Hogwarts, a Scholar Becomes a God

Vol 3 Chapter 1: A sudden life-and-death situation

"Clark, look over there!"

"And over there."

"It's so beautiful!"

Under the bright sunshine, this is one of the most beautiful avenues in the world. On both sides of the broad road with eight-lane traffic, there are dense forests and merchants.

The patrolling policemen rode high-headed horses and maintained the law and order of the streets.

Neat, exquisite and elegant Ottoman-style buildings dotted the streets. If you look closely, you will find that there are all kinds of world-renowned high-end shopping stores here.

Tourists who come here are shuttled, walking in front of these row upon row of luxury stores, and the beautiful display windows are full of dazzling goods.

Between the shops, there are fountains, sculptures, street lamps, benches, newsstands and other leisure buildings, which dilute the temptation of material desires and add a bit of leisure and comfort to the whole street.

If you get tired of walking, you can also find an outdoor coffee shop or ice cream cart everywhere, delicious sweets will always replenish your energy.

And this is the Champs-Élysées in Paris, a world of bliss full of prosperity and temptation, a world-famous fashion street.

Clark was walking down this long street with Hermione, holding an ice cream in one hand, enjoying the cold and sweet taste while watching the bustling scene on both sides.

A house-elf dressed in red, dressed like a doorman, followed behind them with a large bag and a small bag.

As for why Clark, who was obviously busy, would appear here with Hermione, who was going on a trip, I am afraid that the specific process has to start from a few days ago.


It was a Wednesday morning.

Clark remembered it very clearly, and asked him why he was so clear, because it was a rare sunny day in the hazy weather in London for several days.

At that time, under the **** of his butler, he took a car to Heathrow International Airport in west London, and was preparing to take a flight from London to Paris.

As soon as he stepped into the waiting hall, he heard a familiar voice.

"Hey Clark, look here!"

Clark's heart skipped a beat, and when he turned his head to look, he found that it was Hermione who had called out to him.

"Why are you here?" Clark asked in a low voice, approaching her.

Then he looked at a middle-aged couple standing behind Hermione. One of them had the same brown hair as Hermione, and the other looked very similar to Hermione.

"Who are these two?"

"This is my father, this is my mother." Hermione deliberately sold her off and introduced her parents first.

"Hello Mr. Granger, Mrs. Granger, hello, I'm Hermione's classmate, Clark Prewett." Clark hurriedly introduced himself with the most appropriate etiquette.

Mr. Granger, the dentist, looked at Clark with a scrutiny for a while, especially his teeth, as if he was about to pull out a dental drill from his pocket at any moment. Give Clark a shot.

Hermione's mother, Mrs. Granger, was very kind, looking at him with a smile on her face.

"We know that Hermione always mentions you to us after the holidays. She is the first in her year, and her grades are very good, right? But she didn't tell us that your first year is still such a handsome young man. "

Mr. Granger's eyes became more and more bad. Maybe what he was about to take out had changed from a dental drill to a forceps. It is normal for a dentist to carry a tooth extraction tool with him.

"Where, where, you passed the prize."

Clark hurriedly and politely responded, and hurriedly left on the grounds that he was going to check-in.

In fact, where does he need to go through the check-in procedures? As a senior VIP customer of Air France, taking the first class cabin, naturally, someone has already arranged everything for him. He just needs to sit and wait in the private VIP lounge for a while. .

It's just that his back is already soaking wet at this moment. It's really strange to think that a dignified telepath who specializes in psionic powers will be suppressed by the gaze of a Muggle man, and his whole body will feel uncomfortable. .

Seeing Clark leave, Hermione didn't even make a sound to keep her.

"I said why are you making a fuss about leaving today," Mrs. Granger quipped. "It turned out to be here waiting to see the handsome guy, but everyone is gone. Why didn't you say goodbye to him just now?"

Hermione smiled and hugged her mother's arm coquettishly, but did not speak, while Mr. Granger snorted coldly, "Okay, let's go to the lounge to wait for the flight, the plane will leave in a while."

Although the country is different, Mr. Granger seems to have understood the Chinese saying "the poor raise the son and the rich raise the daughter" without a teacher.

Even if it was only a two-hour flight, he chose to fly in business class, so that his good daughter would learn a lot and not be confused by some bright-looking bastards.

The family of three sat in the spacious and bright lounge like this, tasting the French breakfast made by the so-called Michelin chefs, and quietly waiting for the start of the beautiful journey.

It was just a coincidence. When Clark, accompanied by the VIP room staff, took a special car to the tarmac, and then boarded the plane in advance through the dedicated passage, it was no surprise to see that the Hermione family was also on the same flight as him. .


Clark's doubts arose in his heart. He had read the original book and knew that the Hermione family went to France for the summer vacation after the end of the second grade. Why was it a year earlier this time?

It is absolutely impossible to follow him!

Hermione's father was a dentist. Although dentists were considered a high-income group in the United Kingdom, they could establish their own network of contacts, but it was still a little short to get in touch with him.

Is it because of the butterfly wings he flaps? Just how did Hermione know he was going to France?

With this doubt in mind, after boarding the plane ~www.wuxiamtl.com~ Clark went directly to the full-time flight attendant who served him, and gave her an order in a low voice.

On the other side, Mr. Granger didn't know that his daughter's male classmate was actually on the same flight as them.

After boarding the plane, one can immediately come to the conclusion that it is good to have money!

Compared with the economy class at the back of the plane, the seat space in the business class is larger than that of the reverse herringbone design, which is completely suitable for people to stretch their legs and lie down.

And as soon as I sat in the seat, a flight attendant immediately stepped forward to help hang up the jacket that was taken off, deliver drinks and toiletry bags, and handed over the menu for the flight.

Mr. Granger had heard before that in the business class of Air France, a French meal designed by a Michelin chef was provided, and the taste was not inferior to that of a high-end French restaurant.

However, when their husband and wife were thinking about what to have for lunch, Hermione stood up and looked at the boarding gate frequently, but she didn't see that expectation until the last passenger had boarded the plane. figure in.

But just as she sat down gloomily, a beautiful flight attendant elder sister walked in front of their family with a smile on her face.

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