Hogwarts, a Scholar Becomes a God

Vol 4 Chapter 10: How to do things with other people's money

Latest Website: Looking at Theodore Abbott who spoke righteously in front of him, Clark smiled.

The world is bustling, all come for the benefit; the world is bustling, all for the benefit, the ancients will not deceive me!

Theodore Abbott saw Clark smile, and the smile on his face became more and more brilliant.

At this time, Elijah Yaxley, who was sitting on the side, also said, "Yes, Clark, since you called us uncle, then you can't bully you as an uncle. The money for building dragon farms , we Yaxley family also support a little."

Two of the three school board representatives spoke up, leaving only the thin Darren Bock with a flushed face. People can't get along with money.

But now it is difficult to ride a tiger, but he is too embarrassed to submit to the young man Clark, so he can only bury his head and squeeze out a sullen voice, "The Bock family abstains."

As for what he was thinking, of course no one would know.

So two-to-one, the decision was certain, and the two old foxes turned their attention to Clark again.

Facing the gazes of the two, Clark showed a hesitant expression on his face, as if he didn't want to give such a big piece of cake to others.

This made Theodore's heart lift, and Elijah, who had been sitting the whole time, added, "Of course, this whole thing was initiated by my nephew, and you must be the main person in charge. Home only counts as support and does not interfere with specific things.

The water in the wizarding world is very deep, nephew, you are still too young, you can't control many people and families, and you also need us to **** you. "

After saying this, Elijah regretted it, and he didn't know why he suddenly said such a threat to his students in front of Dumbledore. Or Jin Galleon is too moving and messed up his mind!

However, his words seemed to be the last straw that broke the camel's back, and a bitter smile appeared on Clark's face, as if he had made a difficult decision.

"Since both of you have said so, then I shouldn't insist too much, hey... that's it."

Both Elijah and Theodore had genuine smiles on their faces, but Clark spoke again.

"But there are twelve seats on the school board. The two uncles do this. What if other school directors have opinions?"

As soon as he said this, Darren Bock, who had already given up, raised his head in surprise again. Does this mean that he is preparing for rain and dew?

However, Clark's next sentence shattered his illusion.

"I don't think it's better than this, add a little more to the amount of the dragon farm that I just said, and make up 15,000 gold Galleons. My Prewett family pays 3,000, and the remaining 12,000 is divided into 12 , the investment quota of 1,000 Galleons per share.

Except for the Bock family abstaining, that share was distributed to the staff of Hogwarts. The remaining 11 investment quotas will be divided by the families represented by the 11 school directors. If there are also abstentions, other families can take over that share. The Witt family is all inclusive.

Of course, in this way, a special company must be set up to be responsible for the construction of the Hogwarts dragon farm. The shares of this company, our Prewett family, must account for 51%, and the remaining 49%, According to the funds invested by each company, what do you two think? "

Hearing Clark's solution, Theodore's face showed a hesitant look again, but Elijah Yaxley pointed out unceremoniously, "So, your Prewett family occupies the The ratio is too much! It is equivalent to investing only 3,000 gold Galleons, and it becomes 7,000 in an instant."

Clark smiled lightly at his accusation, not annoyed. As for business, it's enough to talk about it.

"The reason why I want 51% of the shares is to have the right to speak in the whole matter. After all, you are all my Clark's elders. If there is no suppression of shares, can you listen to me? The most important thing is to spend money on things. There is only one voice. What if there are too many people talking and things go wrong?

Moreover, the account is not calculated like this. In the end, the money will be invested in the Huolong Industrial Park, and I can't get it.

And all the uncles and uncles just need to invest and wait for the money to be collected, and I also need to find a special team to take care of this stall, work hard, spend time and technology costs, and it is normal to take more shares. .

If the uncles and uncles don't believe me, we can still find a middleman or agency. "

Having said that, Clark turned his attention to a silent headmaster Dumbledore beside him.

"For example, Headmaster Dumbledore and Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry keep all the money in the school, and the school is responsible for keeping and using it. I am only responsible for the operation and do not directly contact those Jin Galleons. In this way, everyone. Will it be more reassuring?

And I, Clark, can also guarantee that the Prewett family will not participate in the dividend until the uncles and uncles recover the cost of the thousand Galleons you invested. "

Clark's words were loud, and even Dumbledore couldn't help nodding. Seeing that he was so eloquent, Elijah and Theodore couldn't say anything else, and temporarily agreed to his plan.

Now that the matter of making money has been roughly settled, the two of them are afraid of long nights and dreams, so they get up and prepare to leave, go to the other nine school directors, and plan to discuss the investment quota with them.

As for the addition of a new seat on the school board at Hogwarts, Clark did not mention it again, because he knew that once the construction of the dragon farm started, those school directors who were tied to his interests would be eager to push Follow him, take that seat,

With the three school representatives disappearing behind the door, only Clark and Dumbledore were left in the room. He knew that this should be the most difficult time.

However, Dumbledore didn't seem to intend to discuss the matter just now, but made a joke with him first.

"Nick wrote me a letter saying that he wanted to accept you as a student. UU Reading www.uukanshu.com asked me to agree to your transfer to Beauxbatons. It seems that your trip to France this time has been very good. Outstanding."

Every wrinkle on Dumbledore's face seemed to be smiling, and it seemed that Nick Lemay's letter made him very proud.

Seeing that the principal was in a good mood, Clark also relaxed, but the next moment.

"But your actions just now may unleash a demon!"

Dumbledore's tone was very calm, making people unable to hear joy or anger, and Clark had to raise his head, trying to see his inner thoughts through the other's expression.

However, it was of no use, because Dumbledore still had a faint smile on his face, and his kind eyes seemed to be looking at his little grandson.

But Clark knew that this was just an illusion. Once his answer did not satisfy the other party, then the plan discussed with the school management representatives just now might not be discussed.

After all, as the greatest wizard in the British wizarding world, Dumbledore had that influence.

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