Hogwarts, a Scholar Becomes a God

Vol 7 Chapter 57: 1 group of big guys

Latest website: Hermione finally didn't ask Clark what was Rita Skeeter's handle.

Clark is a person who keeps his word. Since he had already promised Rita Skye, as long as the other party is obedient, he will not reveal her secrets.

The three of them sat in their seats, drinking butterbeer and looking at the people in the tavern.

They all seemed lighthearted and elated.

Ernie McMillan and Hannah Abbott are exchanging cards from Chocolate Frogs with the table next to them.

Ron and Harry are playing magic cards. There is a whole set of cards in the Three Broom Tavern. As long as you spend here, you can play as you like.

At the door of the tavern, Clark also saw Cho Chang and her large group of Ravenclaw friends...

"Look, it's Hagrid!" said Hermione suddenly.

Clark turned his head and saw that Hagrid's huge, disheveled head appeared in the crowd.

Thankfully, he finally stopped tying his hair into a ponytail.

Clark wondered why he hadn't seen Hagrid's size just now.

It wasn't until he got up that he found Hagrid bent down, talking to Professor Moody and Charlie Weasley.

Hagrid had his usual mug of beer in front of him, Charlie was drinking golden mead, and Moody was still holding the curved bottle he carried with him.

The pretty proprietress, Mrs. Rosemerta, seemed displeased, squinting at Moody as she cleared the glasses from the table next to her.

She probably thought Moody's behavior was an insult to her hot mead, but Clark knew it wasn't.

This guy's jug is more likely to contain compound decoction.

Of course, what he said to the public was that an Auror would rather prepare his own food and drink at all times, because it was so easy for a dark wizard to poison an unattended cup.

As Clark looked at them, Hagrid, Charlie, and Moody stood up to leave.

Clark didn't intend to say hello, but Charlie seemed to see him, and stopped, patted Hagrid on the back, and whispered something to him.

Then the three turned around together and walked towards Clark's table.

"How is it, Clark?" Hagrid asked loudly. "Still worrying about the game?"

"Do you think I need that," Clark smiled confidently. "Whatever that is, I'm pretty sure!"

His remarks immediately aroused applause from the little Hogwarts wizards present.

For these children, modesty and prudence are never something they need to consider, and a person who is assertive, outgoing, and confident is more likely to be welcomed by them.

Moody limped around the table and grinned when he heard Clark's words, "Good boy, in my style."

A large, mutilated piece of his nose looked especially obvious from a few inches away.

"Thanks for the compliment, Professor," Clark said.

"However, no matter how good a wizard is, you need to have two or three helpers," Moody glanced at Hermione and Neville. "Even if you are more confident about this game, I think a little more help is right."

Charlie also lowered his head and smiled at Clark, and said in a very low voice that only Clark could hear:

"Clark, go to Hagrid's hut at twelve o'clock in the middle of the night today, and he will show you something good."

Hagrid nodded aside, bent down and said, "Remember to borrow the Invisibility Cloak from Harry."

Then he straightened up and said loudly, deliberately, "Nice to meet you, Hermione."

Then he winked at them and left, Charlie and Moody following him.

"What do they mean, are they going to show you the content of the first game in the middle of the night?" Hermione asked in a low voice.

Clark nodded, "Dumbledore mentioned to me before that cheating is a reserved program for the Triwizard Tournament. I think the principals of several other schools will also open back doors for their students."

"Really?" Hermione was a little surprised. "But don't you know the content of the game? I remember when you took us to the dragon farm last time, you said that the first item is to deal with the fire dragon."

"That's not easy, Clark." Neville reminded aside, "Not to mention that they are huge, and they also breathe dragon flames. The scales of fire dragons are permeated with ancient magic, and only the most powerful spells can penetrate."

"This, of course I know," Clark comforted him. "Don't worry, I'm sure about this match. Don't forget, I'm not an ordinary wizard."

After drinking the butterbeer, they also returned to the castle.

The time came to eleven thirty that night, and Clark, who had gone to bed early, woke up on time, took the invisibility cloak borrowed from Harry, and quietly walked through the common room to the downstairs.

There were still a few people in the common room, and Clark, relying on the ignoring effect of his psionic powers, slipped past them, came to the portrait hole, looked at his watch, and waited for a minute or so.

Then, as originally planned, Hermione opened the Fat Lady's portrait for him from outside.

Clark whispered "Thank you!" and flashed past her and set off across the castle.

At this time, the grounds outside the castle were dark, and Clark walked along the sloping lawn towards Hagrid's hut where the light was still shining.

Beauxbatons' huge carriage was also brightly lit, and when Clark knocked on Hagrid's door, Mrs. Maxime could be heard talking in the carriage.

"You're here, Clark?" Hagrid whispered, opening the door and looking around to make sure no one was around.

"Yeah," Clark said, stepping into the hut, "when are we going to see those big guys?"

"You already know," Hagrid said, "yes, Dumbledore should have told you, but Charlie thinks you should get up close and personal with those guys, that's different from Norberta, they're adult fire dragons! "

Hagrid looked very excited.

Tonight he was dressed very special, with a flower in the buttonhole of his clothes, like a very large artichoke.

There was no more engine oil on his head, but he must have spent a lot of time combing his hair—Clark could see the broken teeth of the comb in his hair.

"Follow me for a while, remember not to make a sound, and cover yourself with an invisibility cloak," Hagrid urged. "We don't take Toya, it won't like it..."

After speaking, he glanced out the window, opened the door of the hut, and strode into the darkness.

Clark hurried to follow, and found that Hagrid was leading him towards Beauxbatons' carriage.

He walked to the carriage and knocked three times on the door marked with two crossed golden wands.

Madame Maxime opened the door, wearing a silk shawl around her incomparably broad shoulders, smiled and nodded at Hagrid when she saw Hagrid.

"Ah, Hagrid... is the time up?"

"Good evening, yes, it's time." Hagrid looked at her with the same smile, and stretched out a hand to help her down the golden steps.

Madame Maxime closed the door of the carriage, Hagrid handed her his arm, and the two walked together around the edge of the makeshift paddock towards the Forbidden Forest.

Clark was behind, trotting to keep up with them.

No, Madame Maxime didn't seem to understand Hagrid's purpose, so after a while, she asked in a playful tone, "Where are you taking me, Hagrid?"

"You'll like it," said Hagrid gruffly. "It's worth a look, trust me. But—don't tell anyone I've shown you, okay? You shouldn't know."

"Of course I won't say it," said Madame Maxime, her long black eyelashes fluttering as if she understood something.

They were still walking, Clark trotting after him.

A few people walked a long way around the edge of the forbidden forest, one after the other, until the castle and the lake were no longer in sight, and Clark heard some movement vaguely.

Several men shouted in front...and then a deafening shrill growl...

Hagrid led Madame Maxime around a thicket of trees and stopped.

Clark followed closely and stood with them—the next moment, for that brief moment, he thought he had seen a few bonfires, and a few men were jumping around the fire.

Immediately afterwards, he realized what those things were.

Fire dragon!

That's right, under the dim moonlight, four fierce-looking adult fire dragons were locked in a field surrounded by thick wooden boards. They stood up on their hind legs, raised their heads and roared, snorting. breath.

Groups of fiery flames spewed out of their open, fanged mouths and shot into the dark night sky, looking like a sturdy pillar of fire from a distance.

Hagrid and the others continued to walk a few steps forward, finally being able to see the fire dragons more clearly.

Among the four fire dragons.

A fire dragon was covered with silver-blue scales and had a pair of long, crescent-like horns. It was angry and roared at the wizard on the field, spewing out light blue sparks from time to time.

It seems that this should be the Swedish short-nosed dragon, a fire dragon species native to Sweden.

Although medium in size and often living in uninhabited areas in the wild, they are still one of the most dangerous fire dragons due to their fiery fire that can instantly turn wood and bone to ashes.

A fire dragon has fine and smooth green scales. It is smaller than the Swedish short-nosed dragon. It is the smallest of the four fire dragons. There are only a pair of small curved horns on its head, and its beak is pointed like a bird's beak.

This is the native British dragon breed, the Welsh green dragon, and the least troublesome of all dragons.

Due to their size, they generally feed on small mammals such as sheep, and will actively avoid humans.

Of course, if you underestimate them because of this, the flames that spew from the thin upper and lower jaws will let you know what is powerful.

There is also a fire dragon, covered with bright red smooth scales, with a circle of golden tassel-shaped spikes around its face with a lion's nose, and its eyes bursting out, and it is spraying mushroom-shaped fire clouds into the air.

This should be Chinese fireball dragon, a fire dragon species native to China.

Unlike other dragons, they are combative but more united. Sometimes, they are even willing to share a territory with one or two other dragons.

As for the last black dragon, just by looking at it, Clark knew that it must be the most ferocious and combative of the four fire dragons.

There is no other, just because it is the largest of them, and has long sharp horns on its head, and its back and tail are covered with sharp, bronze-colored spikes.

These horns and spikes are enough to give it the upper hand in hand-to-hand combat with its peers, not to mention its sharp claws and sturdy hind legs.

"Hungarian Hornets!" Hagrid stared at the fire dragon closest to them, and at the same time the most irritable, muttering to himself, his eyes full of obsession.

Yes, this is the most dangerous Hungarian Horntail among the fire dragons, and it is also the most vicious and aggressive fire dragon.

At this time, there were at least thirty wizards on the field, and half of them were responsible for dealing with the Hungarian Horntail Dragon.

They were trying desperately to subdue the four dragons, tugging at the chains, which were attached to the thick leather straps that tied the dragon's legs and neck.

Whenever these fire dragons struggled dissatisfiedly, they would pull the chain and make a metal crashing sound.

Clark looked up, and high above, he saw the eyes of the Hungarian Horntail.

Its pupils are vertical like cat's eyes, and with telepathy, Clark can sense that its heart is full of monstrous anger.

Apparently, being transported to this cold place from a distant home makes him unhappy.

In contrast, the Welsh green dragon not far away began to fall asleep because of the cold weather after struggling with dissatisfaction.

"Stay there and don't move, Hagrid!" a wizard near the fence, seeing Hagrid and Madame Maxime, shouted, holding the chain tightly in his hand, "They breathe fire and Twenty feet away, you know! I saw this wasp spray forty feet!"

The black dragon seemed to be in line with what he said, his eyes were bursting, and he made a terrifying sound. com That was a shrill and piercing cry...

At the same time, a viscous, lava-like cone-shaped dragon flame spewed out of its mouth, covering Hagrid and Madam Maxime overwhelmingly.

Although there was still some distance between them, Clark could guarantee that the flames with the raging heat wave would definitely burn Hagrid and himself to charcoal.

Fortunately, there is Mrs. Maxime by Hagrid's side. Since this tall lady can become the headmaster of the Beauxbatons School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, she naturally has two brushes.

When the dragon flames rushed towards her, she just raised her thick right hand, and the gem ring on her index finger shone with hazy light.

The next moment, those fiery dragon flames were like waves hitting the reef, blocked by a polyhedral transparent crystal wall that suddenly appeared in front of Hagrid and the others, and rushed to both sides helplessly.

Only then did the wizard's reminder reach their ears.

"Be careful!"

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