Hogwarts, a Scholar Becomes a God

Vol 7 Chapter 1: Rainy night in Azkaban

In the British wizarding world, Azkaban Prison can be said to be the stinky **** that people hate.

Whether it is a white wizard or a black wizard, they are very annoying to this kind of place, because it is like the toilet of the entire wizarding world. No matter how bad things are, they can be thrown here, let them ferment, rot, and then Turn a blind eye.

But even in this kind of place, someone has to be on duty.

After all, Azkaban is still a wizarding prison in the United Kingdom. Although it has dementors as jailers, the Ministry of Magic is not very reassured about these dark magic creatures.

Then the question arises, who would want to come to such a bad place?

The answer is self-evident, only the most undervalued, low-end staff at the Ministry of Magic are sent here.

Perhaps when this prison was first established, the authorities of the Ministry of Magic would also consider the so-called security factor and arrange for some powerful wizards to come to sit in the town.

But when the Ministry of Magic, after a long period of operation, also began to fall into the drawbacks of a bloated and corrupt bureaucracy, this drudgery was naturally avoided by those who had the ability, ability and connections.

As a result, the wizards who were arranged to come to Azkaban to sit in town were not as good as each year. Now, those who were arranged here were either old men who were about to retire, or rookies who had just joined the department.

Peter is a living example of this.

Peter, whose real name was Peter Alex, was a graduate of Hogwarts Hufflepuff, which was, of course, forty years ago.

Peter's luck after graduation was also good. Compared with his classmates who were unemployed after graduation, he easily infiltrated the British Ministry of Magic and became a glorious staff member of the Environmental Protection and Supervision Department of the Logistics Department.

In layman's terms, it's a cleaning janitor.

Until one day when he was cleaning the office of the Department of Magical Law Enforcement, he was spotted by the director of the Law Enforcement Department at that time. He first made him a temporary worker of the Law Enforcement Department, and then through various means, he was transferred to He became a full-time worker and became an Auror.

It's just that just as Peter was thinking about his iron rice bowl that guarantees income despite drought and flood, a piece of news gave him a bolt from the blue.

Their director informed him that he, who had just turned regular, was assigned to Azkaban as a resident wizard.

"Don't worry, Azkaban is a prison with many felons, but it's actually quite safe there.

Everything inside the prison can be handled by the dementors, you just need to stay on the periphery to prevent some muggle fishermen from straying there. "

In this way, in the sound of the director's concern, Peter, who was ignorant, came to Azkaban in a small boat.

Originally, according to the director's statement, these wizards stationed on the island were rotated every three years, and they could be promoted and raised when they returned.

But Peter was on this small island, but three years later, three years later, three years later, he has been here for thirty years, and he has changed from little Peter to old Peter!

In the end, old Peter even wondered if the director had forgotten himself.

However, after so many years, he has become accustomed to staying on this small island. Although those dementors don't give people a good feeling, the years of getting along day and night have made him have a good resistance to these guys.

Now he is just waiting for a few more years, when he turns sixty years old, he can retire smoothly.

However, God seemed to be joking with him, or maybe he shouldn't have said something like "retire after a few years of work". Anyway, old Peter faintly felt that Azkaban seemed a little strange recently.

The time came one night in August. When he woke up, he felt that there was another abnormal movement in Azkaban's prison.

Old Peter was woken up by the pain in his bad legs. He spent years in a cold and humid seaside prison like Azkaban, which made him suffer from rheumatoid arthritis early on.

Now that he's older, when it's windy and rainy, his legs hurt more and more.

"These **** dementors! They've been restless since they were out and about."

Old Peter muttered a few words, sat up and put on his coat, knocked on the wall beside him, and shouted: "Orville! Orville! Wake up, those dementors in prison are not honest again. "

Orville was his colleague and a young man who had just been fooled.

Old Peter has seen a lot of little guys like this. The only difference is that the young guys who came before can still be transferred away after a few years.

Today, there are fewer and fewer young men who can be transferred.

But old Peter was happy to see it happen. After all, he was so old that he was about to retire, and he still had to rely on the young man to do many things.

Moreover, this young man Orville has only been here for two years, and he still does not understand the twists and turns in this place. He happily waits for the expiration of the three-year period, and he can go back for promotion and salary increase.

Even because of this, he wanted to perform well here, and he worked extremely hard.

It's a pity, this little guy doesn't even think about it. If he can go out in three years, why does old Peter stay here?

However, the strange thing is that Old Peter called out several times and slammed the wall into the sky, but Orville next door didn't seem to hear it.

"This guy, did he fall asleep?"

Old Peter complained discontentedly, got out of bed, and limped downstairs into the kitchen, trying to fill his hot water bottle to warm his stiff knees.

He stood by the sink, pouring water into the kettle, and looked up at the Azkaban prison.

The wind and rain were whistling outside the window, accompanied by lightning and thunder from time to time.

In the distance, there is an infiltrating silence in an ancient castle-like building.

But old Peter could clearly see that a dim red light was flashing in a certain window of the old castle.

The world knows that among the visible light, the red light has the strongest penetrating power, so even if the rain pours down outside and the night is as thick as ink, the red light in the distance is still flickering, and the light and dark are uncertain.

"Is it a fire?"

Old Peter was a little worried, he quickly put down the kettle, dragged his bad leg, and returned upstairs as quickly as possible, put on his clothes, and then went back to the kitchen.

He took the old rusted key from the hook by the door, picked up the cane leaning against the wall, and before going out, hesitating for a while, and finally found his wand, which looked like a moldy branch. , into his arms.

The rusted door bolt was shaken back and forth by old Peter several times before it could be pulled open, and then it slammed on the door with a bang in the gale, and could no longer be closed.

Old Peter couldn't care about this either, he took off the brass lantern hanging by the door, and input some magic power that he didn't have much into it.

A little bright yellow light lit up in the glass lampshade of the lantern, and spread out, forming a large yellow halo, covering Old Peter's whole body and dispelling the chill on him.

He didn't bring an umbrella, so he carried the lantern and walked into the wind and rain.

As soon as he left the warm and safe room, the howling cold wind carried cold raindrops, like countless flying needles, and shot towards Old Peter.

Fortunately, there is a magic shield provided by the alchemy lantern, which can block all this damage.

But for the slippery reef ground hit by the rain, the alchemy lantern was powerless.

Old Peter moved cautiously and walked to the door of Orville's room next door to have a look, but found that this guy's room was dark and no one seemed to be inside.

"Where did this guy go?"

He turned his head and glanced at the ancient castle hidden behind the rain curtain not far away. The red shimmer at the window had now dimmed a lot, and the shadowy shadow could only be seen slightly.

"Did you already go in to check?"

Old Peter found an excuse for himself not to enter Azkaban. He had made up his mind secretly before that he would just stay until retirement, no matter what strange things happened, he would not go to see it or not. Go control.

But today's reality is a bit abnormal. Orville didn't lie in bed for most of the night. Where did he go? What is the red light coming out of the window of Azkaban Castle?

He just stood there in the wind and rain, watching that little bit of red light flicker and flicker in his eyes with a strange and mysterious frequency.

"This little guy is really worrying."

Old Peter sighed, pressed the wand in his arms, held the lantern, and stumbled onto the path leading to Azkaban Prison Castle.

As a living person, he and Orville do not live in the real Azkaban prison. The two people's residences, together with the dock for the boats, are on a small reef not far from the prison. , connected to Azkaban Prison by a stone path.

Old Peter limped to the gate of Azkaban's castle, but instead of entering, he took a few steps to the right and stopped by a small gate that was almost completely covered by creepers.

The dementors floated quietly behind the door, and the tattered cloth on their bodies was still fluttering in the heavy rain, like a tattered flag.

This made the whole Azkaban look gloomy and cold, revealing an air of indifference, which was extremely chilling.

Old Peter took out the old key and inserted it into the keyhole, which was disfigured by the rust of the salty sea breeze. small door.

At this moment, the electric light in the sky was shining, the thunder was roaring, and the white electric light shone on the fingers of old Peter who touched the side door of the ancient castle. intersect together.

In the next moment, his whole person switched places with his shadow.

In front of his eyes, the whole world turned upside down, the island that had just been ravaged by wind and rain instantly turned into a shadow and sank into the ground, and the shadow of the island where Azkaban was located became three-dimensional.

The cloudy sky that was originally covered with clouds has now dissipated, revealing a big bright moon, like a silver plate.

Old Peter was on an island that could only be called a reef, and the one who appeared in front of him was the real Azkaban.

It is hidden by an ancient hidden spell and is hidden on an island in a lonely place in the North Sea.

Someone used a magic spell to divide the space here into two worlds. Old Peter was only in Azkaban of the surface world, and only through the shadows can he enter the real Azkaban—a mirror space hidden in the shadow world.

Of course, the weak old Peter didn't understand how subtle this hidden magic spell was. He just followed the routine and went through the process, and he didn't know anything about the principle.

The island with the real Azkaban in front of it is surprisingly small, and the entire castle occupies 90% of its land.

The shape of the castle is a triangular tower, which is a very old-fashioned magic building style. The front of the tower collapsed in a corner, as if it was hit by some powerful spell.

A swarm of dementors danced above it, and huge waves crashed against the base of the tower, but there was no sound.

It seemed that there was always a silent silence here, even though the waves crashed against the reef at Old Peter's feet, splashing the spray behind him.

The dementors hovering in the air, of course, spotted Old Peter's trail, gliding like eagles and vultures around the rare living person in front of them.

Old Peter could smell the rancid smell and death breath brought by the sea water, and he could also see these black-robed monsters.

In that way, like the scythe of the **** of death swiping down, it can take people's lives silently.

But old Peter was not afraid, not even blinking his dim old eyes, he just raised the brass lantern in his hand.

Perhaps when he first entered Azkaban, he was frightened by the way these nasty bed bugs greeted him, but after so many years, he has long been used to it.

The light from the brass lantern brightened a bit with the operation of Old Peter, and the dementors that were rushing down quickly changed their direction with an extremely flexible posture before they touched the mask, and passed him by.

Old Peter carried the lantern and walked into Azkaban Castle unscathed, where he had not been in for a long time.

But despite the darkness, he still remembered where the steps to the upper corridor were.

He groped and walked over, and a rotting smell wafted through his nostrils.

The ground was damp and cold, and some lobas and carnivorous slugs were wriggling on the stone slabs of the corridor, and some splotches were growing in the dark, corroding the foundations of the castle.

At rest, this magical plant is very similar to a fungus with slightly green eyes, but as Old Peter's footsteps approach, they will hurriedly crawl away by its countless slender tentacles.

In addition to these, occasionally a few hairy crabs can be seen making their homes in the dark corners and crevices, which may be the only magical creature that can survive in Azkaban.

These hairy crabs are often so powerful that wizards sometimes have to use special potions to remove them.

Old Peter struggled up the stairs on crutches, his ears pricked up to catch every footstep or voice overhead, but to no avail.

Fortunately, there was also a thick layer of dust on the stone steps, which made the sound of his footsteps and crutches muffled and difficult to detect.

In this way, old Peter came to the corridor emitting red light, but did not step on the last few steps, but leaned down quietly, leaned his body sideways, put his head close to the corner wall, and secretly looked into the corridor.

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