Hogwarts, a Scholar Becomes a God

Vol 4 Chapter 23: Clark's Rescue

As a XXX-level magical animal, the elf is actually not that powerful.

In the Ministry of Magic's level designation, this level of magical creatures generally means that ordinary wizards can easily tame them.

However, for the unsuspecting, scattered second-year wizards, they were a disaster.

Some of these Cornish elves grabbed ink bottles and splattered them all over the class.

Some ripped books and paper to shreds, and ripped off pictures posted on the walls.

Others, flipped the waste bin upside down, and threw schoolbags and textbooks out of the broken window.

After a few minutes, half of the class hid under the table, Seamus

"Come on, get 'em, get 'em, they're just little elves..." Lockhart shouted loudly, rolling up his sleeves, waving his wand, and was about to cast a spell.

Clark took a step ahead of him, using [Controlling Small Objects] to pretend to be a floating spell, first imprisoning an elf, and then shouting in a voice blessed with [Spiritual Infection] and [Charming Humans]:

"Don't panic, everyone, do as Professor Lockhart said, cooperate, this is the test given to us by the professor!"

Unlike Lockhart, who has no prestige, Clark, who was blessed with two psionic powers, calmed the students in the classroom from the panic as soon as he spoke.

And soon under his organization, a counterattack was carried out.

"In a group of three, one person picks up the book around him for defense, one person casts a spell to restrict the movement of the elf, and the other person attacks freely. Be careful not to accidentally hurt your companion!"

Hermione was the first to respond to Clark's call, and a freezing spell froze a elf who wanted to hit Clark, and threw it into the cage along with the one he had imprisoned.

Immediately afterwards, the second person who responded to Clark was Bruce, a transfer student from Ilvermorny in the United States.

"Hahaha, this course is really interesting."

With a wave of his hand, he grabbed a flying elf very calmly, and then slammed it to the ground, knocking it to pieces and fainting.

With the leader, the rest of the little wizards also reacted. Neville directly took the textbook in front of him and, like playing baseball, knocked out a elf who was making a face at him.

There were not many of these elves. Under their counterattack, they were defeated and captured at a speed visible to the naked eye, and they were stuffed into the cage.

When the last elf was driven into the cage under the coercion of several little wizards, the entire classroom was quiet again.

Immediately afterwards, there was applause that lasted for a long time.

Although the classroom was in a mess at the moment, broken glass and papers were all over the floor, and the tables, chairs, and benches were all over the place.

But every little wizard's face was flushed with intense exercise and excitement.

"Quiet." Clark squeezed his hand, and the applause gradually ceased. He walked to Lockhart and reported loudly.

"Professor, all the elves have been caught. To be honest, this is the first practical class we have experienced since we entered the school. We did not perform well at the beginning. Please forgive me."

Well, last year their Defence Against the Dark Arts teacher was Professor Quirrell who was parasitized by Voldemort. It was a joke to have a Dark Lord teach the students how to defend against the Dark Arts.

Lockhart's panicked look had disappeared at this time. He stood on the podium and nodded with a smile, as if everything was what he expected.

Because the wand was not stolen by the elf like in the original book, the little wizards present saw his expression, and some really thought that this was the test Lockhart gave them.

Then Clark said:

"Through this practical class, we have also learned a lot of truth. What you want to convey is that no matter facing any enemy, we must not take it lightly, we must be vigilant at all times, and deal with it calmly.

I have to say, this is really a valuable first lesson in school. "

Under Clark's praise, Lockhart's face returned to a high-spirited smile.

"Yes, Mr. Prewett, you are right, what a fine little wizard, twenty points for Gryffindor!

Classmates, what he said is exactly the adventure experience I want to tell you, remember and be vigilant at all times! "

The bell rang for the end of the get out of class, and in the corridor, the students who had just finished the Defense Against the Dark Arts class were still happily discussing what happened in the class just now.

According to word of mouth, it is believed that this matter will soon spread in Hogwarts, and the young wizards of other colleges are probably looking forward to Professor Lockhart's Defense Against the Dark Arts class.

Unfortunately, they are afraid that they will never be able to take the special Defense Against the Dark Arts practical class. After all, with today's lesson, our Professor Lockhart will definitely choose a safer teaching method.

"What's the matter with you today?" Hermione, who was walking on the road, looked at Clark, and said with an expression she didn't know him at all.

"I never thought that you are so talented in pleasing the teacher."

"To please the teacher? How can you say that." Clark said in an exaggerated tone: "Don't you think Professor Lockhart teaches very well? I remember that you put his courses in heart-shaped circles on the class schedule. out."

"Enough!" Hermione flushed angrily. "That was my moment of confusion. In today's class, smart people can see what Lockhart is."

"You must also know what~www.wuxiamtl.com~ She suddenly had a flash of inspiration, "Do you have anything for him to do? The only special thing about Lockhart is his status as a professor. You coax him like this, there must be some conspiracy! "

Clark pushed away Hermione, who was in front of him, "Don't say it so badly, what is conspiracy, I respect Professor Lockhart very much."

Hermione looked at him with disgust, "Fake it, you still pretend, every time you smile, I know you must have no good intentions."

"Okay, okay, I do have something to do. I want to get Professor Lockhart's help, but it must not be a conspiracy. I'll tell you when there is no one in the lounge tonight at twelve o'clock."

"Che, who cares, you like to talk or not." Clark finished speaking, Hermione hugged the book, snorted arrogantly, and left.

Clark shouted at her: "I also made an appointment with George and Fred. It's serious business, don't forget."

Hermione walked away faster as if in a fit of anger. Clark looked at her back to the library and shook his head helplessly. He didn't know where he was provoking her, so he turned to Griffin. to many common rooms.

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