Hogwarts, a Scholar Becomes a God

Vol 7 Chapter 14: Legendary attributes, current strength

"Long time no see, Tom!"

Looking at the magic item in front of him, feeling the fluctuation of the soul hidden under the strong magic power, Clark said happily, and then slowly stretched out his sinful little hand—

"No! You thief! Put it down! Put it down!"

Kreacher, the house-elf who had been hiding in the dark and secretly observed their behavior, couldn't bear it any longer, ran out and shouted at Clark, and wanted to rush up to stop him.

It's just that Clark turned his head and glared at him dissatisfied. This old elf was like a bug in amber, and was instantly frozen in place, unable to move.

Harry was startled by Kreacher's noise at this time, and groaned in a coma, as if he would wake up at any moment.

Clark didn't want to delay, the mysterious light flashed in his eyes, and the three psychic abilities [Advanced Domination], [Brainwashing], and [Making Memory] were immediately used with all their strength.

Kreacher stood there, blushing his head, and was inciting magic power to prepare to attack the power that bound him. Suddenly, a turbulent spiritual power like a tide poured into his mind instantly.

With the small brain capacity of this elf, Clark quickly salvaged all the memories in his heart like pulling a film.

As for whether the means in this process were rude and whether it would cause harm to Kreacher, Clark didn't care.

After all, this old guy is crazy, even if it is a little more serious, Sirius will not feel strange.

Soon, Clark saw what he was looking for in his memory. It was the cave where Voldemort took him once to hide the Horcrux locket.

Painful memories were read, and Kreacher's eyes changed from dazed to pain.

But soon, the pain is slowly diminishing and fading, and this is Clark cutting, deleting, copying, and pasting his memory.

At the end, the dazedness reappeared in the elf's eyes again, and then, under Clark's command, trembled down the stairs.

After taking this annoying little thing away, Clark turned around again, reached out his hand very boldly, and held the Slytherin locket in his hand.

He knew that because Voldemort had stored the locket in the cave, he did not cast a powerful curse like Gaunt's ring on it.

This can be explained from the fact that Sirius' younger brother and the elf Kreacher can bring this locket out.

Sure enough, Clark took the locket in his hand very easily, and the process was incredibly simple.

However, Clark did not care about it. Before that, he had come into contact with two of Voldemort's Horcruxes, his diary and Ravenclaw's crown.

He knew that the Horcrux itself had a part of Voldemort's magic.

It can affect the thoughts of people around it, and absorb vitality from those who have touched it, gradually come to life, and can cast magic, no different from the real Voldemort.

Fortunately, today is different from the past. Although only a year has passed, Clark's strength has made great progress.

The dragon farm adventure last year provided him with more than 90,000 experience points, which was enough for him to improve several levels.

Clark naturally did the same. Taking advantage of his spare time during the summer vacation, he directly consumed 18,000 experience points and upgraded himself two levels.

It's not that he doesn't want to increase, it's just that this rapidly improving strength also takes time to digest.

Today, he is already an 11th-level [Psion].

Name: Clark Prewett

Age: 15/17

Race: Human/? ? ?

Attributes: Strength 10, Agility 10, Constitution 12, Intelligence 19, Wisdom 13, Charisma 18

Alignment: Absolutely neutral

Occupation: Level 11 Psion Telepath (0/20000)

XP: 72550 (unassigned)

Status: Godhead Oppression

Occupational Skills: Education 53, Concentration 40, Bluff 76, Occult Knowledge 47, Spell Recognition 43, Rope Art 50, Document Interpretation 54, Negotiation 44, Gather Information 44, Sense Motive 42, Occlumency 55

Legendary Skill: Knowledge is Power (with Godhead)

Personal Feats: Mental Toughness (Occupation Feats), Psionic Talents (Occupation Feats), Dexterity Left Hand, Unforgettable, Noble Demeanor, Mobile Casting, Familiar Enhancement, Toughness (1/3), Iron Will, Magical Genius, Heart Like Still Water, Animal Affinity, Leadership, Destiny Concern, Enemy of Evil, Telepathy, Energy Focus (Self-Shaping), Herald of Justice, Inert Armor

Level 0-4 power: omitted

5th-level power: metamorphosis (self-sculpting system), greater domination, mind probe, body adaptation (self-forming system)

6th-level power: collective suggestion, suspended animation (self-molding)

Psionics: 136

Psicrystal: Personality (Pride)

Abilities: [Alertness], [Proficient Reflex Evasion], [Self-Movement], [Shared Ability], [Supervision], [Spiritual Link], [Transmit Contact Ability], [Spiritual Call], [Flying]

Special abilities: [Resist], [Power of the Root—Blood], [Breath of Death]

Among them, the increase in age and the two consecutive upgrades provided Clark with 2 additional attribute points, which were added to [Strength] and [Charm] by him respectively.

As for why it is not added to the [Intelligence] attribute of 19 points, because for a single attribute, 20 points is a hurdle, and before 20 points, that is, from 10 to 19 points, it still belongs to a normal human being. range achieved.

And once it reaches 20 points, or even exceeds 20 points, it means that this attribute of yours has exceeded the limit of human cognition and entered a new level, and this level is also called [Legendary].

The so-called "legend" is not only a peculiar existence that exists only in myths and legends, but also an epic that can be sung by countless people.

Take Clark's current highest 19-point [Intelligence] attribute as an example, people with 18-19 points of intelligence can already change the lives of all mankind through their intelligence.

For them, this attribute is not so much an ability as an honor for everything they do!

High IQ and genius have completely become synonymous with them, for example, Newton, Einstein...

And 20 points [Intelligence], when you have legendary intelligence, it is already an insult to use the word wisdom to describe you. Even in a world without extraordinary power, you can rely on legendary intelligence and live in a strict and rigorous world. On the barrier of reality, tear open a hole and show extraordinary abilities.

Unforgettable, quick understanding, absolutely sensible, always awake... These are trivial things for you, and it is even possible to directly interfere with reality with the power of the mind.

Of course, it is not easy to achieve legendary attributes.

In addition to those who were born in "Rome" since childhood, or the descendants of some legendary creatures, the most likely way for ordinary people is to become a legendary professional, which is also to raise your professional level to level 20. .

Every professional at this level will get the first legendary attribute point, which is used to help him break through the upper limit of 19 attribute points and achieve extraordinary attributes.

However, apart from the legendary attribute points of the legendary professional, is there really no other way?

That's not to say, Clark still remembered that at the end of last semester, he obtained information on a legendary feat called [Heroic Character].

[Heroic Characters]: Legendary feats, heroic deeds are sung by people, all your attributes +1, you can be immune to the effects of fear and low morale, and your partner morale +1. Note: This feat can make your stats exceed 20.

(You need to collect all four special feats [Justice Envoy], [Evil Enemy], [Destiny Concern], [Leadership Style], complete a heroic deed, and finally sacrifice 50,000 experience points to obtain this feat. )

All attributes +1, this effect is indeed very powerful, worthy of the name of its legendary feat, but the most powerful is the remark at the end: this feat can make your attribute exceed 20.

what does that mean?

Unexpectedly, it can help you break through the legendary attributes in advance before you have obtained the legendary occupation.

Even if all your attributes have reached the 19-point limit, it can help you break through into a legendary attribute.

Of course, if you want to become a hexagonal professional with 6 attributes of 19 points, you need almost a lot of attribute points and experience points.

But Clark is not greedy, he has now reached 19 points of [Intelligence], and [Charm] is also on the verge of reaching the standard, and he can enjoy the treatment of double-attribute breakthrough at a young age, so we can still expect it.

In addition to the gains in attribute points, two levels in a row also gave Clark a [Inert Armor] professional feat, as well as 5th-level abilities: [Mind Probe], [Physical Adaptation (Self-Shaping System)], and 6 Level ability: [collective suggestion] and [feigned death (self-sculpting system)].

[Inert Armor]: Psion professional specialty, when you reserve at least 1 power point, your mind power will automatically form a layer of tangible force field on the surface of your body, like armor, to protect you.

However, unlike ordinary armor, inert armor is composed of mental power, so it has a good effect on psychic attacks and energy attacks without reducing movement speed.

Not only that, but you can also decide whether your inert armor is invisible or shows tinted light, which is an excellent specialty for home travel and the eradication of sin.

[Mind Probe]: Level 5 ability, consumes 9 points of psionic energy.

Using spiritual power as a probe to penetrate deep into the target's heart will allow you to discover the deepest secrets in the opponent's heart.

[Physical Adaptation (Self-Shaping System)]: Level 5 ability, consumes 9 points of psionic energy.

You can promote your body to evolve rapidly through powerful spiritual power to adapt to different natural environments around you, including but not limited to deserts, rainforests, polar regions, and even ocean lakes. The duration is 31 (intelligence + physical fitness) minutes. .

[Collective Suggestion]: Level 6 ability, consumes 11 points of psionic energy.

The powerful psychic power allows you to give psychological suggestions to a group of intelligent creatures (no more than 10 people) at the same time, plant a seed in their hearts, and then at a certain time or place, they will be affected by a special object, event, and triggered by words. (Note: The intellect attribute of the caster cannot exceed your intellect.)

[Suspended Death (Self-Shaping)]: Level 6 ability, consumes 11 points of psionic energy.

You can use psychic power to forcibly suppress your own life activities and cover up your own life breath to create the illusion of death. The duration is 31 (intelligence + constitution) minutes.

With such a wealth of skills, coupled with Clark's level, in the world of dnd, it can already be regarded as the backbone of professionals.

Whether it is a leader of a small force or a cadre of a medium force, it is more than enough.

And if it is placed in today's magical world, his level and strength are enough to be called an elite.

After all, even many employees of the Ministry of Magic have difficulty casting a complete Iron Armor spell. With Clark's current strength, it is not a problem to be an Auror in the Ministry of Magic.

Of course, that doesn't mean Clark can sit back and relax.

Not to mention that there are still many powerful, but not very famous wizards in the magic world.

There are still some problems with Clark's own power system.

Compared with his powerful spiritual strength, his physical quality is still lacking, which is only the standard of an ordinary person.

Without saying anything about slashing bullets, the wall ran, even if it was a long and fierce battle, he might not be able to hold on.

Fortunately, he still has enough experience points and a golden finger that others don't have. As long as he is given time, these problems will no longer be a problem.

At this time, there was movement again on the stairs not far away, UU reading www.uukanshu. com Clark heard the footsteps of Sirius.

He should have found the antidote and is returning at the moment.

Clark didn't delay, and quickly put the locket in his hand. At the same time, in order to prevent Sirius from suspecting, he also added the magic snake skin and half a bottle of cat and leopard blood.

As for why not sneak the locket into your magic pocket?

Indeed, the memory of the elf Kreacher has been deleted anyway, and no one knew that there was a locket here.

But Clark is not a thief. As an aristocratic wizard with a high education and a concept of right and wrong, he doesn't bother to do that kind of shit.

By the time Clark gathered up the things he liked, Harry, who had fallen asleep, had also woken up from the influence of magic.

At this time, Sirius just happened to return to the second floor. As Clark had expected, Sirius did not take the things he chose to heart.

"Oh, just take it if you like it," he waved his hand directly, indicating that you're welcome, "Anyway, these old objects are useless to me. If they are disposed of as garbage, it will take time and effort."

He made a joke, and after speaking, he couldn't wait to lead Harry up to the third floor and show him the room he had arranged for him.

It was a large room with a high ceiling, with room for at least two beds and four large wardrobes, and is said to have been once occupied by Sirius Black's great-great-grandfather.

Through the large window of the room, the long street outside can be seen, and the line of sight is extremely wide, which makes Harry, who has always lived in a small room, very happy.


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