His Understanding Was Incredible, And He Realized Pangu In The Womb, Which Shocked The Empress.

Chapter 115: Failed To Break Through? Ancient Blood Dragon Liquid

Both of them have Innate Qi wrapped around their bodies, and they are extremely fast.

In less than a moment, it disappeared without a trace.

Only the one at the door was left, wearing sacrificial attire and a feather crown.

A barbarian priest holding a weird and curved long sword.

His cultivation level is not low, and the Gang Qi billowing all over his body is a real Eight Transformations of Heaven Realm.

"This person is actually stronger than the leader of the Red Barbarians!"

"It's hard to handle."

Feng Changyue's eyes flashed.

A master of the Eight Transformations of Heaven Realm, with her current cultivation level.

It is very difficult to kill.

At least it will take a long time to fight fiercely before the winner can be determined.

Moreover, this is a gathering place for barbarians.

There are no fewer than thousands of crypts scattered around.

God knows how many barbarian masters are hidden inside.

The ants kill the elephant.

Even if he has only three heads and six arms, he will still be consumed by them.

Moreover, masters of the Eight Transformations of the Heaven Realm can fly Body Concealed Traces and fly in the air.

Even if you are defeated and want to escape, it will be very difficult.

"If I go back empty-handed, I will definitely be laughed at by my younger brother."

"Hmph, it's just a little difficult, so what do I have to fear?"

"If you wait a little longer, there will definitely be an opportunity.

Her big eyes twinkled.

His gaze is like that of an eagle looking down at its prey.

Look carefully below.

I saw the priest and watched the two handsome men leave.

Then face the temple.

His eyes were extremely pious.

After making a weird gesture with his hand.

Then he walked into the temple.

Feng Changyue was not in a hurry.

It's not yet midnight.

The night is still long.

She still has plenty of time.


She sat down on the ground.

Calf in a plate.

While swallowing the spiritual energy of heaven and earth, the essence of the moon.

While observing secretly.

Sure enough, less than half an hour.

Her eyes flashed.


"There is a situation."

I saw it, near a cave in the distance.

Suddenly there was a violent explosion.

A barbarian master jumped out of the cave in pain.

Lying on the ground, wailing constantly.

His chest exploded and blood dripped from his chest.

Almost the whole person was dyed red.

"This is when the third change of the heaven realm breaks through the fourth change, and the breakthrough fails."

"The meridians in the body burst and the internal organs were injured."

Feng Changyue understood immediately when he saw it.

Cultivation is something that goes against heaven.

Extremely difficult.

Every time you advance to a higher level, your strength will increase greatly.

But if the realm promotion fails, the consequences will be very miserable.

The out-of-control spiritual energy in the body will directly tear the muscles and organs.

In more serious cases, the body may even explode and die.


next moment.

Then I saw the door of the temple opened again.

The barbarian priest wearing a bird feather crown.

Come out again.

From all sides, the barbarian soldiers on the watchtower immediately reported the situation in a jabbering voice.

It was obvious that the barbarian priest had a look of panic on his face.

Then after giving an instruction.

The body is like electricity, and Heavenly Dipper's energy protects the body.

He flew into the sky in an instant.

In just a few breaths, he was already at the side of the barbarian master.

"It seems that this barbarian should be the descendant of the barbarian priest. No wonder he is so nervous."

Seeing that the interior of the barbarian temple was empty at this time.

Based on the injury of the barbarian, the barbarian priest must at least continuously inject Entering Spirit into him.

It takes at least an hour to save your life.

And this time was enough for her to sneak into the temple and kill the Red Barbarian leader.

She knew the opportunity was too good to miss, so she moved.

Just like a flying swallow.


He ran down the mountain.

The small body meandered all the way.

Soon we arrived near the four watchtowers.

If you move forward a little further, you will enter their warning range.

These four towers stand high, with elite barbarian soldiers above them, armed with strong bows and crossbows.

These barbarians look like humans but not humans, and have many physical signs of beasts.

His eyesight is different from that of ordinary people, and he can see clearly at night, just like during the day.

The four towers are like four heavenly eyes, patrolling the surrounding areas.

Even a larger bird flying by will be shot down by an arrow.

It's basically impossible to enter in a big way.

But what Feng Changyue learned was extremely mixed.

I saw that she didn't care at all.

"Concealment Technique!"

Her mind was spinning secretly.

Only a few crisp clicks were heard.

emanating from her whole body.

next moment.

There was no breath around her body.

The body turned out to be like a chameleon.

Integrate with the surrounding environment.

If we didn't know where she was in advance, we wouldn't be able to find her at all.

"I didn't expect that after killing the Hundred-faced True Monarch, I would get this Divine Ability from him.`

"But it came in handy today."

She was light on her feet.

Although he used the hiding technique, he didn't dare to leave quickly.

This method requires cultivating the Yinshen, and the calculation ability of the mind reaches an extremely terrifying level.

To perform perfectly.

Thousand Changes, Myriad Transformations, invisible and invisible.

She is now in the third state of heaven, and uses it forcefully.

It is necessary to use the power of physical energy and blood to change the skin and surrounding environment.

need some time.

You can't do whatever you want.

Once you run too fast, it's useless.

After all, even though the barbarians are brutal and bloody, they are not stupid.

It is impossible to see a tree there one second ago.

The next second I saw the tree running away, I could still remain indifferent.

Feng Changyue moved forward cautiously.

Soon he appeared within the area guarded by the four watchtowers.


She felt like she was being stared at by several people.

Sweep it around her body.

She felt a chill in her heart.

I know that as long as I show a slight flaw, I will be discovered immediately.

At that time, I will have no choice but to run away.


Fortunately, those few glances were just a routine inspection.

She was not found.

"This technique is really good."

She knew that the matter was already half done.

Immediately afterwards.

She moved forward slowly at walking speed.

Her body was as light as a cat, and she landed silently.

Not long after, they arrived at the gate of the Barbarian God Temple without any danger.

The barbarian priest left in a hurry.

Not even the door is closed.

At this time, a small gap was exposed.

In the gap, there was bright yellow light shining through.

She didn't rush in.

Instead, he listened quietly for a while.

Make sure it's quiet inside and no one is watching.

Feng Changyue's figure is small, and this gap.

But it was just enough for her to fit through.


Her body swayed.

Got in.

As soon as I entered.

There were crisp sounds coming from her body.

The skin changes and returns to normal.

"The muscles are squeezed together, it's really uncomfortable."

She stretched.

He raised his eyes and looked around.

You can see that this is a space of four to five feet.

The ground was covered with soft animal skins.

There are many animal and human skulls hanging on the surrounding walls.

There are many simple and vast murals painted on the walls.

The colors are bright, and they all describe scenes of barbarian killing and sacrifice.

Most of the pictures are painted with blood.

A strong bloody and cruel aura almost emerged from it.

If you are timid, you will see this scene.

I'm afraid I'll go crazy on the spot.

In the center of the first floor of this temple, there is a huge stone statue.

What is carved is an extremely strong figure holding a huge stick in his hand.

A barbarian sitting cross-legged on the back of a huge divine elephant.

The color of the statue is pure black, and it looks fascinating.

It's as if the soul is trapped in it.

In front of the stone statue, there is a huge offering table.

Three sticks of incense were burning on it.

Apparently it was that just now

"Barbarian God, ha!"

Feng Changyue glanced at the statue.

There was a hint of disdain in his eyes.

"In ancient times, the emperor punished you. He didn't want the human race and the barbarian race to continue fighting to the death, so he canonized you as the barbarian god.

"One of the three hundred and sixty-five gods in the heavens."

"The original intention is to allow people and barbarians to live in peace.

"But I didn't expect that you were born rebellious and the ancient emperor disappeared.

"Just keep making waves."

"We even contacted several evil gods such as the Blood God, the Bone God, and the Prison God."

"I want to completely brainwash and enslave the human race and raise them as cattle and sheep.",

"If it weren't for the emergence of hundreds of saints, they would work together to suppress you and others into the depths of time and space.

"I'm afraid you will succeed."

She flicked her little hand.

I wanted to destroy this statue.

But when I thought about being in the hinterland of the barbarians at this time.

I don’t know if there are any taboos on this stone statue.

So I took small steps.

Just walked towards the second floor.

This temple tower for worshiping the Barbarian God has a total of three floors.

At this moment, I am catching a turtle in a urn.


She rushed up to the second floor in a few steps.

At first glance, he was stunned.

There is no stone statue of the Barbarian God on the second floor.

Several braziers burned on the surrounding walls.

The reflection is transparent.

Around the wall, there are more than a dozen scaffoldings.

There are many ancient books on the bookshelf.

Many are made of animal skins and threaded with hemp rope.

Other than that, there are no other items here.

There is no place to hide people.

Feng Changyue glanced at it casually and skipped it.

"It's not here anymore, it should be on the top floor."

She raised her eyes and looked upstairs.

Although the Immortal Spirit Qi can locate the opponent's position.

But it's just a general direction with a radius of several feet.

Moreover, she is not ready to take back the Immortal Spirit Qi now.

After you find the Red Man Cult Leader later, you can turn him into a murder weapon and assassinate him first.

She couldn't understand barbarian writing, so she didn't bother to care what kind of books these were.

Even if it is the Martial Technique Divine Ability secret method, she is not interested at all.

Whoosh whoosh!

This time, she made no secret of it.

Make strides.

Two or three ups and downs.

He had already gone up the stairs.

The whole body is tense and ready for battle.


After she jumped up to the third floor, her body was frozen in place.

With eyes like an eagle, he scanned the circle carefully.

But the strange thing is.

There is no trace of the Red Barbarian leader here.

The third floor is smaller than the lower two floors.

The layout here is more concise.

There was just a mottled wooden table.

There is an incense burner on the table.

There is an unburnt incense stick in the stove.

Next to it, there is an incense box.

This fragrance is very unique.


After the incense burns, it is gray-white smoke.

But this fragrance is a faint golden fragrance.

And the smoke is staring, floating in the air, like golden snakes, dancing in the void.

Extremely strange.

Feng Changyue's eyes lit up.

"Golden Snake Divine Incense."

"This thing is unique to the barbarian land. It is the golden snake vine, a rare thing in the barbarian land."

"After burning it first, we can extract the essence of the grass and trees."

"Soak it in spiritual liquid for three years and then refine it into incense."

"This incense can calm people's minds and clear their minds. It is most suitable for use when enlightening."

This thing is a specialty of the barbarian land and is extremely rare.

There are only noble barbarian priests and masters above barbarian marshal.

are eligible to use it.

Moreover, it is not sold to the outside world at all.

On the black market of Southern Domain, a piece of golden snake incense is worth a thousand dollars.

She was not polite at all.

With a wave of his hand, he took away the entire box of golden snake incense on the table.

He looked around again.

It is certain that the Red Man Cult Leader cannot be hiding here.

Her big eyes were full of confusion.

"What's going on? Could it be that he can still be invisible?

"Or is there a secret room here?"

There was something in her heart.

Something immediately came to mind.

"Stone Statue of the Barbarian God!"

Her body swayed.

It takes two breaths.

He had already reached the first floor and stood in front of the black stone statue.

This time, she was determined to check it out.

Something strange was immediately noticed.

I saw the palm of the stone statue.

Smoother than other parts.

At first glance, it seems that it is formed by frequent contact and friction.

"So that's it, it really is the universe hidden within!"

There was a look of surprise on her face.

The little hand suddenly shot out.


A muffled sound came out.

Immediately afterwards, her body flashed.

Hiding aside.

Be wary of any machine formations.


This is because she is too worried.

He saw the stone statue of the Barbarian God in front of him.

Suddenly he was shocked.

Immediately, it was a turn.

Underneath the base, a wide and downward secret passage about ten feet was exposed.

The blue stairs extended one by one.

However, there are no lights in the dark passage, and it is pitch black below.

Feng Changyue is fearless.

As soon as she reached the stairs, she clearly felt it.

His creation, Immortal Spirit Qi, is inside.

"Wait to die!"

The Red Man Cult Leader just burned his own energy and blood essence.

Without ten days and a half of careful care, there would be no way to recover.

Now he is under Feng Changyue.

Not more than three breaths to live.

She strode downwards.

The green stairs rotated down and turned several turns.

Finally, a dim light appeared.

Feng Changyue walked quickly.

Soon we reached the end of the stairs.

What catches the eye.

It is a secret room with a radius of only three feet.

The four walls are inlaid with many pearls.

The reflection is hazy like an illusion.

However, the things placed inside surprised Feng Changyue.

I saw three adult-sized jade jars placed on one side.

The inside is full of bright red liquid.

(Nomo's) looks like blood.

However, there is no fishy smell.

Instead, there was a fresh smell like blades of grass.

"This is the blood dragon liquid that was only available in ancient times!"

Feng Changyue was surprised.

Excitement immediately appeared in his eyes.

Blood Dragon Liquid is made from the blood essence of several exotic animals that existed in ancient times, supplemented by precious Spirit Medicine.

It is made by mixing various divine liquids and spiritual liquids.

It was the refining method that the Barbarian God understood.

The purpose is to allow the barbarians to rely on this liquid and prosper.

After taking it, the physical body feels like burning fire and is extremely painful.

But as long as you get through it, you will feel cool and refreshing.

Like nine Celestial Immortal rains, falling on the body.

The physical body also receives tremendous nourishment from this.

This item can also be used to refine weapons and armor.

Even ordinary soldiers will become as hot as fire if they are smeared with blood dragon fluid.

Can easily break through the body of the master of Invulnerability To Spears and Sabers.

If the weapon is soaked in it regularly, it can even become spiritual.

Become a Spirit Weapon.

In these three large tanks, it is unknown how many creatures this barbarian priest sacrificed.

Just accumulated.

"The value of these three large tanks of blood dragon liquid alone is difficult to estimate.

"Unexpectedly, I put a long line and really caught a big fish."

She looked to the side again.

Opposite the jade jar, there is a weapons rack.

There are seven or eight swords filled with spiritual energy on display above.

There is a fiery aura on the weapon.

It was obviously soaked in blood dragon fluid.

And in the other corner.

There are just a lot of big boxes stacked up.

There are some wooden boxes with openings.

You can see that it is filled with gold and silver jewelry.

They should have come here to kill and rob people.

The total amount is estimated to be at least millions of taels.

From the northeast corner of the secret room, bursts of loud breathing came.

This sound is like a giant whale drinking water.

It is the sound of a master exhaling spiritual energy.

Fang Chan looked carefully and saw a futon.

The Chiman leader was facing away from him, sitting cross-legged on his nephew.

"It's you, die!".

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