Hogwarts, a Scholar Becomes a God

Vol 3 Chapter 18: Hermione returns, the curtain opens

The latest website: The setting sun is like blood, dyed the sunset red.

Clark and Hermione left the unfinished building without speaking to anyone along the way.

And just like that, the silent silence continued until they returned to the front of the hotel lobby.

"Clark, I always feel that something is wrong. Are we really going to help that...that woman?"

Hermione turned to look at Clark.

"I thought you could hold it back and just held back to the room." Clark joked, and at the same time led Hermione to the seat on the side of the lobby.

"I'm not kidding! Although I also sympathize with the experience of Miss Kuira, I don't know why, she always feels wrong to me."

"Two lattes, thank you, no sugar needed." Following Clark's order, two lattes appeared on the table in front of them in an instant.

"Clark!" Hermione's eyes widened and her mouth pouted.

"I know, being overjoyed, getting emotional, and being a little nervous, this is just the normal behavior of wizards, but even so, I still don't believe a word of what she said. That's exactly what I'm going to tell you. "Anything, anyone, don't listen to what he says, but watch what he does and how he does it."

"Then why do you want to..."

"Do you still want to promise her?" Clark picked up the cup and took a sip. The bitter and sour taste was very mellow.

"Do you think she would tell the truth if we continued to argue with her, pointing out some flaws or some problems in her story?"

"This..." Hermione didn't know how to answer.

"Besides, if we refused at the time, do you think we could have left there intact?"

Clark leaned back in his chair and looked at her.

"Besides, this matter was entrusted to me by Nicole Lemay, which means that as long as I complete Kuila's request, the deal between us will be concluded, and in the end, no matter what happens, he will endorse it. .

Although I think he is an unreliable old **** like Professor Dumbledore, this does not prevent me from believing in his influence in the French wizarding world! "

"What's more, what did I do in this matter? I didn't steal or rob it, I just provided two poor homeless people with a job that could feed themselves. What's the point? What's the problem?"

"You're quibbling, what if that necklace really belonged to the countess?" Hermione retorted.

"So what? Justice may be late, but never absent. If that Miss Kuila was really a thief, I think she would pay for her actions.

Moreover, during this period of time, I will not do nothing, don't worry, I know what to do. "

Naturally, Hermione had nothing to say. In fact, she didn't know why she would suddenly say these words impulsive, wanting to prevent Keak from participating in this matter.

Perhaps there is a certain kind of unique charm in that Miss Kuira, which makes her feel inferior and worried.

Or maybe it was this short seven or eight-day trip to a foreign country that made her see the gap between herself and Clark,

Clark was vaguely aware of this, but he knew that this kind of thing could only be figured out by Hermione herself.

In the next few days, Clark and the Hermione family resumed their normal travel.

He accompanied Hermione and her parents to visit all the tourist attractions in Paris.

Eiffel Tower, Notre Dame Cathedral, Luxembourg Gardens, Louvre Museum, Place de la Bastille, Versailles…

The entire itinerary was properly arranged under the guidance of money, and the word "play" was really implemented to the end, as if the matter of Kuira had been left behind.

However, plans never change fast.

"What? Go back! How long have we been out?" Hermione's voice became a little shrill with excitement.

"Baby! It's been a long time since we've been out here. All of my old clients were calling me yesterday to urge me." Mr. Granger comforted his precious daughter softly.

"But we..."

"We've been bothering people long enough!" Hermione's mother whispered, pulling her aside.

However, with Clark's sensitive ear, he could still hear clearly. However, he did not persuade Hermione's parents to stay, because he was not fully sure of what would happen next. If he was alone, he would be more comfortable.

Therefore, Hermione, whose arms could not twist her thighs, was finally pulled by her parents and returned to the UK ahead of schedule.

Before leaving, Clark also invited the family to dinner at Gust Restaurant, the most famous French wizarding world.

The French food at that restaurant is really good, and it uses various ingredients from the wizarding world.

A Provencal stew in particular made Clark feel at home. It's not his castle in England, but the warm harbor in his past life that only exists in memory.

There must be some kind of magical magic being cast on a dish that can bring tears to one's eyes.

However, when Clark invited the chef of Gust's restaurant and was about to share this dish with him, it really surprised Hermione's parents.

Because the chef of this Gust restaurant turned out to be a rat. Yes, the head chef of a restaurant is not a person, but a big fat mouse named Remy wearing a chef's uniform.

Sure enough, in the wizarding world, there are really no wonders!

Fortunately, the mouse chef named Remy can't speak, but his partner Queenie is a young wizard who can communicate with mice. very happy.

And after sending Hermione and her parents away, Clark let go.

At this time, Horace and Jasper, two of Kuira's attendants, had been working in the cleaning company for a few days, and Clark had also successfully obtained an invitation to the countess's black and white ball.

This is from a formal channel~www.wuxiamtl.com~ After all, the purpose of the countess's ball is just a show to promote her clothing design concept.

In Paris, France, luxury companies, fashion designers, and some celebrities often hold such parties, so as long as you have a certain network and status, it is very easy to get an invitation to this kind of dance.

Time passed quickly, and that day came in a blink of an eye.

As night fell, the Count's Castle, which was originally empty and deserted, gradually became lively. In the transparent glass windows, bright lights pierced the darkness, decorating the entire castle magnificently.

Countless celebrities, fashion supermodels, and media reporters in black and white color matching costumes all flocked to the fashion party.

Maybe tonight, they will be able to make friends with people they haven't been in contact with before, so as to contribute to their careers and take them to the next level.

Outside the courtyard wall of the castle, a minivan with the "Extraordinary Clean" sign also staggered to a stop.

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