The Red Man Cult Leader and the Blue-Eyed Hag were horrified.

Fang Chensha didn't even look at the divine curse in front of him.

Instead, his eyes were blank, looking into the vast void.

[You integrate the Divine Ability of many steps, understand the mystery of the real dragon flying in the void, and realize: the seven steps of the real dragon! ]

"What! Create magic waves!"

"This little kid is creating magic!"

"Damn it!"

"How can this be!"

"How old is he!"

The horror in the two people's hearts was like a stormy sea.

This scene simply made them heartbroken.

within their understanding.

Those who can create laws are only those who understand the Martial Technique, and even the movement of all things in the world.

A master who has reached an extremely profound level of understanding.

Only then can we get rid of the framework of our predecessors and find our own path.

Create your own law.

And those who can do this are all the most talented and beautiful people in the world.

They are all old monsters who have lived for who knows how many years.

A mere little kid.

To put it bluntly, it hasn’t been long since weaning.

I'm afraid I don't even know the characters yet.

You can open up paths and create laws in the world.

How not to shock them!

Feng Changyue curled his lips.

"My little brother, he created magic in battle again."


"I don't know what kind of method I created this time."

"Is it the Divine Ability of that wonderful footwork just now?"

In her heart, she would be lying if she said she wasn't shocked.

Fang Chensha’s ridiculously strong Martial Technique understanding.

It's really incredible.

"I am too lazy to create new methods and want to bite off more than I can chew."

She admired her in her heart, but her mouth was still tough.

He snorted.

With one leap of his body, he reached the side of the Red Man Cult Leader.

Taking advantage of the moment when he was distracted.

Attacked and killed them directly.

The Immortal Spirit Qi transformed into a large pair of scissors.

It cut directly into his body.

The Chiman leader reacted very quickly.

Feel the strong wind coming.

He waved his scepter in his hand.

Two blasts of Innate Qi burst out.

At the same time, his body jumped high.

He slashed at Feng Changyue's little head.

Suddenly, Qi roared around the two of them.

Fight together.


The moment he realized a new method.

There was no obstacle to the Three Corpse Divine Curse.

It got directly into the center of Fang Chensha's eyebrows.

"It's done!"

The blue-eyed hag was ecstatic.

Just about to recite the magic formula.

at this time.

In Fang Chensha’s mind.

The Three Corpse God Curse has reached the deepest part of the soul.

The complicated fonts turned into countless green bugs.

Want to eat away at Fang Chensha’s spiritual will.

Take control of it completely.


In front of the Soul Palace, there is the huge Dragon Gate shadow.

Just a shock.

The divine light shines brightly, reflecting the void of the soul.

In an instant, the green bug transformed into the curse of the Three Corpses.

As if encountering a natural enemy, Riqi screamed.

The sound was like a ghost crying.

Immediately afterwards, countless green bugs formed together in an instant.

Transformed into the Three Corpse God Curse again.

But at this time, the spirit above was gone, and all the will of the blue-eyed hag attached to it had been destroyed.

This three-corpse god curse is suspended below the Dragon Gate obediently.

Among them, countless mysteries are constantly being analyzed.

outside world.

next moment.

Fang Chensha's body moved slightly and he stepped forward.

The whole person is like a real dragon Yu Kong.

In an instant.

Just when the curse of the Three Corpses is about to come.

Can barely escape.

The whole person seemed to be teleporting.

He appeared in front of the blue-eyed hag.

"Damn it, why doesn't my Three Corpse God's Curse work?"

"So fast!"

"What is this Divine Ability."

The blue-eyed hag was horrified.

My own Three Corpse Divine Curse was inherited from the Divine Religion.

Attacks involving the mind are no longer a simple Martial Technique.

As long as you are hit, you can't resist at all.

You will be controlled by yourself in an instant.

But he didn't expect this little kid in front of him.

It was not affected at all.

What a powerful spiritual will!

A sense of fear arose in her heart.

"There is something terrible about these two little kids!"

"Run away!"

She was able to live well despite being arrested by the imperial court for many years.

He was also promoted to the Seventh Transformation of Heaven Realm and became a real master of Gang Qi.

He has long since developed the ability to seek good fortune and avoid misfortune.

At this time, in her body.

Instinctively, it sent her an extremely dangerous signal.

His little hands started to tremble unconsciously.

she knows.

If you don't run away.

I'm afraid it will be the same as black and white Daoist.

There is no way to escape the fate of death.

"The Red Barbarian Cult Leader, that Barbarian King!

"These two little kids are definitely the reincarnation of the old monster!"

She screamed strangely.

Seeing that Fang Chensha was already in front of him.

The body turned on the spot.

Suddenly there were several black Innate auras.

Transformed into several dark skulls.


He faced Fang Chensha and killed him.

And she took advantage of this blow.

Escape directly into the distance.

He didn't care about the life or death of the Red Barbarian leader at all.

At this time, the Chiman leader was constantly fighting with Feng Changyue.

Every collision is an Apex Level confrontation between the Innate Gang Qi and the post-Heavenly Dipper Qi.

Around the two of them, Gang Qi was flying everywhere.

Like a goddess scattering flowers, they bombarded the surroundings.

The surrounding ruins of large residential buildings continued to explode.

Wooden beams and gravel flew everywhere.

His cultivation level is the highest among the three.

It has reached the peak of the Seven Transformations of Heaven Realm.

It's just a little short of breaking through to the Eight Transformations of Heaven.

Moreover, for so many years, the flesh and blood of believers have been sacrificed to the barbarian gods.

Gained many benefits.

The Qi and blood are long, and the Innate Gang Qi is extremely strong.

Various means are also emerging in endlessly.

Feng Changyue couldn't even suppress him.

The Immortal Spirit Qi created in his hands continues to condense into various immortal weapons.

Constantly contending with the Red Barbarian leader.

For a time, there was nothing he could do.

But it is impossible for the Red Barbarian leader to defeat her.

Seeing that the battle situation is at a stalemate.

He originally wanted to call the blue-eyed hag.

In his opinion.

No matter what method Fang Chensha just realized.

He couldn't stop the blue-eyed hag's three-corpse curse.

It must have been under control at this time.

Now it only takes the two of them to work together and take down this little girl within a few dozen breaths.

But unexpectedly, suddenly.

Then I heard the hoarse cry of the blue-eyed hag.

He takes a break from his busy schedule.

Turn around and look.

But I saw Fang Chensha looking relaxed and with lively eyes.

There is no sign of being controlled at all.

And the blue-eyed hag.

At this time, it was like an old cicada.

Stretch your body.

Further and further into the distance.

It's so fast, he has been working with this person for so many years.

It’s the first time I’ve seen it.

"Damn it!"

"You bitch, I will sacrifice you to the Barbarian God sooner or later.

"Let your true soul be tortured day and night in the endless evil fire of the Barbarian God, and you will never be reincarnated!"

He roared.

The blue-eyed hag ran away from the battle.

All his plans came to nothing.

This time.

The loss is too great.

Not only the most loyal and powerful members of the Red Man Sect suffered heavy casualties.

They were all affected by the aftermath of the unbridled anger of these two little boys.

Blast them all to death.

The remaining ones are ordinary believers who worship at home day and night.

For him, it has no effect.

Moreover, it was agreed upon with the barbarian priests that the inside should be coordinated with the outside.

Plan to open the teleportation channel.

Also a complete failure.

I'm afraid, it won't take long.

You will be punished by the barbarian god.

The essence of sacrifice is exchange.

You offer a sacrifice, and the person being sacrificed will be given a Spirit Pill or some cultivation.

Or rare treasures.

Sacrifice to the evil god is a completely unequal exchange.

As long as you sacrifice to the evil god and establish a connection.

It is equivalent to reaching a soul contract with him.

No matter how far you go, you can't escape its gaze.

A single thought can make your life worse than death.

And, a setback.

It will never be possible to reach the realm of evil gods.

"What a big loss!"

The Red Barbarian leader was filled with hatred.

The three of them have been crossing the border of Great Yong Dynasty for many years.

As his cultivation level increases day by day.

Not as cautious as before.

If the cultivation level is low.

He has long since run away with his loyal followers.

Where can I wait for Fang Chensha and his two men to come and arrest him?

"You were careless. You should still be cautious in the future."

"I'm in trouble today, let's run away first."

He gritted his teeth with hatred.

But I didn’t dare to stay any longer.

A burst of Innate Qi burst out from the body.

Like a big net, covering the sky and the earth.

Cover to Feng Changyue.

Then, he showed his hands.

The linen clothes he was wearing.

Like a cloak.

The bulge was swollen by the strong wind.

The whole person is like a big bird.

Flying far away at an extremely fast speed.

"You two little kids."

"Remember this for me, the leader."

His voice was sharp and harsh.

In a few breaths, he had already appeared a hundred feet away.

Drilling towards the distant mountains and forests.

There are vast mountains.

It was the border area between the Great Yong Dynasty and the barbarians.

Although there are no clear boundary markers and city walls separating them.

But the towering and continuous mountains are already the best means of isolation.

Let even the barbarians who have already adapted to the difficult living conditions.

It cannot be transmigrated either.

Once a master like him enters it, he can take advantage of the complex terrain of the mountains.

Even if there are masters whose cultivation level is ten times higher than his, there are more than a dozen.

Get into it.

He couldn't be found either.

Unless you are a master of cultivating Yin Shen.

With powerful mental thoughts, they are like tentacles.

Spread out.

Only then would it be possible to find his hiding place.

Feng Changyue's eyes flashed.

Not afraid of any ambush.

"Brother, you deal with this hag, and I'll go after this old man."

"We'll meet up here later."

Her voice fell.

The person has turned into a white lightning.

Chased him.

It only takes a few breaths.

The two chased each other and escaped.

It had already disappeared into the vast black mountains in the distance.

Fang Chensha is naturally not worried about her sister's safety.

He knows her fighting power best.

Even if I want to defeat her, I still have to

Try your best.

It would take at least one day and one night to exhaust all her energy before the winner could be determined.

0Flowers requested00

It is simply impossible to defeat her in Martial Technique.

Although I never felt that my sister was the pioneer.

But she can always perform all kinds of incredible Martial Techniques.

It was so subtle that even he found it incredible.

Especially what Feng Changyue showed before was like a god standing high above the nine heavens.

The downward punch.

The shocking fist power contained in it.

Even though he is extremely talented in Martial Technique, he still has not fully analyzed this boxing technique.

This shows that the level of this method is higher than his imagination.

Fang Chensha didn't hesitate either.

A step under his feet.

The seven steps of the true dragon are fully executed.

The speed is a few minutes faster than Feng Changyue.

Feet do not touch the ground.

In an instant, the distance between him and the blue-eyed hag was shortened.

The two chased each other and escaped.

It's just a cup of tea.

It has already entered and crossed several mountains.

Here, the mountains and forests are extremely dense.

People walk through it.

If it exceeds the allowed range, it will be blocked by dense shrubs, weeds and trees.

No more human beings could be seen.

The blue-eyed hag has managed to escape countless pursuits over the years thanks to this place.

Whoosh whoosh!

Her withered and thin body was dodging left and right in the dense forest.

His steps were light and he made almost no sound.

Dense thorn bushes with almost no path.

But she often turned around and slipped through the gaps.

Incredibly flexible.

This method works every time.


At this time, there was no sign of relaxation on her face.

Instead, the look of panic in his eyes became even heavier.

Chilling down the back.

She can feel it.

A pair of emotionless eyes were staring at him.

Let yourself go as fast as you want.

No matter how well you hide, you can't escape the prying eyes of these eyes.

"Damn it!"

"I've escaped through four mountains, how could he still track me down!"

"Does this little kid have the secret method of locking souls from thousands of miles away?"


This feeling is extremely painful.

It was as if the top of his head was holding a sharp blade with needle and thread.

I don’t know when it will fall.

Kill yourself.

Above the woods.

above the dense canopy of trees.

Fang Chensha has her little hands behind her back.

It's like strolling through a garden.

There is a carefree and natural look on his face.

Invisible sound waves emitted from his mouth.

The sound waves spread invisibly, constantly hitting, and then bouncing back.

In an instant, countless pictures appeared in his mind.

Within a radius of ten miles, all kinds of terrain, vegetation, and rivers can be seen.

The Blue-Eyed Hag is extremely clever at hiding and concealing herself.

It was like a joke in his eyes.

It’s vivid in my mind.


The blue-eyed hag is very familiar with the terrain here.

Suddenly he fled to a mountain wall.

Take a few shots with the palm of your hand above.

Suddenly, a hidden mountain crack appeared.

There are many vines hanging down from the cracks.

Even if you look carefully, it's hard to spot.

She glanced back.

Then he committed.

Just got in.

Immediately, countless trees and vines hung down from above, covering it tightly.

"It seems that this is the hiding place of this hag."

Fang Chensha connected the dots at his feet.

Just before the crack appeared.

Don't even think about it.

Just got in.

This crack is extremely narrow, stretches extremely long, and extends in all directions.

Adult men simply can't get in.

Because he is a child, he has a small figure.

So it’s not hard to walk.

"I see. No wonder this hag has been able to escape capture by the court many times."

"With her size, it would be impossible to find her if she got here."

He drilled it for as long as a stick of incense.

In front of him, he suddenly became enlightened.

Look around.

We are already in the middle of the mountain.

A hole with a radius of more than a hundred feet appeared in front of him.

Several thick stone pillars support the dome above.

Several glowing luminous stones are embedded in the surrounding stone pillars.

It illuminates the entire space like a dream.

It doesn't look like it was formed naturally.

"The level of the Blue-Eyed Hag is not enough to support her in building such a project.

"Could it be the Cave Mansion passed down by the ancients?"

He was a little surprised.

Perhaps the blue-eyed hag is extremely confident about this place.

After she came in, she walked straight to a stone table and chairs in the middle.

Sat down.

Breathing heavily.

He was still cursing loudly the Fang Chensha brothers and sisters, as well as the Apostolic Minister.

Fang Chensha appeared here, but she didn't even notice it.

"Damn little kid."

"Even if your qualifications are heaven-defying, you can't compare to my Anomaly technique of the Witch God."

"Old lady, I'll curse you to death right now!"

The Three Corpse God Curse is just one of the many Anomaly witchcraft curses in the Shaman Way.

Her ability is not to face the enemy head-on.

Instead, he secretly casts spells and kills invisible people.


She took out a straw man from her arms.


And from the storage bag.

He took out an ancient small bow.

There are also seven almost rotten wooden arrows. .

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