Hogwarts, a Scholar Becomes a God

Vol 6 Chapter 71: I'm still a good person

, !

"Impossible! Absolutely impossible!"

Brian, who staggered back a few steps, shouted loudly, and at the same time waved his wand excitedly, and subconsciously shot a crimson magic beam towards Sirius Black not far away.

Fortunately, not far away from him is Professor Dumbledore, the headmaster of Hogwarts, so before the magic beam touched Black, it was like a dead snake in the air, pinched by an invisible big hand for seven inches. , After struggling for a while, it dissipated with a "Zila" sound.

"Mr. Brian Miller, I have to remind you that this is Hogwarts, not the office of your Department of Mysteries!" Dumbledore said in a bad tone.

Clark looked at Brian, who was gaffe, and glanced at the expressionless face not far away, but Connelly Fudge, who was exuding joyful fluctuations, was in his heart.

Now, he can finally confirm which side this nasty guy belongs to.

In fact, from the very beginning, Clark was very strange that he did not offend the deputy director of the Department of Mysterious Affairs, why the other party kept targeting him.

Then, through the reaction of the other party and Fudge, he found that the deputy director may not be targeting himself, but targeting Fudge, the Minister of Magic.

Although they came together and belonged to the Ministry of Magic, the relationship between the two should not be as harmonious as they see... well, the two of them don't seem so harmonious on the surface.

After all, in a political venue like the Ministry of Magic, it is normal for two officials to have a little political conflict.

So at this time, Clark thought that Brian was trying to attack Fudge's prestige by targeting him. After all, many people knew that Clark recently got closer to the Minister of Magic through Lucius Malfoy's relationship.

But looking at Brian's gaffe after seeing Sirius Black and Pettigrew Peter just now, Clark had a new idea.

If it is said that the appearance of these two people is the most troublesome, Fudge is the second, then the one from the Ministry of Magic is the first.

"So, this Deputy Director Brian is looking for someone to do activities, and remove the word 'deputy' on his head." Clark's mouth was slightly raised, and he muttered in a low voice, "Then he is really unlucky. "

Not to mention Clark's schadenfreude in the corner, on the other side, when Sirius Black and Pettigrew Peter appeared in front of everyone, everyone's faces changed so richly that they all ignored it and stood there. Not far from Sirius were Harry, Ron and Lupin.

Surprise, shock, fear, doubt, and even unforgettable hatred, the expressions on everyone's faces are different.

It's just that the complicated situation made everyone not know how to speak and who should speak first. It seems that the many major events that happened one after another this day are enough to make them think for a long time.

In the end, it was Roger McMillan, the Ministry of Magic staffer who stayed by Black's side and watched the entire identification incident. He walked up to Fudge and told him all about the grievances and grievances between Sirius Black and Pettigrew Peter.

Of course, the two did not lower their voices when they spoke, so everyone present heard the truth of the matter.

"Minister, Black was wronged..."


"The real murderer is Peter Pettigrew, I saw it all..."


"He turned into a mouse and lived in a wizarding family, and he came to Hogwarts with him, and lived in a dormitory with Harry..."

"Black escaped to catch Peter Pettigrew..."

The words and words of the two outlined a general event flow, which not only conforms to common sense logic, but also echoes some of the facts known to everyone present, making people almost subconsciously believe that this may also be the truth of the matter.


Brian interrupted the two Ministry of Magic staffers loudly, "Sirius Black is a prison escaped murderer wanted by the Ministry of Magic, someone who finds him innocent based on his own dictation? It's absurd, ridiculous! Minister! , I suggest that Black be arrested immediately and handed over to the Dementors for trial."

"But Peter Pettigrew is still alive, and he's not guilty of a murder, right..." Rogge, a staff member of the Ministry of Magic, stood awkwardly next to Fudge, arguing in a low voice.

Even Harry and Ron, who were standing beside Sirius, couldn't help arguing for him, "Minister, Sirius is innocent! Peter Pettigrew was playing dead..."

Fortunately, Fudge seemed to have become a lot smarter at this time, and did not agree with Brian's point of view, but said:

"Deputy Director Brian, don't be so frivolous when dealing with problems. This matter should be handled by the Magic Law Enforcement Division as per the rules. I think it's better to temporarily take Blake into custody and investigate slowly."


This time, Brian strangely didn't try to refute Fudge's words, but after hesitating for a while, he closed his mouth very decisively, stood beside the other party, and took a half step back.

A small half-step means that this short-lived political confrontation has already begun to win.

Fudge nodded in satisfaction, looked at Sirius Black again, and found that the little wizard beside him had already struggled to wake up from the coma, which also made the two Aurors beside him nervous. Raised wand.

"Sorry, this guy was just trying to run away, so I stunned him."

Black grinned, revealing a mouthful of big yellow teeth, which seemed intentional to put it together with the big bag on top of Peter Pettigrew's head.

"Peter Pettigrew, Black has already told us everything just now, is there anything you want to add?" Fudge asked Peter, who had woken up.

"Principal! Minister! I...I..." Peter, who was nervous, chose to repeat his old tricks, "I was wronged!"

He howled a few times, but found that everyone present was looking at him very indifferently, which made him like a **** strangled by his throat, and instantly became dumbfounded.

Everyone present is the elite of the magical world. Judging from their smart minds and rich experience, there are too many loopholes in Peter Pettigrew, and it is not a simple "wrongful" that can be washed away .

At this time, Sirius Black saw Peter's embarrassment, and grinned and launched the final fatal blow.

"Master Minister, in order to prove my innocence, I am willing to provide my own memories on the spot for you to verify. I think no one can lie under magic, right?"

Black's frankness and Peter Pettigrew's panic formed a stark contrast. Looking at this earth-colored short wizard, the balance in everyone's heart tilted a little bit toward Black again.

But embarrassingly, the Ministry of Magic doesn't seem to be prepared for this.

"Uh... Mr. Black, this is indeed a good idea, but we came out in a hurry, and we didn't bring a photographer for this operation," an Auror reminded with a wry smile, "Just the few of us, I'm afraid no one can It is very difficult to succeed in extracting the memory of an adult wizard completely and truthfully when the target is on guard."

The tense expression on Peter Pettigrew's face had only just loosened,

"I can do it, and I'm definitely not taking sides, and even if it doesn't work out, I still have Veritaserum here."

A hoarse and icy voice suddenly came, like a slippery poisonous snake spitting out a dangerous snake letter.

It was Snape, the dean of Slytherin House, the potions professor, the master of Legilimency and brain defense, and his face was blue at the moment, his eyes were looking at Peter Pettigrew angrily, and Sirius beside him. Blake.

"Ah, Professor Snape, if you're willing to take action, it would be the best." Fudge said cheerfully.

But Snape wouldn't give Fudge a good face. He pursed his lips and walked towards Peter Pettigrew with a livid face, then grabbed Peter Pettigrew by the chin, turned his head over, and stared fiercely at Peter Pettigrew. His eyes seemed to be swallowing him alive.

"Look at me, bug!"

Professor Snape's eyes shot an eerie green light, and Pettigrew was instantly frozen, stiff and unable to look away.

"What happened to Lily's death thirteen years ago?"

Snape asked sharply, guiding Peter Pettigrew to recall and think, while raising his wand with the other hand, aimed it at his temple, and drew out strands of silvery white matter from it.

Headmaster Dumbledore turned a stone into a glass bottle and caught the substance.

Then, Snape put down his wand and stared at Pettigrew with a cold look. That way, the two Aurors who were guarding Peter's side looked at him nervously, for fear that Professor Snape couldn't restrain himself and gave Pettigrew directly. Peter an Avada Suo.

Fortunately, Snape didn't make a move in the end, just shook off Peter in disgust, and walked aside without a word.

Dumbledore controlled the glass bottle containing Peter's memory and flew back to his hand, and then put it into his pocket in front of Fudge.

Fudge didn't say much about this. Instead, he seemed to be very satisfied. Sirius Black was also very happy. Only Peter Pettigrew, who had sobered up, looked at the vanishing bottle with a pale expression on his face.

He knew in his heart that as long as he was still alive in this world, it would be the biggest flaw in the whole incident.

Plus the memories extracted by that...

Thinking of this, he trembled with nervousness and sobbed sadly. At this moment, he missed his old master Voldemort so much.

However, at this time, there will be no noseless demons to save him. Several Aurors from the Ministry of Magic cast magic to bind him firmly, preparing to **** him back to the Ministry of Magic.

"Be careful, he's an illegal Animagus who can turn into a rat."

Black, worried that they didn't understand the situation, kindly reminded him, which caused several Aurors to impose several different bans on Peter.

"Clark, I have to trouble you again this time. Come with Professor Snape as a witness in this matter and come back to the department with us." Fudge first went to Clark and said to him.

Clark was not surprised by this situation. After giving Hermione and Neville a reassuring look, he walked silently beside Sirius.

Professor Snape had no objection to this. He also wanted to see Peter Pettigrew's trial and the tragic end of the murderer.

On the other side, Fudge found Dumbledore again, but before he spoke, Dumbledore said that he would participate in the interrogation of Sirius and Peter.

"But I have to finish the school's affairs first." Dumbledore said, and made another small request, that is, when the final trial is held, he hopes to bring Harry.

"Ah, of course, things about the dragon farm are equally important," Fudge nodded first, then hesitated: "It's just that this is a trial after all, bring Harry..."

"It has something to do with Harry after all, doesn't it?"

Dumbledore's words made Fudge nodded again and again, "Okay, no problem, I will notify you of the specific trial time."

After everything was arranged, Fudge whispered to the professors present not to reveal what happened today, and then took Clark and Snape, and escorted Black and Peter Pettigrew with the Aurors, preparing to pass the principal's office. the fireplace, teleported directly back to the Ministry of Magic.

After all, the fireplace in the principal's office can be directly connected to the Minister's Office of the Ministry of Magic. Only in this way can they quietly take Black and Peter Pettigre back without disturbing the others.

The group silently passed through the space gate of the dragon farm, carefully avoiding the tourists who had not yet dispersed, and entered Hogwarts Castle.

After passing through the oak gates of Hogwarts, Clark suddenly called out to Black, "Mr. Black."

Blake didn't expect Clark to call him, froze for a moment, looking at him suspiciously.

"Hand over Pettigrew, do you know what that means?" Clark and Sirius stepped up the steps to the principal's office together. "You're free."

"Don't worry, I won't forget your help to me..."

Sirius thought he was reminding himself of the agreement between the two, but before he could finish, he was interrupted by Clark.

"That's not what I meant. I still believe in your character. What I want to say is, think about Harry."

Clark reminded him, "As far as I know, Harry's parents have appointed you as his guardian to help take care of Harry in case of unforeseen circumstances."

Brian's breathing became quicker, and he waited, waiting for Clark to say what he expected but didn't dare to say.

"I think Harry, if he had a choice, would be more than happy to leave the Muggle family who was not very kind to him."

Hearing this, Blake's haggard face burst into a real smile for the first time, and the change it brought was so startling that it was as if someone ten years younger than Blake was emerging from behind the skinny mask.

At this moment, Clark finally saw the handsome man who was popular at Hogwarts when he was young.

It seems that he really did a good thing.

"Hey, Clark really doesn't have the talent to be a big devil."

Clark gave himself a compliment in his heart and strode forward with his head held high.

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