Hogwarts, a Scholar Becomes a God

Vol 7 Chapter 46: Dinner ends with the Goblet of Fire

Ron feels in love!

In this cold October, he seems to be in the warm spring breeze.

Looking at the big blue eyes of the other party, and smelling the sweet breath exhaled from the white teeth, his face suddenly flushed red from the heat.

He stared blankly at the beautiful girl in front of him, opened his mouth to answer, but only made some strange little sounds, as if his throat was stuck.

Yes, this must be the so-called feeling of heartbeat!

For a moment, Ron thought he had finally grown up and understood the difference between men's and boys' hobbies.

"Of course, Miss Delacour, you can take it away."

Clark didn't realize his cousin's **** behavior, he smiled and pushed the plate of seafood to the girl, and called out the other party's name.

That's right, this beautiful girl who came to ask for the French fish soup was the same girl that Clark met during the summer vacation of his first year, when he was helping the black and white witch Quinla in France - Fleur Delacour.

It seems that this time, she came to participate in the Triwizard Tournament as the student representative of Beauxbatons School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.

"Oh, thank you, are you finished, Mr. Prewett?" Fleur said with the same arrogant air.

Obviously, the female student also recognized Clark. After all, his appearance may change with age, but his wise temperament and intelligent eyes will not change.

"I'm done," said Ron breathlessly. "It's delicious!"

It's a pity that Furong didn't even look at him, but just stared at Clark silently with those big watery, bright eyes.

The eyes of the two met, and an electric current instantly shot from the back of Clark's head down the spine, all the way to his coccyx.

"This girl's magic has become stronger again!" Such a thought suddenly popped into Clark's mind.

Compared to the last time I saw her, Furong was obviously more beautiful.

In addition to the reason why her appearance has grown, it also shows that her own Veela blood concentration has increased, so that her charm has greatly increased.

Fortunately, Clark himself is not a vegetarian. As a [Psion], he just mobilized his spiritual energy a little to block the charm of this magic level.

"We've already tasted it, you can take it away, it's fine." Clark said very calmly, and pushed the plate towards Fleur again.

Fleur gave him a very surprised look, then said nothing, picked up the plate, and walked cautiously to the Ravenclaw table.

Ron's eyes were still fixed on her graceful and graceful back, and he didn't want to leave for a moment, as if he had never seen a female classmate before.

"Okay, Ron, stop staring at people so impolitely," Harry said with a smile that seemed to bring Ron back to his senses.

"I dare say she must be a veela!" he said to everyone in a hoarse voice.

"Certainly not!" said Hermione sharply. "I don't see anyone staring at her like an idiot except you!"

She wasn't quite right either.

As Fleur walked through the auditorium, many of the boys turned their heads to look at her, and some of them seemed to be speechless for a while, just like Ron.

"I said, that girl is really unusual!" said Ron, turning to his side so that he could still see her clearly. "There's no such thing at Hogwarts!"

"Hogwarts girls aren't bad either," Harry said without hesitation.

His gaze followed Fleur to the Ravenclaw long table, where Qiu Zhang was sitting on a few seats next to Fleur.

"Yes, there are good girls at Hogwarts." Clark nodded and looked at Hermione with a smile.

Hermione's face immediately showed a reserved smile, and the corners of her eyes were filled with almost overflowing joy.

"You still have some eyesight."

"By the way, Clark, do you know her?" Ron didn't come to his senses until he couldn't see Fleur at all, and asked nervously and curiously.

"Of course," Clark added another sausage and baked potatoes to his plate. "Her name is Fleur Delacour, and I dealt with her when I traveled to France during my first-year summer vacation."

"She's a little Veela blood, isn't she?"

Seeing Clark nodded, Ron's face showed such an expression as he expected, and he wanted to continue to inquire about Fleur.

However, Hermione said bluntly, "If you all look back, you can see who came in just now."

She pointed to the staff table, the two empty seats beside Dumbledore now filled.

Ludo Bagman, Director of the Department of Sports at the Ministry of Magic, sat on Professor Karkaroff's side, while Percy's immediate supervisor, Mr. Barty Crouch, Director of the International Magic Exchange and Cooperation Department, sat on Maxim's side. next to Mrs.

"What are they doing here?" Harry said in surprise.

Clark explained in a low voice.

"The Triwizard Tournament is also a sport and belongs to the Ministry of Magic's Sports Director. As for Crouch, he will definitely participate in such a major competition involving the participation of foreign magic circles."

But Ron and the others were not on this issue at the moment, because after they finished their main meal, the second course came up.

Like the previous main course, there are many desserts in this one that they have never seen before.

Ron held a plate of strange, raw jelly in front of him carefully, then carefully moved it a few inches from his right hand so that it could be seen clearly from the Ravenclaw table. .

It's a pity that the girl who made her fascinated seems to be full, and she didn't come to serve this plate of sweets.

As for Clark, he was sharing a deliciously roasted Welsh rabbit with Hermione.

Of course, just as there is no fish in Yuxiang Shredded Pork and no wife in Wife Cake, there is no rabbit in Welsh Roast Rabbit.

It's not even a meat dish, it's just some toast with mashed cheese and other sauces.

But don't underestimate the taste experience this piece of toast can bring you. Although the Welsh rabbit looks simple, the essence is all concentrated in the sauce.

The sauce for this Welsh rabbit is typically made from cheddar cheese, ale, mustard, chili, white sauce (a basic sauce made from cream, flour, and milk), or creamy mayonnaise.

When the various sauces are melted and mixed, a subtle chemical reaction occurs immediately, bursting out with a special, mouth-watering aroma.

Brush evenly thick and soft bread slices with butter, bake until fragrant and crispy, place them on a delicate china plate, pour over the freshly boiled golden sauce, and a delicious Welsh rabbit is ready!

Take a bite of this thing, the bread slices on the ground floor are baked and crispy, and the salty sauce on the top has a rich milky fragrance, which just neutralizes the dry and hard taste of the bread slices.

The little bit of spiciness in it has the finishing touch, making the milky fragrance and the sweetness of the bread more prominent.

After tasting these desserts, the golden plates were scrubbed again, and Dumbledore stood up again.

A feeling of tension and excitement seemed to permeate the auditorium, and everyone turned their attention to Dumbledore, staring at him very intently.

"The moment has finally come!" Dumbledore smiled at the sullen faces. "The Triwizard Tournament is about to start. I want to explain a few words first, and then bring the box in—"

"Bring what in?" Harry whispered.

Ron shrugged, not knowing what that meant.

"Next, I'm going to explain our program of activities for this school year.

But first allow me to introduce two guests, because there are still people who don't know them. "

Dumbledore stretched out his hand and feigned—

"This is Mr. Barty Crouch, Director of International Cooperation at the Ministry of Magic."

There was sparse applause in the auditorium.

"This is Mr. Ludo Bagman, Director of the Department of Sport at the Ministry of Magic."

The applause was much louder for Bagman than for Crouch, perhaps because of his lesser fame as a hitter, or perhaps just because he looked so much more gracious.

After all, he was happily waving his hands to the classmates below to express his gratitude, and when he introduced the name of Barty Crouch just now, Crouch neither smiled nor waved.

No wonder his popularity plummeted after the fall of Voldemort.

After all, this kind of strong human leadership can give subordinates and the people a sense of security in times of crisis, but in times of stability, it is difficult for people to get close.

"Over the past few months, Mr Bagman and Mr Crouch have worked tirelessly to arrange the Triwizard Tournament."

Dumbledore continued.

"They will form a jury with me, Professor Karkaroff and Madame Maxime to judge the efforts of the warriors."

As soon as they heard the word "warrior", the students seemed to be more attentive.

Dumbledore also seemed to notice their sudden silence, and he said with a slight smile.

"We have carefully reviewed the specific events of the Warriors' competition this year, and have also made many necessary arrangements for each event to ensure the safety of the participating warriors.

There are three events in the competition, each at different times throughout the school year, in three different places, testing the warriors from many different aspects…

Test their talents in magic! their guts! Their reasoning skills! Of course, the most important thing is their charisma and charisma. "

Dumbledore's last meaningful words made the entire auditorium become silent, and everyone seemed to stop breathing.

"As you already know, there will be three Warriors representing their respective schools."

Dumbledore continued to speak calmly.

"We will rate them based on the quality of their completion of each event, and after three events, the Warriors with the most points will win the Triple-A Cup. The Warriors are selected by an impartial selector, and it's the Goblet of Fire."

"Mr. Filch, please bring the box up."

No one noticed that Filch had been in the corner of the auditorium just now.

At this moment, following Dumbledore's call, he held a large wooden box inlaid with jewels and walked to the teacher's chair.

The classmates stretched their necks and watched curiously, discussing with great interest what was in the wooden box.

Dennis Creevey simply stood on the chair in order to see more clearly, but his stature was so small that even when he stood, his head was not much higher than others.

As the wooden box was placed on the table, Dumbledore drew his wand and tapped the lid three times.


The lid slowly opened, and Dumbledore reached in and took out an ordinary-looking, rough-crafted wooden goblet.

The cup itself was inconspicuous, but it was full of bluish-white flames throbbing inside.

Although it is a flame, it does not have the fiery burning sensation of fire at all. Instead, it has a little bit of coldness, like a throbbing stream of water.

Dumbledore closed the box and placed the wooden cup on the lid so that everyone in the auditorium could see it clearly.

"The Age of Rebirth"

"Every student who wants to run for the Warriors must write his name and school name on a piece of parchment and throw it into this goblet."

Dumbledore said.

"Aspirants to become warriors can sign up within 24 hours.

Tomorrow night, Halloween night, the Goblet of Fire will choose the names of three of its classmates who it thinks best represent the three schools.

Tonight, the Goblet of Fire is in the foyer, accessible to all classmates willing to run. "

The students who heard this were moved, but Dumbledore's next sentence made them cry in disappointment.

"In order to avoid the temptation of underage students," said Dumbledore, UU Reading www.uukanshu.com "When the Goblet of Fire is in the foyer, I will draw an age line around it. A one-year-old cannot cross that line."

"Finally, I would like to remind every student who wants to participate in the election, please think carefully about whether you really want to participate in the competition.

This hegemony competition is not a child's play, don't be rash to participate.

Once the Warriors are drafted by the Goblet of Fire, he'll have to play the game to the end.

Whoever puts his name into the cup actually forms a magical contract that must be abided by.

Once you become a warrior, you are not allowed to change your mind.

So please do think twice.

Well, I think it's time for everyone to go to bed. Good night everyone. "

"Age Boundaries!"

Fred Weiss had twinkling eyes.

"That's easy to handle, you can definitely be deceived by the age-enhancing medicine, right?

As long as your name is in that cup, you can laugh happily - it can't tell who is seventeen and who is less than seventeen! "

At this point the dinner was over and the students all walked through the auditorium towards the two doors leading to the foyer.

"I don't think that at the level of Professor Dumbledore, there will be such a big flaw." Hermione said, "If there is, it can only prove that your strength has been recognized by him."

"That's not certain," said George impatiently. "The seventh-year students aren't any better than us, aren't you, Harry, you're going to try to participate?"

Harry didn't know how to answer.

He was worried about Dumbledore's insistence that classmates under the age of seventeen could not sign up, but he also remembered the glorious scene when he won the Triwizard Tournament trophy, and the crowd cheering for him.

Maybe, he could too, right?

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