Hogwarts, a Scholar Becomes a God

Vol 7 Chapter 8: "Black Book of the Dead" and Deepening into the Underworld

Although Clark doesn't like to live in his old castle, for a wizard, a magic castle is as important as the wizard's magic tower.

There are very few magical castles with a long history like the Prewett family.

The rich, like the Malfoy family, just built a new villa. This kind of old castle that money can't buy is the symbol of real strength and financial strength.

At least, when you need a place to be quiet, undisturbed, and safe to study black magic, the basement of the Magic Castle will definitely meet your needs.

Clark reached out and pressed on the heavy metal door of the basement, and as the magic circle on the door was activated by his blood, it silently slid open to both sides.

The two walked into the basement. The most noticeable thing was the huge protective magic circle drawn in the center of the room. Various magic symbols with magic power poured in gold and silver were densely covered all over the ground.

With this level of magic circle, even a demon warlord from **** can be easily trapped.

Of course, the two Clarks naturally didn't need to do such a dangerous thing, they were just doing a small experiment.

The two walked to the solid wood alchemy table next to the magic circle. The crucibles, test tubes and other alchemy props on the table had long been cleaned up, and replaced by parchment paper full of various symbols and words. table.

On top of these parchments, a large dark green book with a bronze cover lay quietly there.

Clark sorted out the manuscripts and said to Harry.

"According to the information I have checked during this period of time, and how you have used it several times before, this "Black Book of the Dead" alone may not fully revive your parents."

He saw the anxious expression on Harry's face, opened his mouth to speak, and quickly stretched out his palm, "You listen to me first."

"Just relying on this "Black Book of the Dead" cannot revive your parents, it does not mean that you cannot revive your parents."

Harry's mind turned extremely fast when it was about himself, and he immediately understood what he meant, "What else is there to do?"

Clark did not answer his question directly, but said.

"I recently found some very interesting information when I looked up the information about the "Black Book of the Dead".

Some ancient wizards have raised an interesting possibility regarding the origins of black magic in the making of Horcruxes..."

"Wait, what is a Horcrux?" Harry interrupted him aloud. He only felt that the term was very familiar, as if he had heard it somewhere.

"The Horcrux...that should be regarded as a very evil magic alchemy tool, yes, very evil, even in Hogwarts, you can hardly find a book that introduces the Horcrux in detail.

Of course, it wouldn't hurt to give you a brief introduction. Many wizards in pure blood wizard families have heard of this. "

Clark hesitated for a moment, and finally explained with a frown, "The so-called Horcrux, as the name suggests, refers to an object that contains part of a person's soul."

"Part of the soul?"

"Yes, through some of the most evil deeds - murder, to draw the soul of the victim and the fear, resentment and curse before death.

Then forge it into a soul blade, cut off part of your soul, and seal the split soul fragments..."

Hearing Clark's description, Harry shuddered immediately.

This is indeed the most evil act, forging the victim's soul and resentment into a blade by killing people, and then cutting his own soul in turn.

Injuring others as well as oneself, this kind of thing may only be done by a lunatic.

"Of course, very few people would want to do that, and yes, very few people have ever made Horcruxes in history.

After all, you have to understand that the soul should remain intact, and to split it is a violation, an act against the laws of nature. "

Clark continued.

"Only those who have an unending fear of death and who value their own life extremely, would choose this method and try to extend their life.

But they will eventually fall into the negative effects of the lack of souls. At that time, death may still be the happiest choice. ?"?

"What does the Horcrux have to do with this Black Book of the Dead?" Harry asked curiously.

"Because the knowledge of Horcrux should have been passed down from this book," Clark said.

"In ancient Egypt, there was such a myth.

Legend has it that Seth, the God of War, murdered his brother, the ruler of Egypt, Osiris, the God of Fertility, at a banquet, and even cruelly divided his body into fourteen pieces, and hid them in Egypt. everywhere.

Fortunately, Osiris' wife [Goddess of Fertility and Magic] Isis successfully collected thirteen pieces of Osiris' remains, pieced them together, made them into mummies, and finally resurrected with the help of Anubis.

Even because of this encounter, he became the ruler of the underworld in ancient Egypt.

According to this story, many ancient wizards also believe that this may be the origin of the Horcrux. "

Clark picked up the black metal book and whispered: "From life to death, and then back to life, this book may involve the black magic of making Horcruxes, and may retain the knowledge of Osiris' immortality. , not to mention the secret that makes Osiris the **** of the underworld."

"Indeed, it has an extremely powerful black magic power, and anyone who gets it has a chance to be stronger than Voldemort.

Everything those careerists and dark wizards pursued is in this book, the Black Book of the Undead, which records all the secrets and powers of Anubis.

But it only lacks one part, the part of the knowledge and power that Anubis and [Goddess of Fertility and Magic] Isis resurrected Osiris. "

"Can't revive my parents without that part?" Harry asked eagerly, looking at Clark.

"Yes, without that part, we can't resurrect your parents!"

In fact, Clark still has something to say. If he wants to resurrect the dead, perhaps in addition to this "Black Book of the Dead", he also needs a "Golden Book of the Sun".

For the gods of ancient Egypt, the world after death belongs to the **** of death, but the world of the living is under the illumination of the sun god.

Of course, on this point, Clark will not tell Harry all about it, he is not the so-called nanny of the protagonist, and he has a comprehensive plan for resurrecting Harry's parents.

But he couldn't let Harry lose all confidence, at least he should give him hope.

Do not! It should be said that this thing itself is still hopeful. ?

"Of course, it's not a serious problem that there is no knowledge about the resurrection of Osiris in the book.?"

Clark comforted Harry and said:

"The world thinks that ancient magic is good and powerful, but I don't think so.

Perhaps the knowledge passed down by the gods is indeed unfathomable and exquisite.

But the knowledge passed down from generation to generation by the intelligent people of our human beings, and the knowledge that has been researched and developed on top of it, is also not much less. "

"Is there any other way?"

Harry, of course, understood what he meant, and his eyes were full of light again.

"Of course!" Clark nodded affirmatively. "We must be able to solve these problems, as long as you give me a little more time."

"Before that, the first thing we have to do is to thoroughly understand the contents of this "Black Book of the Dead"."

Instead of continuing to chat, they started the previously unfinished experiment again.

Holding the heavy "Black Book of the Dead" in his hand, Harry walked to the center of the huge magic circle, and then put the invisibility cloak he brought over his body.

Of course, before that, their two minds had been linked together by the [Mind Link] ability.

The bright light overhead passed through the Invisibility Cloak and shone on the bronze cover of The Black Book of the Dead, and this magical magic book immediately reflected an illusory and twisted eerie light.

This light flows against the pages of the book, like the thinnest veil, and like a flowing shadow. It is obviously very dim, but it also reveals a sacred and eternal charm.

As the shadows fluctuated, even the ancient Egyptian hieroglyphs on the cover of the scriptures seemed to come to life, telling people the poetry of the gods.

On the page of the bronze book Harry flipped, there was an engraved hymn of God:

Praise you, O Osiris.

You are the prince of the field.

You thrive, you grow.

Your golden body, green skin, infinitely broad mind and kind face live on this holy land.

May you give energy to the sky and vitality to the earth, and may you make this world no longer deceived.

Praise you, O Osiris.

You are the ruler of the underworld, the incarnation of the night.

Your priest greets you at dusk, washing your heart with a smile.

You are welcome to rise from the dead and restore peace to the earth.

Divine winds, with music, blow over your golden scepter.

Finally, at sunset, we will come to you and crawl under your feet.

Undoubtedly, it was a poem praising the **** of the underworld, Osiris, though Harry couldn't think of anything to do with magic, let alone reveal the secrets of resurrection magic.

But when he opened the book and the words flowed in the shadows, he somehow understood the meaning of the poems engraved in these hieroglyphs.

All this happened so naturally that when he first looked at it, he couldn't react.

Fortunately, Clark explained to him later that the "divine script" invented by Thoth, the **** of wisdom in ancient Egypt, was engraved on it. In this extraordinary script, each word itself contains all the information.

Therefore, just by looking at it, you can know how it is read and what the text means. .

Harry cleared his throat, followed Clark's instructions, raised his chest, and sang with a full of emotion:

"Glory to Osiris, prince of the inexhaustible;

He passed through eternity into eternity, crowning him with the South and the North;

He is the master of gods and men, and carries a staff and whip of generosity and power.

what! The king of kings, the prince of princes, the master of masters;

The earth springs again, because of your zeal;

You were and will be your attendant, and you led them;

Your heart rests contentedly on top of the hidden hills.

Allow my spirit to stand on earth and triumph in eternity;

Allow me to land on your land with the wind..."

Harry held the "Black Book of the Dead" in his hands, shrouded in the invisibility cloak, and disappeared into reality, but the long priestly tone still sang from his tender voice, with a hint of holiness. , echoed in this empty basement.

Clark, who was standing outside the magic circle, could feel that as the strange chant sounded, a very subtle fluctuation also came from the bottom.

Finally, as if in an instant, but also after a long time, this wave of fluctuations arrived here, shrouding Harry who was standing in the center of the magic circle.

Because of the Invisibility Cloak, Clark couldn't see what was going on. He could only speculate on Harry's current situation based on the intermittent information from [Mind Link].

On the other side, Harry, who was singing "Rise of the Undead and Sing a Praise to the Lord of Eternity", felt that his feet were empty, and he was sinking and sinking as if he had fallen into the endless icy deep sea.

Everything around him began to turn cooler tones, and even the lights above his head lost some color.

If Harry looked directly, he could even see that the surrounding scenery seemed to be immersed in sea water, with a somewhat distorted and fluctuating feeling.

But he can't notice this now~www.readwn.com~ He has devoted himself to the "Black Book of the Dead" wholeheartedly.

He always remembered what Clark told him, when praising the gods and singing the hymn, he must not be distracted, otherwise it would be a great disrespect to the gods.

So his voice became more high-pitched unconsciously, as if in the grand sacrifices of ancient Egypt, the magnificent chants of the sacrificers echoed in the empty basement,

With this chant, the changes in the surrounding scenes began to become more and more serious, and the degree of distortion of those scenes became more and more outrageous.

Gradually, even Harry's body slowly became transparent.

In the end, when he felt that his feet had stepped on solid ground again, and when he looked around, he realized that he had entered a dark and icy world, surrounded by broken walls.

In the face of such a change, Harry's face did not show a panicked expression, but appeared very calm.

In fact, he had already visited this place several times before during the test. According to Clark, this should be the land corresponding to the ancestral home of the Prewett family in the underworld.

Of course, Clark is not really sure about this. After all, the rules of the underworld and the real world are different. Not only are they divided into many layers, but the area is very large, even many times that of the Yang world.

Among them, some of the buildings, mountains and rivers of the Yang World may leave projections in the underworld, but most of them are the unowned land generated after the changes of the underworld.

The reason why Clark guessed that the place where Harry landed was the land corresponding to the Prewett family's castle was because of the ruins next to Harry, the shadow of the castle could be vaguely seen in the ruins made of blue and black bricks.


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