Hogwarts, a Scholar Becomes a God

Vol 2 Chapter 115: Voldemort, times have changed


This time, it was Voldemort screaming.

He has never seen such a dazzling light since he suffered a loss in Harry Potter.

This is like a character who often stays in the dark, suddenly exposed to the sun, and naturally uncomfortable.

But he wasn't alone.

When Hermione took advantage of this gap and slammed towards the door that was burning with black flames, Voldemort screamed, "Catch her!"

Quirrell had long been frightened by the conversation between Hermione and Voldemort. He was deeply afraid that his master would no longer trust him. Now that he had been ordered, he naturally did his best, turning around and using his best spell.

"Whirlwind Imprisonment!"

The invisible whirlwind, like a very tough rope, hit the ground, quickly wrapped around Hermione's body, and bound her to a place less than half a meter away from the flame portal.

"You run!" Quirrell said triumphantly, tapping his wand on the palm of his hand, "You can't run, this alchemy flame ignited by potion is Snape's most proud work, even me, I have to spend It costs a lot to pass it. You little girl don't know how powerful it is, if you get a little bit of it, Dumbledore can only send your ashes home."

He approached under Hermione's terrified gaze, reaching for her pocket, ready to take out the Philosopher's Stone himself.


Hermione shook her head and shouted, but her inability to resist only deepened Quirrell's bad taste and made him laugh even more.

It is a pity that he has not studied and studied the ancient Chinese culture, otherwise he must have known there is a word called "joy and sorrow".

When his left hand almost reached into Hermione's pocket, a huge black flame suddenly emerged from the wall of flames and hit his face heavily.

No way, who told him to be taller than Hermione.

Seeing that the group of black flames that he had just mentioned was about to hit him, Quirrell let out a strange cry and rushed back like a frightened monkey.

"There are many obstacles!"

The gust of wind formed a wind barrier, blocking the front of the fireball.

But the next moment, the fireball suddenly expanded and expanded, turning into a splendid fire cloud, floating over the wind wall, and covering Quirrell's head.

This change came so suddenly, it happened to be at the moment when Quirrell completed the Obstruction Curse and the magic in his body had not yet recovered.

The black cloud covered the top, and the crisis was like gangrene attached to the bones, and it was impossible to get rid of it for a moment.

Quirrell, who was extremely bold, lay down on his back, traded space for time, and fought for a moment's chance.


The invisible blade slid across the sky, crisp and neat.

This time, the black fire cloud did not undergo any new changes, and was directly cut into a rain of fire, which fell one after another, igniting the ground around Quirrell.

It was only then that he stood up under the support of a light wind, and saw that Zhao was the culprit of this attack.

"Clark Prewett, is that you?!"

When the enemy met, he was extremely jealous, Quirrell gritted his teeth, and his tone was full of anger and disbelief.

With the barrier of alchemy flames, how did this guy get in? Is it...

Thinking of this, Quirrell's eyes flashed with an imperceptible panic, and he glanced at the flame portal behind him at a very fast speed.

Clark naturally guessed Quirrell's thoughts. "Don't worry, I came in alone. Professor Dumbledore hasn't returned yet. We still have a little time to communicate."

Quirrell certainly wouldn't believe the other party's words, but he still glanced at the wreckage of the fire cloud scattered around, and found that it turned out to be some burning leather fragments.

It turned out that this Clark actually wrapped himself with a whole piece of dragon skin coated with heat-insulating potion, and then passed through the flame wall.

"How's it going? It's okay, I'll leave the next thing to you."

Clark stepped back in front of Hermione and comforted without looking back.


Hermione responded softly, looking at the back that blocked her tightly, only to feel that her heart had fallen to the ground.

Quirrell also recovered from his surprise at this time. No matter whether Dumbledore returned or not, the Philosopher's Stone was in front of him, and he could not give up.

"Four out of five..."

Obviously it is an extremely ordinary life curse, in the hands of Clark's aunt, maybe only cut the thread exposed in the clothes. But in Quirrell's hands, it exerted great power.

Countless disc-shaped whirlwind sickles fluttered around the tip of his staff, as if the next moment would turn into a blade storm, strangling the enemy in front of him.

But the next moment.


A startled sound interrupted his spellcasting.

The black wizard's robe was lifted back, just like the windbreaker of the little brother, Clark raised his left arm steadily and pulled the trigger.

A strong sense of crisis stings Quirrell's heart. As a former professor of Muggle Studies, he has many years of experience in traveling in Eastern European countries, so he immediately judged what it was.

gun! pistol!

Beyond seven steps, the gun is fast; within seven steps, the gun is fast and accurate!

Wizards of the Harry Potter world, even with their wandless, silent double-casting technique, can't cast spells as fast as a normal revolver.

Maybe before they can lift their wands over their heads, the bullets will pierce their heads in the next second.

However, this does not mean that Muggle weapons can kill all directions in the wizarding world.

The chaotic magic of wizards is the twisting power of the mind. Maybe their bodies can't react in time, but their minds can.

At the moment when the gunshots sounded, the robe on Quirrell's body moved without wind, and a twisting force spread out with him as the center.

The brass bullet plunged into the magical stand. For wizards, all Muggle items that did not contain magical powers were plasticine that could be kneaded and kneaded at will.

Harry, who has not yet entered the school, can make the glass walls of the zoo disappear with the explosion of magic, let alone a trained adult wizard.

As the bullet went deeper and deeper, the closer the distance to Quirrell, the slower the bullet flew, as if it was traveling through the viscous gel, and even the air was greatly affected. resistance, or there is an invisible force field resisting its approach.

Anyway, when Quirrell reacted, the bullet was already suspended not far from Quirrell's chest in a state that allowed Newton to lift the coffin board.


Another shot, only this time, Quirrell was prepared in advance.

"Phantoms are heavy!"

The surrounding light was distorted by Quirrell's control of the air. In Clark's eyes, there were obvious ripples on the edge of the opponent's body, as if looking at underwater objects through the surface of the water.

This was a trick he used to dodge Hagrid's arrows in the Forbidden Forest before, and it was his inspiration from Muggle studies in optics.

The so-called practice of learning, Quirrell is worthy of being an excellent graduate of Ravenclaw. Even if he cannot fully understand the scientific concept of Muggles, he can learn useful knowledge from it. With the help of empirical trial and error, he has mastered the creation of mirages. magic tricks.

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