Hogwarts, a Scholar Becomes a God

Vol 3 Chapter 29: Enemy meets, forced to act

It really won't be very quiet tonight.

When Clark supported Kuira, he returned to the old house without doing anything. Before turning on the light, his keen perception told him that there were other people in the house.


The dim incandescent lamp was lit, and Kuila's two friends, Jasper and Horace, were tied to a chair and placed in front of them.

In the four corners of the room, five or six people were tall and tall, and the bodyguards in suits, who were not easy to mess with, looked at them expressionlessly.

Oh oh, it seems that they are waiting on the sidelines, and they have fallen into the trap.


A pretentious voice called out Kuira's name, and Clark clearly found that the big sister, who was leaning on him softly, had completely recovered her strength and got rid of his support.

"Von Hermann!" Kuira took a few steps forward steadily, "You are really a lunatic."

Countess von Hermann turned on the lighter at this moment, looked at the draft of Kuila's work posted on the wall by the firelight, and replied: "Compared to your madness, I am naturally far worse."

The bodyguards circled behind the two Clarks, completely blocking their way.

"I have to admit that your abilities are indeed outstanding, especially your subversive creativity," the Countess picked up a draft, the bright red design on it was very eye-catching, "or give you a little time, the future will definitely be bright Infinite."

"I don't understand what you mean." Kuira continued to play stupid. "There is no future? What are you trying to do, kill me? That's against the law, ma'am."

The Countess put down the drawing, turned off the lighter, and turned to face Kuira.

"I always thought you were ready, little girl."

"To be honest, I have always admired you, Kuira." The Countess stared into her eyes, "You have determination and brains. I used to think you would be very helpful to me, but obviously, You have failed my good intentions. You are useless, to me you are just dust, a reptile."

Kuira looked at the other party's lofty attitude and said sarcastically: "What an inspiring speech, thank you for the compliment."

The Countess turned a deaf ear to Cueira's sarcasm, "I don't care about other people, everyone else is an obstacle, if I care about how obstacles feel, then I'm done. And if I care about how many obstacles feel, then I'm dead. It's settled, like many smart women, the only thing left is an invisible talent and a broken heart."

"So as a senior, I have to remind you that you do have the talent to create your own brand, but whether you have the determination to rush out from the army is another matter."

"But unfortunately, looking at your performance, you don't seem to have that thing."

"It's our grudge," Kuira interrupted her chatter.


"It has nothing to do with the two idiots you are stalking, let them go." Jasper and Horace, who were tied to the chairs, struggled violently.

The countess glanced at the two of them, and immediately a black-clothed bodyguard rewarded them with a fist.

"I will, of course, they will spend the rest of their lives in prison." The Countess waved her hand as if to drive away two flies.

Kuira heard this, "Because of what? Offended the distinguished countess?"

"Because of murder, they murdered a new designer with a high reputation, for money, or for beauty, anyway, there must be something."

Cold words came out of the countess' mouth, as if that were the truth.

"No one will believe it," Kuira retorted.

"So I have to add your charred body to the crime scene to add credibility.

This is the age of entertainment, people don't care what the so-called truth is, it doesn't make sense, they only care about a beautiful female designer and what interesting things happened that night with two murderers. "

"Not necessarily, you can still control the media in Paris?"

Clark, who had been standing beside Kuira as an invisible man, finally spoke.

"Oh, there's another child, who are you?" The Countess squinted at Clark.

"Clark Kent."

"So you are Clark!" The countess immediately turned her head to look at him, "I've been arranging people to find you, and those articles are simply nonsense."

Clark immediately tried to learn and use it, and used the countess's words as a counterattack.

"This is the age of entertainment, people don't care about the so-called truth, it doesn't make sense. They only care about how a big man on the top gets tossed into the dirt by a little man who suddenly rises up, and gets stomped on a hundred feet, They love watching this."

This made the countess laugh angrily.

"Ah, that's fine, you're fine." She looked at Clark and said with a pun. "I hope your bones are as hard as your mouth."

At this time, Kuira had already drawn out his wand, "I think you really underestimated me, and you want to catch me with these Muggles? It's almost the same with a few helpers."

So, people can't be too arrogant, Clark just hates Kuira's mouth, because just after she finished speaking, a black gas like a worm cloud came out from behind the countess and flew towards Kuila.

"Lishen Jinxie!"

There is still a wizard hidden in this house?

Kuira didn't have time to think about it, she cast a phantom spell very quickly, and the three energetic Kuiras appeared in her original position in an instant. Whether it was appearance or breath, it gave people the same feeling~www .wuxiamtl.com~ I can't tell which is real and which is fake.

However, the black cloud was not affected by her phantom, or rather, the wizard who cast the spell behind it, was not confused by Kuira's light and shadow magic, and confirmed her true body in a special way, and Controlling the black cloud to get into her body.

A sense of powerlessness flooded Kuira's heart in an instant. As soon as her legs and feet softened, she sat down on the ground.

Clark hurriedly stretched out his hand to support her, but this time he found that the other party was no longer pretending to be drunk like he was just now, but he really lost his strength.

At this time, the wizard who cast the spell on Kuira walked out from behind the countess.

However, at this time he was wearing a dark fur cloak, and the two of Clark couldn't see his face and could not confirm his identity.

But when Kuira saw the rag doll in his hand, he said fiercely, "Voodoo curse, you turned over my things!"

It turned out that the reason why this dark wizard was able to confirm Kuira's true body was because he combined the curse and magic of voodoo to create a unique cursed black magic.

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