Hogwarts, a Scholar Becomes a God

Vol 2 Chapter 124: Mixed spellcasting, mouth cannon magic

"Stop talking nonsense, hurry up!"

Quirrell, who was emotionally unstable, raised his hand and shook, and a cyan wind blade flew out from the wind ball at the tip of his staff and wiped Clark's face, leaving a hideous wound.

Obviously, Clark's suspended animation just now caused Quirrell to cast his inner demon, becoming more unscrupulous and more tyrannical, so that even if Clark was resurrected at this moment, he couldn't take it anymore.

"Here, here," Clark didn't dare to bet that he would be merciful, and opened his right hand to reveal a crystal stone held in his palm.

Yes, this irregular stone is crystal clear and immaculate, looking like a piece of the finest crystal, gleaming in the golden light of the room.

But it was still transparent. Even in the eyes of Hermione who was not far away, it was still an ordinary crystal stone, with no magical fluctuations or extraordinary brilliance.

No, if you look at it carefully, you can actually see a little bit of extraordinary, at least it is particularly eye-catching, and people can't help but set their eyes on it.

But Hermione felt that it was more of a kind of strength from the outside, as if there was something precious inside, but it was hollowed out, leaving only a gorgeous empty shell.

Perhaps in the Muggle world, a crystal stone of this size and cleanliness can still be worth thousands of dollars, but in the wizarding world, this magic stone is no different from an ordinary stone on the side of the road.

I can't see what this has to do with the so-called magician's secret treasure, the miracle of alchemy.

"No! What did you do?"

Quirrell wailed, and the wind ball at the tip of his staff exploded with a "boom", and the radiating wind blades even cut through his robe and scratched his arm.

But Quirrell didn't care about that at all. He was standing on the edge of a cliff, and his mind on the verge of collapse seemed to be pushed hard by someone, and he fell, fell, and fell into the bottomless black abyss.

Despair and fear came together and surrounded him, making him unable to breathe.

But Clarke didn't think it was enough, so he continued to work harder.

"You're done, Professor Quirrell," he said with schadenfreude. "The Philosopher's Stone is gone. It's gone. Your master, the greatest wizard of the century, has failed his plans. Not happy? I think your master will kill you."

The first-level ability [Suppressing Morale] is activated.

[Suppress morale]: Level 1 ability, consumes 1 power point, the power of the mind makes your language more oppressive, and can even impact the opponent's consciousness, causing the opponent to fall into negative emotions, the effect depends on you and the opponent intelligence gap, duration 15 (intelligence) minutes.

The psychic force began to attack Quirrell with Clark's words, and he even began to blatantly provoke the other party's relationship.

"Even if he doesn't punish you, so what? Without the Philosopher's Stone, he can't be resurrected, and you'll never be able to get rid of him, bearing such a head all your life."

While saying this, Clark also activated the level 0 ability [Psychic Infection] and the level 1 ability [Feeling Emotions] at the same time.

[Spiritual Infection]: Level 0 ability, no consumption, a powerful mind can enhance the appeal between your words and quickly bring the other party into the atmosphere you want to create.

[Feeling Emotions]: Level 1 ability, consumes 1 power point, powerful spiritual power brings sharp perception, through the skill of [Observing Moods], you can roughly feel the true emotions of the other party, the effect depends on you [ The gap between the Observing Words] skill and the opponent's [Disguise] skill lasts 15 (intelligence) minutes.

Using the two powers at the same time, Clark quickly discovered the beauty of using a combination of powers. When he used words to affect Quirrell, he could simultaneously feel Quirrell's emotional changes, so he knew in real time which of his words was effective. , which sentence does not work well.

"I'm going to kill you!" Quirrell threatened, hopelessly pointing his wand at Clark.

But in Clark's perception, the other party's killing intent was not that strong, so he said confidently: "Then kill me, kill me, you can't get rid of this ghost, you will always be with a Lonely ghosts live a lifetime."

"Quiro was hesitant, he was hesitant." Clark looked at Quirrell's facial expression, and immediately sensed part of what was in his heart, and while the iron was hot, he threw a [Charm Human] ability at him. The fourth ability selected in the list.

[Charming Humans]: Level 1 ability, consumes 1 power point, extremely high charisma attribute plus the use of a little spiritual energy, so that you can gain the favor of others faster when you communicate with humans, The amount of favorability and how fast it increases depends entirely on your charisma, with a duration of 15 (intelligence) minutes.

"I can help you, Professor." Clark suddenly changed his tone again, his attitude changed very naturally.

"You are a Hogwarts professor after all, aren't you? If you let the school administrators and parents know that you are the lackey of the mysterious man, Dumbledore, as the headmaster of Hogwarts, will also be swallowed by saliva.

So you still have a chance. As long as you abandon the dark and turn to the light, Dumbledore will definitely cover up for you. You are just bewitched by the mysterious man and caught in his black magic. He often does this, isn't it? "

Clark directly helped Quirrell figure out the reasons for his acquittal, and gave Voldemort a **** pot.

Naturally, it was impossible for our Dark Lord to let him get his wish, and he endured the oppression of the golden light in the room and threatened him.

"Stupid guy, incompetent waste, you can't get rid of me~www.wuxiamtl.com~ You must know that your life is still in my hands. Kill him, the energy of the magic stone is in his body, Kill him and I will be resurrected."

Clark was overjoyed, and immediately gave Quirrell a decisive power——【Aversion】.

[Disgust]: Level 2 ability, consumes 3 power points, and gives psychological hints to the enemy through spiritual energy, making it disgust an object you designate, lasting 15 (intelligence) seconds.

Clark knew from the very beginning that even if he changed jobs, he would not be Voldemort's opponent and Quirrell, so he put the key to breaking the game on Quirrell's body. win in.

Therefore, the designated object of Clark's [Disgust] is Voldemort.

The power of the mind is invisible and intangible.

The ability to cast does not need to read complicated spells, nor to wave the wand stupidly. It only needs a look, a word, or even a random body movement to cast it.

In addition, this is the first time that psionic power has appeared in the wizarding world, Quirrell has no defense at all, and is directly hit.

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