Hogwarts, a Scholar Becomes a God

Vol 2 Chapter 104: never have fantasies

After dinner, the four of Clark nervously avoided the other little wizards and sat on the orange sofa in the Gryffindor common room.

No one was paying attention to them, well...because the Gryffindor students were all around George and Fred, watching them play magic cards, which had been upgraded to version 3.5.

The new version keeps pace with the times, adding a silver-level young fire dragon card, and also learning "Yu-Gi-Oh", adding the player's health bar system, and no longer deciding whether to win or lose, which greatly enhances the game's potential. Play sex.

Ron was attracted by their movements. First he kept sneaking glances, and then he watched directly, completely forgetting tonight's task.

But the game always ends, and the little wizards haven't developed the habit of staying up late to play games for the time being, and they all went to bed one by one.

"Actually I don't think we have to go if Snape doesn't act tonight."

Seeing that there were fewer and fewer people in the common room, Ron said tentatively that Clark released the pet crow to monitor the corridor on the fourth floor and hadn't returned.

Harry gave him a dissatisfied look and asked Clark, "Can the crow really watch, after all, it's just a bird."

Clark leisurely flipped through the book, deducing the situation tonight, without raising his head, "Don't worry, Harry, you have asked several times. According to scientific research, crows have an IQ equivalent to that of a five-year-old child. "

As soon as the voice fell, there was a knocking sound from outside the window of the lounge.

A few people heard the sound and found that it was the crow Fujin.

"Snape has acted!"

With a low voice, Harry hurried to the upstairs dormitory to get the invisibility cloak, while Hermione got up and put Fujin in.

As soon as the little guy entered the room, he fell in front of Clark, folded his wings, and walked forward with his head stuck on the table, looking left and right from time to time.

"What is it doing?" Ron asked.

Clark smiled. "It's imitating the sneaky look of You-Know-Who."

When Ron saw it, he felt that it was somewhat similar, and he couldn't help laughing.

"Come on, let's put it on first and see if we can cover four people."

Harry ran down the stairs, the Invisibility Cloak in his hand, and greeted him.

"What are you going to do?"

A voice came from the corner of the lounge.


It was Neville who spoke up, and he emerged from under an armchair, still clutching his toad Laifu tightly in his hand.

It seems that this toad with the invisible bloodline is fighting for his freedom again, and Neville has also eliminated his own sense of existence because of the characteristics of this pet, so that Clark and a few people ignore him.

"It's nothing, Neville, why don't you rest." Harry embarrassedly hid the invisibility cloak behind him.

It's a pity that they had no scruples when they spoke just now, and Neville had already heard them.

"You guys are going out for a night tour again!" His tone was very determined, and it seemed that the adventure of the last midnight duel had left a deep impression on him.

Hermione quickly denied: "No, no, we didn't plan to go out, we'll go back to the dormitory."

As she spoke, she winked at Harry and asked them to fool Neville first, and then sneaked away in an invisibility cloak.

But she seemed to have forgotten that Neville was in the same dormitory as Clark and the others, and it couldn't be fooled just like that.

"Don't try to lie to me," Neville was still wise, "the holidays are coming to an end, Gryffindor rarely scores better than Slytherin, and we're about to get our first House Cup in years. You guys. Can not Go Out!"

"You don't understand," Harry looked at the grandfather clock at the door, found that it was almost half past twelve, and was very anxious, "this matter is very important."

But Neville seemed determined, desperate to stop them.

"I can't let you do that," he said, blocking the entrance to the portrait hole.

"Get out of the way, Neville." Clark spoke, Hermione breathed a sigh of relief, she knew that Neville had always admired Clark, and there should be no problem if he spoke.

But she miscalculated.

"No!" Neville looked at Clark firmly. "You told me to resist and fight bravely, and I have always kept it in my heart."

"Yes, but that doesn't mean you have to rebel against us." Ron roared angrily, "Neville, you don't even know what you're doing."

The expression on Neville's face was serious, "Power and oppression do not distinguish between you and me, and resistance and struggle do not matter whether they are close or distant. If it is only because of the relationship of friends, and turning a blind eye to the wrong things, then the so-called persistence is nothing but one. A joke."

"Not bad!" Clark's face showed a reassuring smile, happy that Neville was able to strengthen his beliefs, which was really a rough piece of jade.

"All - petrochemical!"

In order to reward his enlightenment, Clark can only reward him with a petrification spell.

The gray-white light shot from Ron's armpit and hit the unsuspecting Neville, coating him with a color like cement and lime.

His whole body was instantly fixed there, his body became stiff and stiff, he stood upright, motionless, like a stone sculpture, he swayed a few times on the spot, and then fell face down and fell to the ground.

Ron hurriedly stretched out his hand to help, but fortunately Clark waved his backhand, a floating spell, and made him fall to the ground lightly.

"What's the situation?" Harry was taken aback by Clark's surprise attack.

"This is a restraint spell." Hermione explained to Harry aside, "It's not dangerous, it's just immobile. With Clark's strength, it should be automatically released in a few hours."

Clark stepped forward and turned Neville over. He saw that his upper and lower jaws were locked together, and he was speechless, but his eyes were still staring at Clark, his eyes full of Disappointment, disappointment and anger.

Does this count as self-inflicted cocooning?

The smile on Clark's face did not diminish. "Teach people to teach to the end. I told you before that you have to be brave to resist and fight, so now I will teach you a trick to fighting."

"The struggle is not a dinner party, homework, painting or playing. You can't be so relaxed, so calm, so fanciful, so humble and courteous. The struggle is to use violence to fight violence, and fists to resist fists. The fight needs you to do well. Prepare!"

Following his words, a chill ran over Hermione's head. It was the first time she had heard such a thorough and indifferent answer from Clark's mouth.

While she doesn't necessarily fully grasp the deeper meaning, she has some of the knack of the struggle just by virtue of the literal meaning, and live demonstrations by Neville and Clark.

Don't fight unprepared, don't let your guard down, and never have fantasies, despising the struggle, thinking that with one mouth, you can persuade the enemy and change his mind.

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