Hogwarts, a Scholar Becomes a God

Vol 7 Chapter 16: A dead camel is not as good as a horse

"These... these... and these books on the shelves."

Clark shuttled between the bookshelves, followed by Sirius Blake.

"I don't want all of them, and the rest, I have to move them all, is there any problem?"

According to what he was referring to, Sirius made a rough estimate in his mind, and found that the books Clark was going to remove were less than half of the entire library, and most of them were the magical history of their Blake family.

"Actually, even if you move out, I have no problem," Sirius nodded and replied, "After all, you helped me clear my grievances..."

"Okay, a deal is a deal, you can do what you said at the beginning, you don't need to say more." Clark interrupted him with a wave.

Sirius didn't say anything more, just asked: "Are you going to move these books now, or come back to pick them up later?"

Clark looked at the books in front of him and said with a smile, "Where is the need for such trouble."

After he finished speaking, he pretended to chant a spell silently, while drawing a circle in the air with his wand in his hand.

The next moment, a silver-white circular vortex appeared in front of Harry and Sirius.

These are the two psionic abilities [Navigation] and [Material Teleportation] that Clark specially consumed 8000 experience points to exchange.

[Navigation]: Level 4 mental prediction power, consumes 7 points of psionic power.

Powerful spiritual power can make your consciousness instantly cross the mountains and seas, follow the induction in the dark, and lock a place thousands of miles away. The skill duration is 32 (intelligence + perception) minutes, and as the distance increases, the duration will also decrease in response.

[Material Teleportation]: Level 4 teleportation system ability, consumes 7 points of psionic energy.

Powerful psychic power allows you to see into the weakness of space, and then twist it to form a subspace channel that can connect the two places. The duration is 3.2 (intelligence + perception) minutes, and the subspace channel is maintained for every 1 minute thereafter. , will cost 2 Psionics.

(Note: The warp channel can only be used to transmit objects without souls for the time being. After all, you don’t want your unprotected soul to be exposed to the gaze of warp demons and evil gods.)

Rely on [Navigation] to locate the library of the Prewett family castle, and then use [Material Teleportation] to open the subspace channel connecting the two places.

Cheerful, the Blake family's collection of books, under Clark's distracted control, floated and flew into the silver space vortex.

In less than 5 minutes before and after spending a total of 18 points of psionic power, Clark moved all the books he had picked.

Such a strange magic, even Sirius was dumbfounded.

"I didn't expect the Prewett family to have such exquisite space magic. I never saw Fabian and Gideon use them."

Clark just smiled at Sirius' compliment.

At this time, he was very satisfied with the harvest in the library, but Sirius didn't think so. In his opinion, just a few old books seemed not enough to repay Clark's kindness to him.

Perhaps, this is the so-called "do not feel distressed when the cub sells the land".

"Come on, let's go up first," Sirius led them up the stairs, through the movable door on the wall, and back to the kitchen, "Next, I guarantee you will gain something."

"That's a big thank you," Clark said with a mild smile.

The three returned to the dark corridor on the first floor again. Sirius looked at him and Harry, and warned: "Next, it may be a little noisy."

Before the two could react, they saw Sirius suddenly remove the umbrella stand, and then opened the curtain by the wall.

"Prodigal, mindless idiot, defiled my house—"

Mrs. Blake's piercing screams echoed in the hallway again, and both Clark and Harry had to cover their ears.

Only Sirius ignored these vicious curses and began to fumble around the frame around the portrait.

Suddenly, he jumped back, and Mrs. Blake leaned halfway out of the portrait, her sharp fingernails waving, and Harry was caught off guard by her.

"Oh, sorry!" Blake said embarrassedly.

"It doesn't matter." Harry took two steps back in a heartbeat.

Neurotic middle-aged and elderly women, it's terrifying! I don't know how he will live here in the future, how to get along with this portrait.

Fortunately, Sirius' operation finally worked at this time, and Mrs. Blake's portrait was suddenly squeezed out of the portrait, leaving only a little lingering sound of "prodigal, traitor..." echoing in the room.

Only then did Clark understand that another secret room of the Blake family was actually on the first floor, and it was still in the most conspicuous place.

"Only the most vicious and vitriolic people can stay in this portrait. Few people can last as long as my mother, and even enjoy it." Blake said helplessly.

"Wonderful, this is a great idea!" Clark praised sincerely.

Yes, no matter who it is, it's hard to resist Mrs. Blake's curses and screams, let alone those curses to carefully check what's behind the portrait.

When Mrs. Blake's figure disappeared, a long corridor appeared on the portrait, extending inward to the depths of the portrait.

"Okay, let's go in."

Sirius grabbed the frame with both hands, and took the lead in diving into the painting.

Yes, that's right, his whole person seems to have descended from a three-dimensional object to a two-dimensional object, becoming a vivid figure in the portrait.

Such a peculiar sight surprised Harry and Clark.

The two of them didn't hesitate, and followed him and went in. The whole process went very smoothly, as if they had passed through a layer of transparent water film.

The next moment, all three people appeared in the corridor in the portrait, surrounded by large pillars as thick as one person, and the marble floor was replaced under their feet.

When the two looked back, a portrait was already hanging on the wall behind them.

The scene in the painting is exactly where they stood just now.

The three of them walked along the corridor in the painting. If someone stood outside the painting at this moment, they could see that three little people, one big and two small, were disappearing into the depths of the portrait, engulfed by the darkness.

From Clark's point of view, the corridor in front of them is indeed getting wider and wider as the frame behind them goes away.

In this way, they took dozens of steps forward. When they were almost 100 meters away, they suddenly stopped shouting, "Password!"

Then they saw a wand sticking out of the darkness not far ahead, pointing at them.

Harry thought he had encountered an enemy, and subconsciously wanted to pull out his wand, but was held down by Clark.

When they got closer, Harry realized that what was blocking them turned out to be a large mirror as tall as a person.

And the wand they saw just now was just the reflection of the wand in Blake's hand.

It was just strange that there was only Blake in that mirror at the moment, not Clark and Harry.

"The oldest and noblest Black family, forever pure." Sirius replied indifferently.

As soon as the voice fell, sparkling waves appeared on the mirror, and then a huge room behind the mirror was revealed.

"Okay, let's go in." Sirius said to Clark.

The moment they stepped in, the torches on the walls of the room ignited automatically.

Everything is clearly identifiable.

In front of them, they were also divided into two spaces, but unlike the previous library, the two rooms this time both had two heavy rock arches.

The stone door looks very thick, with a dog's head stone in the center, with complicated patterns engraved around it, with some magical characters, its own magic power flows through it, and it is indestructible at first glance.

Sirius walked to the front of the two stone gates, cut his fingertips, and smeared a little blood on the nose tips of the two dog-headed stone withers.

Soon, after sensing the bloodline of the Blake family, the two dog-headed stones grew their mouths wide, revealing the doorknob inside.

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Clark then realized that if it wasn't for the blood of the Blake family, even if the outsiders passed through the portrait and passed the mirror door, they probably wouldn't get the treasure of the Blake family.

At this time, Sirius had already reached in and twisted the door handle.

With a roar, the two arches opened to Clark.

"There are two rooms in this secret room, one is the gold storage room, and the other is specially used to store various precious magic props and alchemy materials. Now, you can go in and choose."

Blake looked at Clark seriously, "Of course, like those books, some of the more dangerous things have been donated to Hogwarts in advance."

Clark nodded, and first entered the gold storage room on the right.

Unlike many emerging wizarding families, the long-established pure-blood wizarding families like Blake and Prewett still retain their prejudice against goblins, so they don't like to keep money in Gringotts.

This is the same as many old men and women in rural areas like to put money in jars and then bury it in the ground.

What the pure-blood wizard family is most willing to do is to create a secret room in the basement of their castle, and then put all the gold coins in it.

So, as soon as Clark entered the room, he immediately saw a number of huge boxes neatly stacked against the wall.

When I opened a box at random, it was all glittering with golden light, and it was very arrogant.

Boxes of different specifications contain gold coins of various eras.

There are the recent Golden Galleons, and there are also some strange gold coins used in the magical world before Gringotts existed.

The historical value of the gold coins in some boxes has even far exceeded the amount it represents.

However, in the face of such wealth, Clark didn't even blink an eye, and Blake stood by, looking at him still so determined, and couldn't help but wonder.

At a young age, he was still calm in the face of money, and he really had an extraordinary bearing.

What he didn't know was that the wealth in front of him was not worth mentioning at all in Clark's view.

After all, unlike the Blake family who have been sitting on the mountain, the Prewett family is now in Clark's hands, and has revived a second spring.

Whether in the wizarding world or in the Muggle world, their family's business is doing well.

Not to mention the Lishen Bookstore, the Daily Prophet and the Owl Post Office, which were originally run by the family.

The sales of supernatural potions and magic cards in the future alone made the Prewett family a lot of money.

Not to mention that their family has now opened up a new business of raising dragon farms. In addition to the hotel, media, tourism and gaming businesses in the Muggle and Muggle world, these gold coins of the Blake family are really not in his sight. inside.

Sirius didn't know the luxury of the Prewett family, and thought that the money in this room could repay some of Clark's kindness.

Only Harry, who had lived in Clark's house for a while, had some guesses in his heart - it seems that the wealth of the godfather's family is not comparable to that of the Clark family.

At this time, Sirius didn't know the thoughts of his own godson, he was smiling and said to Clark, "Now, they are yours."

Harry subconsciously pulled Sirius' sleeve, ready to remind him of the Clark family's financial resources.

But Clark just nodded calmly and didn't deliberately show off his wealth, "Okay, then I'll take half."

But this time, he couldn't do the same trick again and used the teleportation technique to send the gold coins away.

After all, the entire treasure room of the Blake family is well protected, and even the surrounding space is reinforced with magic, in order to prevent guys like Clark who can use space magic.

He can only stack the gold coins at the door first, move them out together after a while, and then use the teleportation technique to send them away.

They walked out of the treasure room and came to the treasure room next door.

As soon as he entered the room, UU read www.uukanshu. com Even if he was prepared, Clark still sighed in his heart.

Sure enough, "a dead skinny camel is not as good as a horse." Although there are rows and rows of shelves in this room, it is a pity that many of the grids above are empty.

Those imaginary expensive alchemy items, magic raw materials, all do not exist.

Obviously, when the Blake family was most embarrassed, they had already fallen to the point of selling off the family's treasures.

However, if the Blake family still had powerful alchemy tools in their possession, Sirius' younger brother would not have sacrificed.

Sirius couldn't help blushing when he saw the scene in front of him, "Here...here...there are some good things here, but I've donated them to Hogwarts."

Yeah, there is indeed some good stuff.

Clark walked by the shelf, looking at the nameplates: cat leopard tail hair, Tepo warthog teeth and hide, ptarmigan claws, unicorn horns, Thestral tail feathers, etc...

These precious magic materials are not available at all!

Yes, just a little dust on the shelf.

Clark even saw the shadow of a phoenix skeleton on the wall directly opposite the door to the treasure room.

Yes, the red shadow on the wall was obviously branded on it by the flame element on the phoenix skeleton over time.

What a pity, what a pity.

He looked at the treasure room where only some ordinary magic materials and some tasteless alchemy items were left, and finally he couldn't help turning his head to Sirius and asked:

"So, that's why you're going to sell this house?" Click to download the APP of this site, a large number of novels, read for free!

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