Hogwarts, a Scholar Becomes a God

Vol 7 Chapter 32: The Legendary Triwizard Tournament

For students, the most painful thing in life is that the long summer vacation comes to an abrupt end after opening and closing their eyes.

When it was time for breakfast the next day, Clark woke up, and was immediately acutely aware that there was an end-of-holiday dreary all over Wesley's house.

Outside, the rain was still pounding against the windows, and Clark put on his clothes and went downstairs to breakfast with Hermione and the others.

In the kitchen downstairs, Mr. Wesley received an urgent message from the Ministry of Magic and was communicating with Mr. Diggory, whose head was hanging in the flames.

Flames danced around him, tongues of flame licked at his ears, but he wasn't hindered in the slightest.

"...the Muggles who lived nearby heard the banging and the shouting, and they went and called - what do you call them - Kincha. Arthur, you have to go -"

Mr. Wesley took down the information that Mr. Diggory had given him, then stuffed the parchment of the record into his pocket, turned and rushed out of the kitchen again.

Clark could hear Mr. Wesley say a loud hurried farewell to Bill, Charlie, Percy and the two girls.

Five minutes later, he went back to the kitchen, ruffled his hair with a comb, and his robe was already coming over.

"Oh, sorry, I have to rush to the ministry, I really can't see you off - I wish you all the best this term, boys."

Mr. Wesley said to Clark, Hermione, Ron and the twins as he draped a waterproof cloak over his shoulders in preparation for Apparition.

"Molly, are you okay with taking the kids to King's Cross?"

Before Mrs. Wesley could speak, Clark replied, "Of course no problem. I've arranged a car in advance to pick us up at the train station."

"Yeah, don't worry, we'll be fine." Mrs. Wesley helped her husband straighten the turned-up neckline, kissed his cheek again, and watched Mr. Wesley disappear with a "poof". .

"Hey, didn't Dad rest today?"

As soon as Mr. Wesley left, Bill, Charlie and Percy went downstairs together.

As a dragon-keeping professor at Hogwarts, Charlie will take the train to school with Clark and the others today.

Percy repeatedly apologized, saying he was too busy to get away.

"There's no reason for me to take leave at this time," he told them. "I've just turned regular and become Mr. Crouch's assistant again, and he's starting to count on me for a lot of things."

After breakfast, everyone packed up, threw them in Clark's suitcase, and got into the van he arranged empty-handed.

By the time they got off the train at King's Cross, the rain had gotten heavier and poured down on them.

Fortunately, there are umbrellas on the bus, which saves them from being a **** when they walk into the station.

Platform 9 3/4 to board the Hogwarts Express is inside King's Cross, just go straight through the seemingly solid wall that separates platforms 9 and 10.

The only thing to be careful about is to make it invisible, so as not to attract the attention of Muggles.

After passing through the wall, the crimson Hogwarts Express train was already parked there, blowing thick smoke.

Looking through the thick smoke, the platform was crowded with Hogwarts students and their parents, shadowy like ghosts.

Clark and the others started looking for seats, and soon found two empty compartments next to each other on the train.

Then they leaned out the window and said goodbye to Mrs Weasley and Bill.

"Ah, I really wish I could go back to Hogwarts this year." Bill put his hands in his pockets and looked at the train with a melancholy expression.

"Why?" Fred asked eagerly.

"You'll know," Charlie said aside. "Don't tell Percy I mentioned this...you know, it's 'top secret, and it won't be released until the Ministry sees fit.'"

"Why?" George asked impatiently about the behavior of the two older brothers Riddlers.

"You guys are going to have a really fun year," Bill said, eyes twinkling. "I might take time off to watch part of..."

"Part of what?" Ron asked.

But just then, the conductor's whistle blew, and Mrs. Weasley told them to take their seats.

The engine's pistons hissed loudly as the train started slowly.

They waved goodbye, and gradually the platform turned into a matchbox, disappearing into the distant horizon.

Everyone took their seats again, and the dense rain crackled against the glass windows, making it difficult for them to see the scenery outside.

"Bagman would rather tell us what's going to happen at Hogwarts."

Although there wasn't much room in the cubicle, Ron squeezed in next to Harry and sat down.

"Remember, at the World Cup? But my own mother wouldn't tell. I don't know—"


Hermione whispered suddenly, pressing a finger to her lips and pointing to the aisle.

Harry and Ron listened carefully, and a familiar voice drifted in through the open door.

"...you know, my father really thought about sending me to Durmstrang instead of Hogwarts.

He knew the principal of that school. Alas, you know what he thought of Dumbledore - that guy was too fond of Mudbloods - that Durmstrang simply wouldn't allow the bad guys to get in. "

Hermione stood up, tiptoed to the door of the compartment, and was about to close the door, but unexpectedly, Malfoy walked to the door just at this moment and met her.

"Look who this is? The famous know-it-all, a mud—"

Hermione leaned slightly to reveal Clark who was sitting behind her. Malfoy was like a **** strangled by his throat, and he swallowed the rest of the words in an instant.

As for Crabbe and Goyle, who were standing behind him, although the two of them looked at the tall man with a fierce look, they didn't dare to breathe under Clark's gaze.

"Draco, we didn't seem to invite you in," Clark said coldly.

Malfoy took a few steps back in a hurry and waved his hand, "I'm just passing by, let's go! Let's go!"

With that, he gestured to Crabbe and Goyle, and the three disappeared together.

Hermione slammed the compartment door shut, then laughed, "He's so timid that he thinks Durmstrang is more suitable for him?"

"Is Durmstrang a wizarding school too?" Harry asked now.

"Yes," Hermione said with a contemptuous snort, "it's got a bad reputation. According to the European Assessment of Magical Education, this school takes dark magic very seriously."

"Cough," Clark coughed, "Hermione, you can't say that."

He looked at Harry and the others and introduced.

"Durmstrong is one of the three major schools of magic in Europe, along with us at Hogwarts and Beauxbatons.

Founded by the outstanding Bulgarian witch Nerida Vulova, known for teaching black magic and dueling spells, it is the darkest of the eleven magic schools in the world.

It is said that the first-generation Dark Lord Gellert Grindelwald, who fought against Dumbledore at the time, was a student at this school. "

"No wonder Malfoy wants to be there," said Harry. "I wish he'd been there early so we wouldn't have to put up with him."

"Yeah, I seem to have heard of this school," said Ron Hanhu. "Where is it? What country?"

"Well, no one would know, would they?" Hermione said, raising her eyebrows.

"Oh—why?" Harry asked.

"There has always been fierce competition among wizarding schools, and Durmstrang and Beauxbatons clearly prefer to keep their sites hidden from detection by their enemies."

Hermione answered solemnly.

"Stop talking nonsense," Ron said, laughing. "Durmstrang must be about the size of Hogwarts—how could you hide a big castle?"

"But Hogwarts is hidden." Hermione gave Ron a very surprised look, "Could it be that you don't know? Oh, anyone who has read "Hogwarts, A History of the School" should know ."

"It's just you," said Ron. "You go on—how could you keep a castle as big as Hogwarts hidden?"

"It may have been enchanted," said Hermione. "Muggles looked at it and saw only a pile of ruins, with a sign at the entrance saying Dangerous, No Entry, Not Safe."

"So, to an outsider, Durmstrang is also a pile of ruins?"

"Probably," said Hermione, shrugging her shoulders, "or it's been cast Muggle-exorcism, like a World Cup stadium. It could be made unmarkable so that foreign wizards won't find it. painted--"

"What does that mean?"

"Yeah, you can put a spell on a building and no one else can draw it on a map, understand?"

"Of course, the best way is that it is not in this world at all." Clark interrupted suddenly.

"Yes, just like Fire Dragon Park, it's a good idea to hide the entire school in a secret realm." Hermione agreed.

"Um...I think you'd better be more explicit," Harry said.

"Oh, anyway, it's just by conventional means, it's hard to find various magic schools." Hermione said impatiently.

"But I think Demslang is probably far north, a very cold place, because their uniforms also include fur capes."

"Drmstrang is a small island in the northwest corner of Europe in northern Scandinavia."

Clark spoke at this time.

"It's the largest peninsula in Europe, with vast forests covered in ice and snow, endless snowfields and glaciers, and the starry night sky.

It's Peter Pan's island of nothingness, Narnia behind the closet, and at the same time a place that can't be marked on a map. "

"Oh my God," Harry exclaimed, "are those fairy tales real?"

"No, of course it's fake!" Clark said, "but it's clear that the author who wrote those two books should have strayed into the secret realm where Durmstrang was, and after his memory was deleted, he still There are some fragments of Mohu's memory, which is why these two books were created."

"What are you talking about?" Ron asked in confusion.

Harry then told him about Peter Pan and The Chronicles of Narnia, two fantastic fairy tales, while Hermione looked at Clark curiously.

"Where did you know this, have you been to Durmstrang?"

Ron and Harry also looked at him curiously when they heard the words.

Clark nodded and couldn't help laughing, "During the summer vacation, I went there for a special mission."

"Special mission?!" Ron and Harry looked at each other.

"Is it related to what Charlie and Bill said?" the two asked together.

Clark smiled and said nothing.

Ron and Harry didn't want to let him go just like that, and immediately surrounded him and started verbal harassment at him.

Hermione and Neville also joined in the fun, and in the end Clark was so annoyed by them that he could only raise his hand.

"Okay, I said! I said!"

He looked at the curious crowd and said, "It's the Triwizard Tournament."

"You're kidding!" Two voices came from the door of the compartment, and then the big heads of George and Fred were exposed.

The two of them were about to come over to Clark to discuss the toy joke shop just now, when they happened to hear what Clark said.

"I'm not kidding, UU reading www.uukanshu.com" Clark said, "This is the result of my vacation with Principal Dumbledore, to Beauxbatons and Durmstrang to discuss with their principals."

"That's awesome!"

The twin brothers almost jumped for joy, while Ron asked, "The Triwizard Tournament? What's that?"

"I saw it in the book "Evaluation of European Magic Education"!" Hermione explained excitedly, "The Triwizard Tournament was created more than 700 years ago, organized by the three largest magic schools in Europe. a friendly competition."

"The three schools are Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, Beauxbatons and Durmstrang School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.

Each school will select a warrior, and then compete in three magical projects. The Triwizard Tournament is held every five years, and the three schools take turns hosting.

It was agreed that this was a great way for young wizards from different countries to form friendships. "


Hermione turned their heads and saw that Clark couldn't help laughing.

"Is there a problem?" Hermione asked.

"It's nothing," Clark shook his head, "just to be amused by those wizards, 'great way to build friendship', hahaha!"

Hermione and the others looked at him suspiciously.

Clark wiped the tears from the corners of his eyes and had to explain:

"In the beginning, these three wizards looked down on each other, and they were almost out of their heads, how could they still establish any friendship.

The reason why they held this Triwizard Tournament was only because Mongolia had three westward expeditions, and the magic world in Europe felt a huge threat and had to unite.

In this case, they only dared to wait until the death of the ancestor Kublai Khan on February 18, 1294, and the entire Mongolian country would govern itself before holding the competition. "

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