Hogwarts, a Scholar Becomes a God

Vol 2 Chapter 99: Old Malfoy was terrified (guarantee two/three)

The afternoon sunlight passed through the corridor and slanted on Clark's face, dividing the entire corridor into two parts of light and shadow.

Clark was bathed in the sun like this, his hair was dyed golden by the setting sun, and his handsome face was matched with a warm smile, as if he was a Gryffindor who had returned from the long river of time.

As a typical Slytherin, Lucius Malfoy stood quietly in the shadow behind the colonnade, staring at Clark with sullen eyes, as if to bite a piece from his face meat.

Just by looking at them from a distance, light and darkness, innocence and sophistication, smiles and indifference, one can tell who is righteous and who is evil at a glance.

"Uncle Lucius, don't be angry, I haven't discussed it with Professor Dumbledore." The smile on Clark's face became brighter and brighter. go down.

"We just cherish each other. I guessed what he was thinking, and I also guessed that he would guess what I was thinking."

Clark's answer did not dispel Lucius' suspicions, but in the headmaster's office just now, he had discussed with Dumbledore, and even if he reacted and knew that he had been tricked, it would be of no avail.

Of course, this does not mean that he, the patriarch of the Malfoy family, can be played by a child like this. He still has to say what he should say.

"Things are going well. The fire dragon will be left behind, and a small dragon farm will be established relying on the resources of Hogwarts."

Lucius Malfoy spoke about what he had discussed with Dumbledore in the Headmaster's office.

"The Lucius family will also sponsor a gold Galleon to the school to use as the start-up capital of the dragon farm, and at the same time occupy 20% of the shares of the dragon farm."

"Although the matter has been discussed, my uncle is still unhappy, little Prewett."

Lucius stretched out his black gloved right hand, as if preparing to touch Clark's eldest nephew's head. As an elder, touching the head of the younger generation kindly, this kind of intimate behavior is understandable.

However, his hand just stretched out, but stopped abruptly.

It turned out that in the face of Lucius' offensive behavior, Clark just raised his hand slightly, and the tip of a wand came out of his sleeve, pointing steadily at the cheap uncle, threatening beyond words. .

Who knows if he is about to twirl his hair.

"Little Prewett, you know, the Malfoy family still has a lot of business. I might have to consider the funds for investing in dragon farms."

Although Lucius didn't know why Clark vigorously promoted the construction of the dragon farm, he still knew the truth that we insisted on what the enemy opposed, and we opposed what the enemy insisted.

While speaking threatening words, Lucius continued to pass his hand over, as if he was not afraid that Clark would really attack him, but the next moment, he paid for his confidence.


Accompanied by a crisp explosion, as if a two-kick was ignited, a crimson fire shot out from the tip of Clark's wand and flew straight to Lucius's face.

Old Malfoy was also taken aback by Clark's daring behavior, the flames swept his face, and at such a close distance, he didn't have time to react, and in a panic, he hurriedly took a few steps back.

Fortunately, a dark green light curtain was stimulated from the magic protector on his chest and blocked in front of the fire.

The flame hit it, and with a "snap" sound, it exploded into a plume of blue smoke, which turned out to be extraordinarily low. Even if there is no magic light curtain, it will not cause Lucius's life danger, at most it will make him a little embarrassed.

Seeing that he was losing money to the younger generation again and again, Lucius finally lost his temper, forgetting that he couldn't hurt a student at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. He pulled out his wand and aimed it at Clark.

Unfortunately, he stopped again.

Because from Clark's mouth, there was a word that made him tremble and he was about to turn his head and leave.

"Do you remember the black smoke spell that devours everything in one move? Uncle Lucius."

"I do not understand what you are saying?"

Lucius pretended to be calm, but Clark could hear fear in his voice.

"Really?" Clark put away his wand, not afraid that Lucius would attack him again, "But I just saw it not long ago, in the Forbidden Forest at Hogwarts."

"Those black smokes are full of deep malice, like strips of pitch-black giant pythons, greedily devouring all objects, magic, and even light and lifespan around them.

I saw with my own eyes a unicorn was injured by the spell, lying on the ground whining, the residual spell on the wound even gathered into a large black skull, suspended above it, even the unicorn's 'Purification' magic, also to no avail. "

Lucius Malfoy had no time to question why Clark went to the Forbidden Forest, he just stood there quietly, not saying a word, as if he was listening to a ridiculous story.

However, Clark clearly saw that his hands were tightly gripping the snake-headed cane, his lips pursed as white as his face.

"Later I looked through the family's collection of books and learned that it was a powerful black magic called 'Jemengard's Touch'. This magic spell is named after the world-destroying beast in Norse mythology, which symbolizes bringing all kinds of things to the world. Ragnarok, but not many people can really use it. As far as I know, in the magic world today, there is only that one..."

Before he could finish speaking, Lucius interrupted rudely.

"Enough! I don't know what you're talking about.

Little Prewett, although I don't know where you learned about this black magic, as an elder, I have to remind you that it is very dangerous to study these things in private! "

Lucius' face was contorted into a ball~www.wuxiamtl.com~ as if he had a big lump of **** under his nose.

Clark could hear the other party's sternness, and in order not to intensify the conflict, he shrugged and changed the subject.

"Draco and I have been getting along very well recently, and I trust him very much." He saw that old Malfoy's eyes were empty, and he didn't look at himself at all, knowing that he was scared by the news just now, and he was distracted. But this state is really just right.

"For example, about the fire dragon, I actually told him a long time ago. He also knew our plan and didn't hide anything from him at all."

Lucius came back to his senses at this time, and his face was even more ugly. What do you mean, since my son has known for a long time, doesn't he also have a share in today's game?

"Humph! Thank you so much for taking such good care of my filial son."

Clark ignored Lucius and directly tried to meet him, explaining the real purpose of meeting him this time.

"Uncle Lucius, since you run a business in the Muggle world, you should have heard that a Muggle economics professor named James Tobin in the United States once said, don't put all your eggs in a basket."

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