Hogwarts, a Scholar Becomes a God

Vol 4 Chapter 6: sparring in the office

The latest website: Theodore Abbott, the young representative of the Abbot family among the twenty-eight pure-blood wizard families in the UK.

The family is known for growing magical herbs and is one of the largest suppliers of herbal medicines in the wizarding world. The Prewett family chose to cooperate with the extraordinary potions shop opened by the Prewett family at 1-38 Diagon Alley last year, so Clark naturally knew him.

The Mr. Ai Bo also recognized Clark, and immediately gave out a hearty laugh, stepped forward and gave Clark a big hug, "Hahaha, little Clark, you are finally here, we were still talking about you just now. thing."

The other thin wizard immediately guessed Clark's identity, knowing that he must have heard the bad words he just said outside the door, the embarrassed expression on his face flashed away, and then he stood aside with a sullen face.

It was only then that Dumbledore walked in with a smile on his face and closed the door.

"Okay, our protagonist is here." Dumbledore sat behind the large desk and waved his wand to help Clark and the others make four upholstered chairs. "Now we can continue what we just discussed."

Combining the content of the quarrel he heard just now, Clark quickly guessed the purpose of Dumbledore calling him here today.

Last semester, because of the huge cost of building a dragon farm, he proposed a solution, which was to use the construction funds as a sponsorship fee in exchange for a seat on the board of directors of Hogwarts.

Now it seems that after nearly a month of wrangling during the holiday, this matter has finally been put on the agenda by the school board. As the initiator of today's meeting, Headmaster Dumbledore was also the first to speak.

"The establishment of a dragon farm at Hogwarts has been approved by the school board with high votes, and all the procedures for the Ministry of Magic have been applied for in place. Our preliminary calculation of the construction cost of the dragon farm is a total of 11,000 gold. Galleon.

This includes the cost of site cleaning in the forbidden forest, the cost of placing magical animals and magical plants, the cost of setting up the dragon farm, the purchase cost of alchemy materials needed for the magical barrier, the labor cost, and the cost of raising the dragon during the construction of the dragon farm. , as well as the initial operating costs after the venue is completed. "

Every time Dumbledore reported an expense, the faces of Theodore Able and the skinny wizard twitched. Obviously, this huge expense made them very painful.

On the contrary, it was the middle-aged gentleman with a calm expression on his face, as if he was indifferent to this large expenditure. I don't know if he really doesn't care about money, or if he has enough qi-raising skills.

"With the current funds at Hogwarts, after deducting this year's castle maintenance costs, the salaries of internal staff, and the living expenses of the students throughout the semester, the remaining amount is less than five thousand Galleons.

In addition, some funds need to be left as emergency expenses. The funds that can be invested in the construction of the dragon farm are only 3,000 gallons, and there is a gap of more than 7,000 gallons. This is a problem that we urgently need to solve now.

So, what are your thoughts on the proposal to introduce external funds and add a seat on the board of directors, as representatives of the school board? "

After Dumbledore finished speaking, the skinny wizard immediately complained impatiently in a low voice: "I didn't approve of this before, it would cost so much money to build a dragon farm alone, and it would have to continue in the future. Investing in money and not knowing when it will pay for itself.”

Although his voice was small, at such a close distance, the few people present were not deaf, so they could hear clearly.

"He's Darren Boke, the Boke family's representative on the school board." Theodore Able was afraid that Clark wouldn't know the situation, and whispered to his ear.

When Clark heard it, he immediately understood that the Boke family started out with smuggling, and the smuggling of dragon materials accounted for the bulk of their business. It was normal to be a little bit conflicted about building a dragon farm.

But since this matter has been passed by the school board with a high vote, his complaints are just complaints, and no one cares about him at all.

Seeing that no one in the room spoke and fell into an awkward atmosphere, Theodore Aibo cleared his throat and said, "This dragon farm must be built at any time, and it will not work if it is not built."

"You think, Hogwarts is such a big school, with so many students, that they don't even have their own fire dragons. This is too out of class. Besides, after the dragon farm is built, you can train and nurture dragons in a targeted manner. Dragon personnel, this is a great benefit to the dragon raising industry and potion production in our British magic world."

"Then you pay for the seven thousand gold Galleons?"

Darren Bock scolded Theodore Aibo, and Theodore's face suddenly showed an embarrassed expression, "Didn't the board of directors agree before, a few companies will pay together, and it will only be six hundred gold plus Long."

To be honest, their family can't come up with so much liquidity for a while, or to say, more than 7,000 gold Galleons, no matter which family it is, it is a wealth that is enough to hurt the bones.

"Six hundred gold Galleons is not too much," Darren Bock sneered, "Didn't you hear that this is an upfront investment, and you have to take money every year in the future, that's a bottomless pit!"

After he finished speaking, he turned his attention to Clark again, "How about you, the Prewett family, paid for this money? Our Bock family has absolutely no opinion on the matter of adding a seat to the board of directors."

Clark glanced at him and said nothing.

At this time, the middle-aged gentleman who had been silent all the time said: "Darren, what you said is over, it is not the matter of the Prewett family to build a dragon farm~www.wuxiamtl.com~The dragon farm is built. In the future, several of our families can also benefit, so we still have to pay for the money we should pay."

"Besides, the Prewett family was also a member of the school board at the beginning, but they reluctantly quit because of a family accident. Now that your family wants to come back, those of us who are uncles and uncles are naturally very welcome."

He looked at Clark, his voice unhurried, kind and natural, as if he was really an elder who was teaching his younger generation earnestly.

"But! The Prewett family left voluntarily at the beginning, and your family has not paid a cent for the sponsorship fees of Hogwarts for more than ten years. Now that you want to come back, you have to make up all the money that should have been made up over the years. Bar.

Don't say that those of us who are uncles are bullying you. We have discussed it before, and now we are just in time to build a dragon farm. Your Prewett family is coming, we welcome it, but this funding gap, Prewett The family comes out on top. As for how much? Then we can negotiate more slowly. "

"It makes sense," Theodore Abbott also nodded and introduced to Clark, "This is Elijah Yaxley, Deputy Director of the Ministry of Magic Prohibition of Abuse of Magic. President, the Yaxley family's representative on the school board."

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