Hogwarts, a Scholar Becomes a God

Vol 6 Chapter 57: dangerous


Two human-shaped ice sculptures covered in hoarfrost, with silver-white electric lights flickering randomly on them.

Crystal ice chips peeled off and rose from their bodies, turning into pure white clouds, entwining them, and the dreamlike scene completely concealed the danger inside.

"Enough, let them live, I'm still useful."

Clark hurried up and shouted to Hermione.

On the one hand, leaving a few alive, maybe you can get some information out of their mouths, so as to follow the clues, find the black hand behind the scenes, or push it out to attract hatred.

Clark, on the other hand, can be cruel, but he still doesn't think it's appropriate for a little girl like Hermione to take several lives on her back at such a young age.

Hermione also listened to his words very much. Hearing this, the output of the lightning beam in her hand ended. The lingering smoke dissipated, leaving only two werewolves twitching and foaming on the ground.

"Why did you come here, do you know how dangerous it is here!" Clark asked vehemently as soon as they met.

"You also said that if it weren't for me, the children in that room would be in danger!" Hermione was not easy to be with, and immediately replied to him, "Besides, why don't you let me come, we are not partners Is it? It's also a professional, Neville can come, but I can't?"

"No..." Clark didn't know how to explain it for a while, so he could only say, "Didn't I tell you before, the things reported are also very important."

Hermione glanced at him dissatisfied, then pointed at the two guys lying on the ground, "Just like this, do you think the press release you wrote earlier can still be sent?"

Fortunately, she also knew that now was not the time to mess around. "Fortunately, I didn't feel right and ran over again. By the way, what about Neville?"

The two of them were chatting there, and halfway up the mountain in the distance, the battle between Neville and Greyback had reached a fever pitch.

The fighting will of both sides is very strong, and it can be said that they are not giving an inch to fight for injury.

The [Shield Technique] on Neville's body has long been consumed. At this moment, both arms are covered with scratches, and the blood seeps through the long sleeves, dyeing them dark red. The blood loss so slowly made his lips slightly white.

As his opponent, Greyback is not in much better shape.

A ferocious wound stretched from his left chest all the way to his right abdomen. If it weren't for the deep wound, his heart, liver, spleen, lungs, and kidneys would have flowed to the ground at this moment.

"Little guy, I have to say, you really gave me a big surprise."

It was another pair of tricks, the sword collided with the nails entwined with black gas, and the harsh scratching sound made goosebumps fall to the ground.

Greyback retreated immediately, shook his slightly numb right hand, looked at Neville opposite, and couldn't help but praise him.

It's just that his compliments didn't give people a sense of joy. The tone and demeanor were like those of diners sitting at the table, commenting on the food on the plate.

Neville didn't say a word, trying to adjust his vigorous breathing and high-intensity exercise, which made his lungs feel burning pain.

However, actual combat is really the best choice to improve his strength. It was only in the short confrontation just now that Neville discovered that there were still many problems in himself. This was a completely different experience from the usual training.

The experience of walking between life and death, dancing on the edge of the blade, can maximize a person's potential.

Neville was delighted to discover that there was still room for improvement in every move he thought he had practiced perfectly.

His pace changes could be simplified a little more, his swordsmanship could be a little more direct, and even some defensive swordsmanships that were originally very conservative could be completely discarded, those were only used by inexperienced newbies.

A true warrior who dares to face the dripping blood, sometimes exchanging small injuries for victory is also a very suitable choice. He can be bolder and more aggressive—

Greyback looked at the young man in front of him, the sharp light in the eyes of the other party, and the smirk at the corner of his mouth disappeared for a long time.

As an enemy, he was the first to discover the opponent's terrifying speed of progress.

Greyback has been in the dark world for so many years, and even Azkaban has come in and out a few times. There are countless people who have seen it and experienced battles.

This little guy just glanced at it, and he knew that this was an orthodox academic school—

He has a solid foundation, is strict, and abides by the rules. At the same time, he has a hidden arrogance in his bones. He looks down on the wild way of becoming a monk in the middle of the road, and even their blood is snarling when they drink it.

Such a nasty guy, I don't know how many lie down in the dark gutter in Knockturn Alley.

To be honest, Greyback despised such people. What he loved most in his life was to knock off the seemingly hard shells of these people like eating oysters, and then taste their fear.

But it is different now. He can feel that this little guy is really like a hard rock. Under his own forging, the stone skin on the outside gradually fades away, and he is tempered into steel, sharpening his edge.

The speed of his progress is almost visible to the naked eye.

At the beginning, in the face of his own attack, he would subconsciously take block actions, or use his strange spells.

However, within a few fights, the little guy successfully overcame his instincts and had the courage to exchange injuries with himself.

However, Greyback can become the most notorious werewolf, and his strength is not only this.

Just when Neville felt that he could hold on for another ten minutes, when the reinforcements came to make a comeback, the situation suddenly took a turn for the worse.

"Okay, I won't play with you anymore!"

The scarred Greyback sneered at Neville, but reached out and took out a glass syringe from his waist pocket, stuck it on his neck, and injected all the dark red liquid in the syringe into his body.

Neville looked at his strange behavior. Although he didn't know the reason, he also knew that what the enemy was going to do must not be done by him, so he didn't care about his physical fatigue, and rushed up again with his sword in hand.

It's just that his action was still a step too late. I saw that Greyback, who had been injected with the medicine, suddenly raised his head and let out a painful howl. The sound was so loud that the surrounding smoke and dust were filled with his growl. Shake away.

Not only that, but more dark red smoke came out of his pores and gathered into a thick dark cloud above his head.

Then, along with Greyback's chanting like a god, a blood-red full moon emerged from the dark cloud.

Under this scarlet moonlight, Greyback's body began to undergo dramatic changes.

His already thick shoulders and back were visibly arched, long red and black hairs appeared on the bare skin of his face and hands, and his dirty fingers curled into sharp claws.

Neville stopped attacking and stepped back cautiously, looking at the man in disbelief in front of him, who was constantly deforming.

No, it should be a monster to be precise.

Greyback's chin was obviously elongated, sharp, sharp teeth popped out, and the reddish-black hair all over his body became thicker and thicker, and he looked no different from a real wolf.

Even the ferocious wound on his chest began to sprout granulation, then closed and healed, as if he had never been hurt.

This guy broke through the restriction that a werewolf must transform on the night of a full moon, and completed his transformation by relying on a tube of potion!

Of course, if Clark was here and saw the red and white umbrella emblazoned on the test tube Greyback had just used, he would have known that this was not so unusual.

A smell called madness was getting stronger and stronger in the air, and through the dirty and messy dark red hair, Neville saw a pair of scarlet eyes full of icy murderous intent, and the tip of his nose also smelled more than one. The smell of sweat and blood was a hundred times stronger just now.

After completing the transformation, Greyback's height has exceeded two meters. Even standing there quietly, his sturdy body gives people an invisible sense of oppression.

The scorching heat of his blood, even in the midsummer season, the greedy heat still sprayed into Greyback's throat.

He raised two dark black claws that looked like sharp claws made of steel, raised his neck and howled loudly at the scarlet full moon in the dark clouds, sending out bursts of horrific roars.

A good Neville, in the face of such an enemy, still did not panic, and immediately turned his head and ran away.

Just kidding, this kind of monster, of course he has the best policy.

If Clark and Hermione were there, the three of them would join forces, and Neville would naturally be sure to take down the werewolf.

But now he is only one person, and when the odds of winning are not high, he can't afford to stay and fight this monster recklessly.

Besides, the medicine that the other party just injected is not a good thing at first glance, and its state is also very abnormal. Compared with this state, he can't keep it for so long.

So judging from the current situation, running away is the most sensible choice.

Seeing Neville turn and run away, Greyback froze for a moment in the werewolf state, then let out a harsh, terrifying roar, and then threw himself out at a very fast speed.

Neville struggled to run on the slanted glass plank road, listening to the sound of the cracked tempered glass stepping on the ground behind him, but his heart became more and more calm.

Suddenly, he rolled to the side, grabbed the railing of the glass plank road, and swung to the cliff outside the plank road.

The next moment, a huge dark red figure smashed through the railing not far in front of him and rushed down the curve.

It's Greyback!

Using the railing, Neville swung back again, stretched out his head and glanced at the break, and saw Greyback rolling all the way down the hill.

He also discovered one of the shortcomings of Greyback in this state, that is, he has no brains.

Of course, this little episode can't hurt this monster.

So Neville didn't dare to delay, and hurriedly ran along the glass plank road to the top of the mountain.

He remembered that there was a place for training fire dragons. It was Professor Charlie's office. With his help, he should be able to deal with this monster.

It's a pity that things in this world don't seem to like to run according to people's wishes. Just as Neville was about to reach the top of the mountain, with a huge roar, a huge beast fluttered over his head.

The giant beast has a huge streamlined body, covered with black jade-like hard scales, reflecting colorful rays of light in the sun, looking mysterious and elegant.

This is Clark's familiar - the fire dragon Nobeta.

It's just that compared to the previous times when Neville saw her, Norberta seemed to be particularly angry at this time. She flapped her wings vigorously, roared angrily, and shook her head from time to time, just like that. Fly down the mountain.

"Hey Norberta, wait!"

Neville tried his best to shout, but at this time, Norberta would care about his little thing.

It was at this time that Neville, who turned around, also found that Greyback, who had transformed into a werewolf, also happened to catch up behind him.

"This is terrible!"

Neville's long sword swung horizontally, holding up Greyback's attack, and the two fell into a deadly battle again.

On the other side, Clark and Hermione also heard the huge roar.

"No, their target is a fire dragon!"

Clark suddenly reacted, UU reading www.uukanshu. Com was ready to rush up the mountain, but remembered what he saw in the prophecy, looked back at Hermione, and stopped again.

"What do you think I'm doing? Come on, I'll be fine here, if something happens to Norberta, it'll be troublesome!"

Hermione's words reminded Clark that indeed, if the person behind the attack was really an American, then instead of causing chaos in the dragon farm and making it impossible to drive, another simpler solution would be to Solve the problem at the source and eliminate their only fire dragon.

Hermione seemed to sense the worries hidden in Clark's heart at this time, and the expression on her face softened a lot.

"Fool, I'm right here, and there are so many students and parents around, what's the danger?"

As if to confirm his words, at the door of the restaurant that had just been knocked open, several staff members stuck their heads out.

"Come on, I'll take care to protect myself."

Listening to Hermione's urging, Clark knew that this was not the time to pay attention to the love between children, so he gave her a look of taking care, then turned around and ran out of the Fire Dragon Park.

He just ran to the gate of the park, where the guards confronted the werewolf, the huge figure of Norberta fell from the sky, and the strong limbs directly tore down the gate of the park.

"Nobeta! It's me, Clark!" Clark hurriedly shouted to his familiar in the mind link.

However, there is another mysterious force, like a wall, blocking the connection between them.

Clark only felt that this force was very familiar, but he couldn't tell what it was for a while.

It was only at this moment that he realized that there was a figure in a black cloak sitting on Naobeta's back.

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