Hogwarts, a Scholar Becomes a God

Vol 2 Chapter 118: The truth about protecting the Philosopher's Stone

【Ding! You successfully used the 'Education' skill to impart some peculiar knowledge to the other party, experience +10]

The system prompt sounded, and Clark thought that the magic stone was finished, but this sentence appeared.

He glanced at Quirrell curiously, and found that there was a look of thought in his eyes, was he being fooled by himself and lame? Ah no, I should have been [educated] by myself.

[The current progress of absorbing the magic stone: 95.742%]

Clark held out a third finger.

"The third pass, the door to life needs to find the right key, the free-flying Ravenclaw Eagle is not a slave of knowledge.

Professor Quirrell, this is your senior, Ravenclaw's dean, Professor Flitwick's exhortation to you. Ravenclaw's spirit is like the wind, and the wise mind is where you can't see it.

Your cleverness is just self-deception. The professors see it in their eyes, but let you interpret it.

I laugh at you Quirrell for being ignorant and overwhelmed by the choice of fate. If you repented in the first two levels, you would never have seen Professor Flitwick's warning. "

Quirrell was completely shattered by Clark's remarks. The journey of chasing power left him lost. He didn't even remember when he forgot his original intention of stepping into Hogwarts.

[The current extraction progress of the magic stone: 97.516%]

Clark held out a fourth finger.

"The fourth level is Professor McGonagall's black and white chessboard.

Black and white, light and dark, justice and evil, sometimes, the struggle also requires the courage to sacrifice.

I laugh at you Quirrell's lack of courage. You are wise and safe on the chessboard, not even a child. If you tried your hand at chess at that time, and sacrificed to promote the victory of the chess game, at this moment your master has already turned into a chess piece and was left on the chessboard. "

[The current extraction progress of the magic stone: 98.633%]

"No! It's impossible!"

Seeing Quirrell's hesitation, Clark fell into a state of war between heaven and man, and immediately struck while the iron was hot, extending his fifth finger.

"The troll level is your own arrangement, there's nothing to say. Let's talk about the fifth level, Snape's professor's regret potion.

A row of potions can move forward and backward, and there are deadly poisons among them.

The choice of life cannot be regretted, but the professors have left you enough opportunities, whether it is Hagrid's three-headed dog, Professor Sprout's Devil's Web, or Professor McGonagall's Reversi game, you can step back Re-election, start a new life.

I laugh at you Quirrell being unjust and ungrateful. If you chose to drink the poison and end your life at that time, at this moment your master has been expelled by the poison that targets the soul, crying in the dark flames of purgatory. "

"Quick, kill him, fool!" Voldemort's sharp voice echoed across the room, urging Quirrell to act.

He was terrified, and Clark's words were no less frightening, making him feel that he had been planned by others from leaving the Albanian forest to arriving at Hogwarts.

And this plan gave him a familiar feeling, and the "love" that filled the plan made him sick.

It's a pity that Quirrell is not a pure Death Eater. There may still be some bright spots in his life. It's just that Voldemort's shady scene is too vast, which blinded his heart.

Now he was awakened by Clark, or maybe there is some unknown magic in this bright room. Anyway, at this moment, the darkness in Quirrell's heart was driven away, and he actually awakened a little bit of conscience. He is the first in his life. Choose to disobey Voldemort's orders.


[The current extraction progress of the magic stone: 99.420%]

Clark certainly didn't have a sixth finger, so he retracted his fingers and clenched them into a fist, his raised right fist with extra strength.

"The sixth and last level, Professor Dumbledore has given you one last chance.

Even if you Quirrell has no guts, no kindness, no wisdom, no courage, no righteousness, he still regards you as his student and chooses to "love" you. He never wanted to destroy your life, did he? All these levels are not fatal!

That mirror, the Mirror of Erised, can show you the most likely vision of the future according to your inner desire. And Professor Dumbledore used this ability to release a small magic spell, and this wish can be realized only by satisfying his preset requirements.

If you look in the mirror with a trace of remorse in your heart, a little yearning for the light, and want to get rid of Voldemort's entanglement and his control, then the mirror will show you regaining your freedom. , and Voldemort's remnant soul will be forever sealed in the mirror space.

This is the hope that Professor Dumbledore has left for you! "

Voldemort was completely silent, as if he was also afraid that Quirrell would suddenly turn to look in the mirror, but under the expectant gaze of Clark and Hermione, Quirrell stood there with no intention of turning at all.

A bitter smile appeared on his face, and this was the first time Clark had seen him smile since he entered school.

"I'm so pitiful," Quirrell murmured first, then louder and louder, until he finally roared, tears streaming down the corners of his eyes, "Poor Quirrell, who became Dumbledore and Dumbledore. The tool of the Dark Lord's confrontation, what's wrong with me, ah!"

He waved his wand excitedly, and a violent wind bomb roared out, slamming Clark into the wall.

"What's wrong with me? Is it wrong not to be brave? I'm just an ordinary person, do you know how I've been through this year, my fears, my heartache, who understands?

Dumbledore? Snape? Have they experienced my heartache? Open your mouth to sacrifice, shut your mouth to fight, what's the point of what you said.

I just want to teach well at Hogwarts, why don't you let me go? "

"I understand……"

Clark swallowed the sweet smell in his mouth~www.wuxiamtl.com~ and tried to get up, but the next moment, a gust of wind knocked him to the ground again.

"No, you don't understand!" Quirrell choked and cried, tears and snot covering his face, making it impossible to tell them apart.

"You little **** born in a pure blood family, why are you telling me this, why are you giving me hope."

"You were born in a castle, and you will be taken care of by house elves as soon as you land. When you grow up, your elders will teach you magic. There are ancestral spell books you can learn. When you go to school, you are the son of the emperor. If you have a teacher, how can you understand us? The feeling of an ordinary wizard."

The howling wind was like the palm of a giant, tossing Clark over and over again. The fine wind blades were like small knives, cutting through his skin.

Clark was silent, as if he was dead. Only the blood spilled all over the ground could prove that he was still alive.

Hermione covered her mouth and sobbed against the wall, wanting to go up to help, but she looked clearly, and Clark, who was lying on the ground, shook his head at her, then stretched out a **** finger and shook her twice.

[The current extraction progress of the magic stone: 100%]

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