Hogwarts, a Scholar Becomes a God

Vol 2 Chapter 102: Hermione's Analysis and Reasoning

Looking at the two dull friends, Hermione's heart was filled with a sense of accomplishment, which was the joy brought by the crushing of IQ.

In fact, she had already discovered what was wrong. When Hagrid explained the origin of the fire dragon, she wanted to bring it up, but Clark stopped her.

So she had to keep these guesses in her heart, and now she can finally speak freely.

"What Hagrid wanted most was a dragon egg, and a stranger happened to have a dragon egg in his pocket, and he happened to be drinking with Hagrid in a pub, playing cards with him, and just lost the dragon egg. He gave it to him, is it all so coincidental? Do you really think that the goddess of luck is smiling at him?

Clark has said that the British Ministry of Magic has listed fire dragon eggs as a Class A trade item, and prohibits import and export transactions. Even through official channels, it is expensive and scarce in quantity, so who would wander around with a dragon egg? This is a very dangerous thing. "

While explaining quickly, Hermione led Harry and the others towards Hagrid's hut by the forest.

Hagrid was sitting on a bench outside the house at this time, peeling beans into a large wooden bowl, his trousers and sleeves were pulled high, and he looked very leisurely.

"How are you," he asked with a smile, "Have you finished the exam? Why didn't you see Little Clark? I heard that the qualification review will be available today. It's the first time I've seen the Ministry of Magic do things so fast. Dragon Farm The matter is finally settled, you don't know how happy I am, and I want to invite you to sit and celebrate together."

He rambled, the smile on his face couldn't stop at all, but was interrupted by Hermione immediately.

"Next time, time is running out. Hagrid, I'm here to ask you something to confirm the situation. Do you remember what the guy who played with you looked like the night you won the Norberta?"

"I don't know," Hagrid thought for a while, then said indifferently, "he was wearing a hood, and the light was so dim that I couldn't see him clearly."

Harry and Ron looked at each other, and Hermione guessed it right! The mysterious man who lost to Hagrid had a problem.

Hagrid was amused by their fuss. "What's so strange, there are so many mysterious guys in the wizarding world..."

"Then what did you say to him?" Harry cut him off before he could finish his sentence. "Did you talk to him about Hogwarts?"

"Let me think."

Hagrid frowned and pondered for a while before recalling uncertainly:

"I seem to have talked about it... He first asked me what I was doing, and said that he was afraid that I would lose my debt. I said that I was the gamekeeper at Hogwarts... Then he..."

"Needless to say," Hermione interrupted his recollection, "he first bought wine for you, and then played cards with you, betting on dragon eggs, and then asked if you had any other big guys similar to dragon eggs, and then Ask if you can handle them."

Hagrid looked at her in surprise, "How do you know, it's impossible that you were there at the time."

Hermione looked at him, the soul of reasoning was burning violently, and it was almost a pair of reflective eyes.

"You must have answered him at the time, and you were bragging very proudly. You told him about the same huge three-headed dog you raised, Lu Wei. You told him how you made the vicious three-headed dog. The dog is well-trained, for example, play a piece or two of music occasionally for it..."


A horrified expression suddenly appeared on Hagrid's face, and he asked in disbelief, "How do you know this?"

"It's very simple, the three-headed dog first appeared in ancient Greek mythology as the watchdog of hell, and also in ancient Greek mythology, the hero Orpheus took the soul of his dead wife Eurydice from the underworld to bring When he came back, he went deep into the underworld and played the wonderful sound of the harp, which he was best at, and put the three-headed dog to sleep, so he was able to get out of the underworld."

A smug smile appeared on Hermione's face, she had always seen Clark show off like this before, but this time it was finally her turn.

"Oh, Merlin's beard, the first time I found out that you and Clark are even more annoying than the Weasleys," Hagrid tugged at his hair in pain, "forget that, it's not what you should know! Hey— -Where are you going?"

Hermione, Harry and Ron ran towards the castle, no one said a word along the way, until they reached the gate of the castle, looking at the deep silence inside, the hallway that looked particularly cold and dark, Ron and Harry asked Hermione for advice. road.

"Let's go to Cousin Clark first?" Ron said.

"We must go to Headmaster Dumbledore!" Harry said.

Hermione raised an eyebrow, looking first at Ron, then at Harry.

"Of course, as Hagrid just said, he told a mysterious man in a hood how to subdue Lou Wei. Since that person can know that Hagrid likes dragon eggs, he must be very familiar with him, even Possibly Quirrell himself.

Now that the exam has just ended, it is when he has free time, maybe he will start, we have to inform Headmaster Dumbledore quickly. "

Of course, she knew that the principal was no longer in the school today. Clark contacted in various ways, initiated relationships, and facilitated the establishment of the dragon farm. Isn't that for today?

But for Harry and Ron, they had to be given hope, and then blocked, in order to stimulate their Gryffindor nature and make them take desperate risks.

But before they could find the principal's office, the NPC of the system task appeared.

"What are you three doing standing here? The exams are over, and I won't take a break." A familiar voice came from behind. They looked back and found that it was their dean, Professor McGonagall, holding a Big stack of books.

"We want to see Professor Dumbledore," Hermione stood up boldly. Both Harry and Ron thought her performance was very brave, but Clark was not there, and she was the only one who came forward.

McGonagall looked at the three of them suspiciously~www.wuxiamtl.com~ But good students, there will always be preferential treatment.

"Professor Dumbledore just left ten minutes ago. You should know that in order to review the qualifications of the dragon farm, he needs to make a trip in person."

"What! At this time?" Harry exclaimed, causing Professor McGonagall to give him a dissatisfied glance.

"Otherwise, the ghost knows why the Ministry of Magic's work efficiency is suddenly so high." Professor McGonagall complained, "But Professor Dumbledore's time is precious, and he has a lot of time, even if there is no such thing, it is not what you want to see. "

"But this matter is very important!" Harry said anxiously.

"So, what the **** is this? Harry!"

All three could tell that the stern Professor McGonagall was a little **** at Harry's entanglement, her nose flapping.


"It's about detention, Professor." A voice interrupted Harry from the steps on the side of the hallway.

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