tear" will re-turn into a river, carrying the soul of its owner, to the side of the beloved.

So in today's world, perhaps this is the only one.

The first referee - Madame Maxime - raised her wand in the air.

A long silver ribbon spewed out of her wand, twisting to form a large "9".

"Although I like this gem very much, you took too much time!" Madame Maxime said to the applause of the audience. "I deduct one point for this."

Next was Mr Crouch, who spewed a "9" into the air.

"I also agree with Madame Maxime." Crouch was always so succinct.

"Looks like you have a chance of coming first!" Neville shouted, clapping his hands.

Then Karkaroff raised his wand.

He paused for a moment, and then a number "4" spewed out of his wand too.

"What?" Not only Neville, but some of the audience in the stands exclaimed, "Four points? You nasty, eccentric bastard, you gave Krum a ten!"

However, Karkaroff is still arguing about this, "I admit that this gem is indeed the most precious among the treasures brought out by several warriors, but you have spent too much time killing the dragon. You also surpassed the other warriors."

Fortunately, Ludo Bagman, who followed closely behind, gave another voice that made the audience cheer - 10 points.

10 points! This is full marks!

Neville and Hermione almost jumped up in excitement. Only Clark knew that Bagman's score must contain some favor.

At this point, the four referees have given their answers, and now only Headmaster Dumbledore is left.

Everyone was looking at him, Dumbledore took off his half-moon glasses, wiped them with a cloth, and said in an almost sigh.

"Love! This is arguably the closest thing to an eternal topic, and I'll give you a 9 for this lesson in jewelry alone.

Untested love, however, is like a castle made of sand that will dissipate when the wind blows.

So in my opinion, your kind heart that can still maintain your nature in the face of the temptation of wealth and power, and pursue love and justice, is more precious than this gem.

For the brilliance of your humanity in this game, I decided to give you - 10 points! "

The audience was infected by Dumbledore's words, and immediately burst into applause.

Only Hermione, with the corners of her mouth down, stared viciously at Clark for a long time with a very unkind look.

For a moment, Clark felt that his current situation was worse than facing the dragon in the illusion just now.

He now wished there was a crack in the ground so he could crawl in.

Fortunately, Hermione, who has always known the general situation, knew that it was not suitable to talk about these things, which made Clark, who turned around and left the venue, feel that his mood was lighter than the air. UU Reading www.uukanshu.com

At this time, with the end of the game, more people began to walk down the stands and flock to the four warriors.

Clark saw that it was no longer just the Gryffindor and Ravenclaw students who were cheering for him in the crowd.

In fact, when they saw the challenges Clark faced and saw his intelligence, bravery, and trustworthiness, most of the school's classmates started to support him.

Even some Slytherin students began to be attracted by his charisma and applauded softly.

"Good job!"

"you are awesome!"

"Nice job!"

This was the voice Clark heard the most in the crowd.

At the same time, several pleasant system prompts sounded in his ears.

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