Hogwarts, a Scholar Becomes a God

Vol 2 Chapter 132: Ready to receive the fruits of victory

"You are really amazing." Hermione praised, "Even Professor Dumbledore has to be led by your nose."

"This is Yang Conspiracy. To guard against conspiracy, it is enough to have an open mind; to guard against Yang Conspiracy, unless the situation is forcibly reversed, if Yang Conspiracy is successful, it will be a situation of panic with a dignified army, and no one person can resist it."

Clark still valued Hermione very highly, and he wanted to focus on cultivating her and told her a lot.

"So the most important thing for Xingyang Conspiracy is to have a big pattern. You have to think about the other side more, know what they need, and then take advantage of the situation.

From the very beginning, I did not regard Professor Dumbledore as an enemy, but regarded him as a highly respected elder, helping him to think about problems and solve difficulties from his perspective. Only in this way can we achieve the effect of mutual benefit and win-win cooperation.

For him, the whole incident had nothing to lose at all, all he had to pay was a little energy and Galleon, but what he got was an opportunity, what a great thing. "

"But I found that you seem to be very familiar with Professor Dumbledore," Hermione pointed out a key point in Clark's conspiracy, "Obviously after you entered the school, you didn't have much contact with Professor Dumbledore, but you gave me I feel like I've known him for a long time."

Clark snorted, "Maybe this is talent."

Hermione's face was full of disbelief, but she was very smart and did not continue to ask, but changed the subject.

"Isn't it right, isn't there a Philosopher's Stone? Didn't Professor Dumbledore contact you about this? What did he tell you?"

Clark beckoned, let Hermione come over, and said in her ear, "Want to know? Don't tell you!"

After speaking, he stood up before the other party became angry and angry, "Okay, it's getting late, we should also go to the auditorium to welcome our glory."

Passing through the doorway, the two of them went downstairs together, and the whole way was empty and no one was there. It wasn't until they reached the door of the auditorium that they heard a commotion inside. Obviously, the students are already sitting inside, ready to start.

As soon as Clark and Hermione walked in, the auditorium became silent for a moment, and then suddenly everyone started talking loudly again, and there was a lot of discussion.

The two of them walked over to the Gryffindor table, where Harry and Ron had already reserved a place for them, right in the middle of them.

"Why are you here?" Harry lowered his voice and reminded Clark as soon as the two sat down, "Everyone has been waiting for you just now, and you are the protagonist tonight."

For some reason, Clark could hear a little sourness in those words, but he didn't care about it, just like he didn't care about the students who stood up and stared at him.

At this time, the auditorium has been decorated with red and gold representing Gryffindor, and on the wall behind the podium, a huge banner painted with Gryffindor lions is hung to celebrate their seventh Won the Academy Cup for the first time in years.

This also made the atmosphere of the entire auditorium as warm as fire. In addition to Gryffindor's own students, Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff's students were also very happy. Only the Slytherin table, the little wizard They put on ugly faces.

But soon, Headmaster Dumbledore also arrived, and the noisy voices in the auditorium gradually subsided.

"Time is really faster than a galloping river. Another school year has passed!" Dumbledore stood on the high rostrum, looking at the students full of them, and said happily.

"Before you can indulge in the delicacies in front of you, I must ask you to listen to an old man's clichés.

What a wonderful year! I believe that this year, your smart little brains must have been richer than in the past... The next period and the whole summer vacation are waiting for you.

Maybe you will have a more wonderful experience in this first summer vacation, which will allow you to digest those things well and free up your mind before the start of the next semester..."

Hermione noticed that after Principal Dumbledore finished speaking, he gave Clark a very cryptic look, but Clark's face did not show any superfluous expressions, but she felt that there must be something between the two of them. It was Clark who was hiding it from himself.

"Now, as far as I know, we first have to have the Academy Cup award ceremony."

"I announce the specific scores of the various colleges as follows: fourth place, Hufflepuff, with a total score of 352 points."

The little wizards applauded symbolically, but the Hufflepuff students were not too disappointed, they had long been used to it.

"Third place, Ravenclaw, with a total score of 426 points."

The applause was still sparse and feeble.

"Second place, Slytherin, they got four hundred and seventy-two points."

The applause from the Slytherin side was very different from the previous two. It was full of grief and anger. In this ranking, they completely missed the Academy Cup this year, and the six-game winning streak was ended like this.

At this moment, Dumbledore paused, and all the little wizards were staring at him, excitedly waiting for the academy that won the first place to be called out by him.

"Ah, yes, yes, the performance is good." Dumbledore said, "You should have heard that there is still one house's score that has not been reported. This is because of several recent events that must also be included in the calculation. Inside."

It became very, very quiet in the auditorium.

"Uh, uh," Dumbledore cleared his throat, "I still have some final points to assign. Let me see, by the way..."

"Number one, Mr. Ron Weasley..."

Ron's eyes widened in disbelief, and his face suddenly flushed, like a sun-dried carrot.

He still has self-knowledge, knowing that he has not been of any help in this operation at all, and even delayed a few times.

"He won the most wonderful game of wizard chess at Hogwarts in many years, and fully demonstrated Gryffindor's spirit of sacrifice for friendship and justice. For this, I will reward Gryffindor House fifty Minute."

The cheers of the Gryffindors nearly toppled the enchanted ceiling, and the stars above their heads seemed to be shaking slightly.

Clark could hear Percy shouting to the other house prefects: "It's my brother, you know! My little brother! He passed Professor McGonagall's giant chessboard!"

It was difficult for everyone to calm down again.

"Second item, Harry Potter..."

"He showed great courage, helping his comrades through the vicious dogs, and the last one through the trapdoor. For that, I will reward Gryffindor House with fifty points,"

Gryffindor clapped again, cheering louder than ever. Chapter 132 Prepare to receive the fruits of victory

"You are really amazing." Hermione praised, "Even Professor Dumbledore has to be led by your nose."

"This is Yang Conspiracy. To guard against conspiracy, it is enough to have an open mind; to guard against Yang Conspiracy, unless the situation is forcibly reversed, if Yang Conspiracy is successful, it will be a situation of panic with a dignified army, and no one person can resist it."

Clark still valued Hermione very highly, and he wanted to focus on cultivating her and told her a lot.

"So the most important thing for Xingyang Conspiracy is to have a big pattern. You have to think about the other side more, know what they need, and then take advantage of the situation.

From the very beginning, I did not regard Professor Dumbledore as an enemy, but regarded him as a highly respected elder, helping him to think about problems and solve difficulties from his perspective. Only in this way can we achieve the effect of mutual benefit and win-win cooperation.

For him, the whole incident had nothing to lose at all, all he had to pay was a little energy and Galleon, but what he got was an opportunity, what a great thing. "

"But I found that you seem to be very familiar with Professor Dumbledore," Hermione pointed out a key point in Clark's conspiracy, "Obviously after you entered the school, you didn't have much contact with Professor Dumbledore, but you gave me I feel like I've known him for a long time."

Clark snorted, "Maybe this is talent."

Hermione's face was full of disbelief, but she was very smart and did not continue to ask, but changed the subject.

"Isn't it right, isn't there a Philosopher's Stone? Didn't Professor Dumbledore contact you about this? What did he tell you?"

Clark beckoned, let Hermione come over, and said in her ear, "Want to know? Don't tell you!"

After speaking, he stood up before the other party became angry and angry, "Okay, it's getting late, we should also go to the auditorium to welcome our glory."

Passing through the doorway, the two of them went downstairs together, and the whole way was empty and no one was there. It wasn't until they reached the door of the auditorium that they heard a commotion inside. Obviously, the students are already sitting inside, ready to start.

As soon as Clark and Hermione walked in, the auditorium became silent for a moment, and then suddenly everyone started talking loudly again, and there was a lot of discussion.

The two of them walked over to the Gryffindor table, where Harry and Ron had already reserved a place for them, right in the middle of them.

"Why are you here?" Harry lowered his voice and reminded Clark as soon as the two sat down, "Everyone has been waiting for you just now, and you are the protagonist tonight."

For some reason, Clark could hear a little sourness in those words, but he didn't care about it, just like he didn't care about the students who stood up and stared at him.

At this time, the auditorium has been decorated with red and gold representing Gryffindor, and on the wall behind the podium, a huge banner painted with Gryffindor lions is hung to celebrate their seventh Won the Academy Cup for the first time in years.

This also made the atmosphere of the entire auditorium as warm as fire. In addition to Gryffindor's own students, Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff's students were also very happy. Only the Slytherin table, the little wizard They put on ugly faces.

But soon, Headmaster Dumbledore also arrived, and the noisy voices in the auditorium gradually subsided.

"Time is really faster than a galloping river. Another school year has passed!" Dumbledore stood on the high rostrum, looking at the students full of them, and said happily.

"Before you can indulge in the delicacies in front of you, I must ask you to listen to an old man's clichés.

What a wonderful year! I believe that this year, your smart little brains must have been richer than in the past... The next period and the whole summer vacation are waiting for you.

Maybe you will have a more wonderful experience in this first summer vacation, which will allow you to digest those things well and free up your mind before the start of the next semester..."

Hermione noticed that after Principal Dumbledore finished speaking, he gave Clark a very cryptic look, but Clark's face did not show any superfluous expressions, but she felt that there must be something between the two of them. It was Clark who was hiding it from himself.

"Now, as far as I know, we first have to have the Academy Cup award ceremony."

"I announce the specific scores of the various colleges as follows: fourth place, Hufflepuff, with a total score of 352 points."

The little wizards applauded symbolically, but the Hufflepuff students were not too disappointed, they had long been used to it.

"Third place, Ravenclaw, with a total score of 426 points."

The applause was still sparse and feeble.

"Second place, Slytherin, they got four hundred and seventy-two points."

The applause from the Slytherin side was very different from the previous two. It was full of grief and anger. In this ranking, they completely missed the Academy Cup this year, and the six-game winning streak was ended like this.

At this moment, Dumbledore paused, and all the little wizards were staring at him, excitedly waiting for the academy that won the first place to be called out by him.

"Ah, yes, yes, the performance is good." Dumbledore said, "You should have heard that there is still one house's score that has not been reported. This is because of several recent events that must also be included in the calculation. Inside."

It became very, very quiet in the auditorium.

"Uh, uh," Dumbledore cleared his throat, "I still have some final points to assign. Let me see, by the way..."

"Number one, Mr. Ron Weasley..."

Ron's eyes widened in disbelief, and his face suddenly flushed red ~www.wuxiamtl.com~ like a carrot dried by the sun.

He still has self-knowledge, knowing that he has not been of any help in this operation at all, and even delayed a few times.

"He won the most wonderful game of wizard chess at Hogwarts in many years, and fully demonstrated Gryffindor's spirit of sacrifice for friendship and justice. For this, I will reward Gryffindor House fifty Minute."

The cheers of the Gryffindors nearly toppled the enchanted ceiling, and the stars above their heads seemed to be shaking slightly.

Clark could hear Percy shouting to the other house prefects: "It's my brother, you know! My little brother! He passed Professor McGonagall's giant chessboard!"

It was difficult for everyone to calm down again.

"Second item, Harry Potter..."

"He showed great courage, helping his comrades through the vicious dogs, and the last one through the trapdoor. For that, I will reward Gryffindor House with fifty points,"

Gryffindor clapped again, cheering louder than ever.

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