Hogwarts, a Scholar Becomes a God

Vol 3 Chapter 12: Soul Emblem, Deathly Hallows

"You mean the fact that magic can cause mental confusion?"

Clark, of course, understood what Nicole LeMay was trying to say, and considered the language.

"Yes, since I lost my magic power, I feel that my mind is more clear-headed, and the control of my emotions is more mature, as if I have completely become my own master, and I will no longer have a fever due to certain circumstances. "

"Actually, I have seen some clues about this from my ancestral magic book, but there is only one reminder in that book, saying that it is not to pursue too much about the source of power."

"It's an old-fashioned word," Nick sighed, "Actually, I've always disapproved of wizards' excessive use of magic in this regard, but you also know that when a person carries gold, he can't help thinking about it. Use it, not to mention it can embody unique magic."

"Oh, let's not talk about this, anyway, old man, half of my body has been buried in the ground, and the rest of the matter is left to you juniors to face."

Saying that, he stretched out his hand to Clark, "Come on, show me what you have just now. Seeing how calm you are, I'm afraid it's not for something without magic power. I ran over a thousand miles away. Come, for this thing?"

Clark hurriedly handed the blank Philosopher's Stone to Nicole LeMay, and nodded at the same time, "Yes, I'm here this time to ask you, the alchemist master. This is what I found in an ancient book. The method of making and constructing life, but unfortunately there seems to be some barrier in the middle, and it has been unable to succeed."

What he showed Nicole Lemay in the afternoon was exactly the construction method of the [Psicrystal Servant] he got from the fragments of the godhead.

This is the information he obtained when he was transferred to [Psion]. The so-called [Psionic Crystal Servant] is a special constructed life created by the Psion by dividing a soul fragment of his own personality.

To put it bluntly, it is the magic pet of [Psion], but this magic pet is the continuation of its master's personality. The master casts spells.

And because its appearance is a crystal structure the size of a human palm, it was named [Psionic Crystal Servant].

However, the real world is different from the game world. Even if it is a godhead fragment, it is impossible to directly change a [Psionic Crystal Servant].

It just transferred the craftsmanship of making the [Psionic Crystal Servant] to Clark, and he needed to make the rest by himself. It was only when he made the [Psionic Crystal Servant] that Clark discovered that this matter was not as he imagined. as simple as that.

"Constructing life? Like those Muggle computer robots?"

"You know all this?" Clark was taken aback, surprised at the old man's ability to keep up with the trend. He even knew something about Muggle computers and robots.

"That's right," Nicole Lemay smiled, "I've seen the Muggle movie Terminator, it's that metal skeleton rack that shoots, and honestly, that leather jacket is cool, I'm all for it. I bought one of the same style, and I'll show it to you later."

Clark can't imagine what it would be like if Nicole Lemay didn't have a wand, wore a robe, but put on a leather jacket, sunglasses, and a shotgun on a motorcycle. .

It was so beautiful that he quickly expelled the image from his mind.

"Yes, it's similar to the Terminator." Clark replied, and then he saw the old man touch the blank magic stone with the ruby ​​ring in his hand, and red threads spread like blood vessels inside the magic stone. , and then took it back.

"Well, although it collapsed, it can still be seen that this is a very delicate rune concept. Although I have never seen it before, the knowledge is always the same. According to the principle of the existence of the soul, it is obvious that the There are many difficulties.”

With that said, Nicole Lemay grabbed a piece of parchment, picked up a pen and drew a triangle on it, with a circle on the outside and a vertical line on the inside.

"Deathly Hallows!"

Clark looked at the pattern drawn by Nicole LeMay and exclaimed.

"Oh, you recognize this sign too?" Nicole Lemay smiled, "Well, yes, I remember your name as Clark Prewett, well, the Poulters, that name, I remember it a little long ago. already."

"Of course, I have also read "The Tales of Bedouin the Poet", and some of my family's collections also record this symbol, and the famous Dark Lord Gellert Grindelwald even used this symbol as his own logo. ."

Seeing Nicole Lemay nod, he continued, "However, your pattern is a little different from the pattern I know."

With that said, Clark also picked up the pen and drew on the parchment.

"According to the story of Bedouin the Poet, the so-called Deathly Hallows are the magical objects that the three Peverell brothers obtained from the **** of death.

Among them, the vertical line represents the invincible Elder Wand; the circle inside represents the resurrection stone that can summon the dead of the dead; and the triangle in the outer circle represents the invisibility cloak that can avoid death.

According to legend, whoever collects all three Deathly Hallows can become the master of death and gain eternal life.

It should be like this..."

Nicole Lemay smiled as Clark drew a special mark that looked like a triangular eye with a vertical line in the pupil on the paper.

"Hey hey, Deathly Hallows? Gain immortality! If you really just focus on conquering death and gaining immortality, then you are treating gold as brass."

Clark knew that ~www.wuxiamtl.com~ The other party was looking at Dumbledore's face and took the opportunity to teach himself some secret knowledge that could not be passed on.

"In the concept of alchemy, this pattern does not represent the Deathly Hallows, or more specifically, it should be evolved from the Eye of Horus in Egypt, the symbol of the gods representing resurrection and soul."

Nicole Lemay said, drawing a circle with thin fingers, "This outermost circle is the beginning of everything, the foundation of the soul, the placenta that is conceived."

"Is it similar to the circle in the pentagram circle?"

"Yes, almost all magic circles are based on a circle, because this symbolizes the perfect cycle of the universe and the flow of magic power."

He drew another triangle with his finger in the center of the circle.

"The triangle is the most stable figure of all geometric figures, which symbolizes the three elements that support the soul, namely memory, cognitive logic and real name."

"Finally, it is also the most important point of the soul." He drew a bunch. "That is what can divide life and death, and create something out of nothing-power!"

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