His Understanding Was Incredible, And He Realized Pangu In The Womb, Which Shocked The Empress.

Chapter 108: Zen Under The Moon, Little Brother, You Are So Slow To Come

And at the same time.

The four barbarian soldiers in front of him.

Without any warning, his body instantly withered.

The essence of flesh and blood and even the soul in the body are all present at this moment.

was absorbed into the sacrificial space.

However, in this chaotic army.

Everyone around is fighting desperately, and no one will notice this at all.

"very good!"

Fang Chensha's eyes lit up.

With his current combat power.

It's like a tiger swarming into a pack of wolves, within a quarter of an hour.

Killing hundreds of barbarians is no problem at all.

While he was standing there looking at the sacrificial space.

Barbarian soldiers came around again and came to kill him.

Fang Chensha is also welcome.

Jumped up from the ground suddenly.

A wave of his hand.

A ferocious barbarian soldier's head was already flying into the sky.


His figure began to shuttle across the battlefield.

Like a ghost, it is constantly harvesting the lives and souls of the barbarian soldiers.

After a while, fifty or sixty groups of blood mist appeared in the jade talisman sacrificial space.

Each mass of blood mist contains the essence of flesh and blood and soul of a barbarian soldier.

Feng Changyue on the other side also rose up.

At this time, a pair of fists condensed with Immortal Spirit Qi appeared in her hand.

Wherever he passed, a pair of pink fists flew everywhere.

No barbarian soldier could stop her for a moment.

She was immediately beaten into blood mist with both her body and weapons.

Seeing how fierce these two little kids are.

It's like a god descending to earth.

The soldiers of the Great Yong Dynasty, who had been suppressed by the tide of barbarians, retreated somewhat.

Morale immediately increased.

A warrior riding an armored horse.

He raised the sword in his hand.


"Children in our Great Yong Dynasty can fight bravely, but if we step back.

"Isn't it worse than a three-year-old baby?"

"Kill me!"

he yelled.

Jumping on the horse.

With a leap of several feet, he jumped directly into the crowd of barbarians in front.

The sword in his hand waved "two one three".

Suddenly, there were heavy shadows of swords, like ghosts.

In an instant, all the barbarians around him were killed.

Immediately afterwards.

The roaring and roaring sounds of soldiers came from all directions.

Everyone strives to be first.

For a time, it turned out to be unstoppable.

"Prince Chen and King Zhongshan are really strong!"

"I don't know when we will be as strong as them."

not far away.

All the students from the Imperial College marched forward side by side.

They are each other's horns.

Each of them has at least the level of Grandmaster Realm cultivation.

However, there is too little experience against the enemy.

Moreover, I came here this time to experience.

So there is no fighting on their own.

Instead, they move forward as a team.

The team is led by Chong Heihu, a master who has experienced a transformation in the heaven realm.

Don't look at it as just a group of kids.

But it is more ferocious than an army of ten thousand people.

Everywhere he passed, there were heads of people.

Even the barbarian Grandmaster masters who came to support after hearing the news killed a few.

Many of the students in the Imperial College were killed.

The fear in his eyes gradually faded.

Started to become determined and iron-blooded.

He is no longer as timid in taking action as before.

There are even a few brave ones who are already working side by side with Chong Heihu.

Together they entered the hinterland of the barbarian army.

They watched Fang Chensha and Feng Changyue descending from the mountain like tigers.

Even the barbarian Grandmasters and even the barbarian generals are not their combined enemies.

I felt both awe and pride in my heart.


Fang Chensha smashed a huge mace in front of him with one punch.

Then he jumped up and picked it up with one hand.

He directly cut the head of a master who was wearing heavy armor and had a fierce light in his eyes.

Picked it off.


A mass of blood mist that was larger than all previous barbarian masters.

Appeared in the sacrificial space.

"Good guy, one heavenly master has more flesh, blood, and soul than dozens of Martial Warriors, all together!"

Fang Chensha was speechless.

At this time, he had arrived at the edge of the battlefield.

he knows.

This war cannot last forever.

Whether it's the barbarians or the Great Yong heading this way, it won't take long.

They will all call for gold and withdraw their troops.

When that time comes, the barbarian king of the barbarians comes back.

His mind scanned the earth.

It will not be easy for me to leave when the time comes.

Thinking of this, he stopped fighting.

The barbarian blood and souls collected this time are enough for sacrifice.

Expect to get a lot of Nine Celestial Immortal Dew.

He did not hesitate, standing behind and killing several barbarian masters who stood in front of him.

The body shook.

He had already gotten into the jungle on the side.

After observing it, I saw that no one was paying attention to me.

Then he dodged a few times and disappeared into the vast jungle.

In less than a moment's time, he appeared in a pine forest.

Got here.

The smoke of war in the distance can no longer be seen.

Even the loud shouts of killing were heard.

Fang Chensha finally relaxed.

He raised his eyes.

I saw a clear stream flowing in front of me.

Feng Changyue is wearing a moon-white outfit.

Sitting by the stream, stretching out her white and tender feet.

It was pattering, treading water leisurely.

The moonlight is like water, falling from above the pine forest.

Reflected on her body.

There was a layer of halo, a hazy aperture.

"Brother, you came so slowly."

Feng Changyue tilted his head.

He glanced at Fang Chensha.

Clap your hands.

Suddenly, a thin curtain of water rushed towards him.

Fang Chensha didn't shy away either.

Let the cool stream water pour on your face and head.

Cool to the bone.

Immediately, he released the murderous aura he had developed just now on the battlefield.

It was scattered.

His eyes became clear.


When Feng Changyue saw this, a look of satisfaction appeared on his face.

She stood up with bare feet.

Then he clapped his hands.

"Let's go and kill those three demons as soon as possible."

"It saves you long nights and many dreams."

Fang Chensha nodded.

Turning over his hand, he took out the map.

Checked it carefully.

"Chiling Town is one hundred and fifty miles away from here."

"At our speed, we can arrive there in less than half an hour.

Fang Chensha pondered for a moment.

According to what the Sixth Prince said.

The area around Chiling Town should have been brainwashed and controlled by members of the so-called Zhiman Sect.

If they two little kids were to walk on the official road with arrogance, they would be in trouble.

I guess I haven't gotten there yet.

It has been discovered and reported.

The other party might be on guard.

So after the two of them put it together.

Just walk directly through these high mountains and ridges.

This is a deep and wild land that no one has ever set foot in for thousands of years.

The forest is so dense that it almost blocks out the sun.

There are all kinds of ferocious beasts, poisonous insects, poisonous insects, and plants with barbs comparable to iron hooks.

Growing everywhere.

For ordinary people, it is simply like being in a green hell.

The scenery is the same in all directions.

Even if you are a master of the Grandmaster Realm, it will not take long to get here.

It will also be due to exhaustion of physical strength.

And was eaten into a skeleton by dense poisonous insects.

Among them, there is a poisonous miasma that rises at noon every day.

Not even ordinary masters of the heavenly realm can withstand it.

Only after reaching the fourth heavenly realm, the internal organs are as powerful as an oven.

In order to not be affected by the poisonous miasma.

But Fang Chensha and Fang Chensha are not afraid of radar because of their strong physiques.

And the dense shrubs and towering giant trees.

For the two of us, it's just like a fictitious thing.

The two of them displayed their body shapes.

Like two lightning bolts.

Everywhere he passed, there were any shrubs, boulders, or giant trees blocking his way.

It's like being cut by an invisible sharp blade.

A gap the size of a child was opened in an instant.

It's just a matter of time.

When the moon is on the branches.

The two of them had already appeared on the top of a hill near Chiling Town.

Here, it has exceeded the periphery of Jialing Pass.

Lost the protection of the city gate.

These border towns and villages.

Naturally, it has become a paradise for bandits, wanted criminals, and evil demons.

The two stood on the top of the mountain and looked down.

I saw a small town at the bottom of the mountain.

It was obviously midnight.

It should be a quiet time in the dead of night.

But in every house, the lights were brightly lit at this time.

A scent of burning sandalwood.

Even if it's so far apart.

Fang Chensha can still smell it clearly.

"Why are you burning incense in the house when you don't sleep at night?"

Fang Chensha frowned.

He had a bad feeling in his heart.

They may have arrived too late.

The townspeople here have probably all been brainwashed.

Looking around, we can see the farmland in the distance.


Although many crops grew.

But because there is no one to manage it.

No weeds grow tall anyway.

Many people's yards are also very dilapidated.

There are overgrown weeds and insects and mice are scurrying everywhere.

The breeze blew by, causing the weeds to wave randomly like the arms of a demon.

The entire village and town is brightly lit.

But it's like a ghost town.

It looks scary and eerie.

The two looked at each other.

There was a hint of solemnity in each other's eyes.

These are the people of the Great Yong Dynasty.

But because he was born on the border, he could not be protected by the court in time.

And suffered such consequences.

"Let's go down first."

“Some kind of ceremony seemed to be taking place in the square in the center of the town.

"I can sense that there is a powerful aura there.

"It should be the Red Barbarian leader.

Feng Changyue stood up.

He spread his arms out like a big bird.

Under the cover of night.

Run all the way down the mountain.

Fang Chensha looked towards the center of the town.

Just see it.

A large bonfire actually rose there.

The fire was blazing.

Around the bonfire, many people were wearing red and black robes.

A man wearing a hood.

He is raising his hands in the air.

It seems to be saying something.

It's just that the distance is too far.

Even if you search the sky and the earth, you can't hear it clearly.

And among this group of people.

He saw a tall old man holding a scepter.

Wearing a linen garment.

His face was kind, as if he was shepherding sheep.

Walking among the crowd.

There are words in his mouth.

Wherever he went.

Everyone's emotions became extremely excited.


"Could it be this person?"

He looked twice.

The body swayed and caught up with Feng Changyue's figure.

The two of them were in tandem.

Soon we arrived at the foot of the mountain.

Just got down.

Fang Chensha made a keen discovery.

All around this humble little town.

It was actually heavily guarded.

The darkness at every intersection.

They are all guarded by masters with calm auras.

The one with the worst cultivation level is also the Martial Warrior.

Any trouble can't be hidden from them.

Fang Chensha is very sure that these people have communication props such as fireworks in their hands.

Once it is discovered that the imperial army or spies are coming.

If it is far away, it will trigger a lead.

Make notifications.

Wait until the encirclement and suppression army arrives.

The key members of the Red Man Sect had long since fled into the mountains.

And the people in the small town were doing whatever they were supposed to do.

Not afraid of interrogation at all.

Once the army leaves, these people will come back again, causing a huge headache.

However, it's a pity.

These hidden sentries can guard against the army.

But he can't guard against masters like Fang Chensha.

The siblings didn't care.

The body swayed like a bird flying in the forest.

In an instant, he entered the town.

Keep walking through various streets and alleys.

So fast.

Even if he passes in front of the sentry.

They can't find it either.

I just felt a gust of wind passing in front of me.

When I looked around, I couldn't even see any personal shadow.

In this way, people soon arrived at a rooftop near the center of the town.

stand right here.

Fang Chensha could feel a wave of heat coming across his face.

The huge bonfire was blazing with fire.

And at this time.

There was an astonishing scene.

Just saw it.

That old man in sackcloth.

A very convoluted sentence suddenly came out of his mouth.

It should be the language of the barbarians.

Immediately afterwards.

He actually jumped up.

He jumped directly into the blazing bonfire in front of him.

His feet stood on a red-hot iron pillar above the campfire.

Let the raging fire continue to burn his body.

What's shocking is that.

This flame was enough to melt gold and iron and burned his body.

But even the corners of his clothes couldn't be burned.

His hair followed the air waves caused by the flames.

Keep flying.

It looks like the god of fire descending on the mortal world.

The believers around saw this scene.

Become more fanatical.

Howling wildly.

Kneel down on the ground, kowtow and worship.

Among them, seven or eight were fanatical and howled in.

In an instant.

It turned into seven or eight blazing human-shaped torches.

Keep dancing.

It forms an anomaly and terrifying picture.


"Pretending to be a ghost, this Red Barbarian leader is a master of the Seven Heavenly Transformations, and his whole body is covered with Innate Qi."

"Let alone flames, even if it rains fire from the sky, you will still be safe."

"Foolish people!"

Feng Changyue snorted coldly.


Fang Chensha sighed secretly in his heart.

How could the common people know the terrifying methods of Dao Heaven Realm masters?

The world changes, Eating Dew.

Do not eat the fireworks of the world.

In the eyes of the people, this is already a semi-immortal existence.

As one's cultivation progresses, various Divine Abilities continue to appear.

Flying to the sky and escaping to the earth, Sun God.

In these remote 3.8 frontier areas.

Close to these vast mountains.

Strange power and chaos.

Naturally, it was regarded as a miracle.

This has been the case since ancient times.

"We can only kill the Red Barbarian leader first and educate the border people."

"I'll talk to Grandpa Huang when we get back."

He winked at Feng Changyue.

This place is less than a hundred steps away from the other party.

The other party is a master of the Seven Transformations of the Heaven Realm, so his six senses must be incredibly sharp.

If you talk, even if it is only as loud as a mosquito.

It will also be discovered instantly.

Feng Changyue couldn't hold it any longer.

Seeing Fang Chensha’s eyes.

The body bowed.

It's about to be culled.

Calculate the unintentional calculation with intention.

With the combined efforts of the two of them, they can kill him in less than three moves.

But at this time.

Fang Chensha suddenly saw it.

The red barbarian leader in linen clothes suddenly had an Anomaly smile on his face.

next moment.

He turned his head sharply.

His eyes were electric.

He immediately looked at Fang Chensha and Feng Changyue.

"The Barbarian King said that an assassin would come tonight. I thought it was one of the masters under the Sixth Prince."

"I didn't expect it to be two little dolls!"

Although his face is old, his voice is that of a young man.

"Black and white Daoist, blue-eyed hag, stop hiding."

"Come out quickly!"

He shouted softly.

next moment.

I saw the blazing bonfire.

Suddenly exploded.

Only then did I see it.

Under the bonfire is a huge iron plate.

Under the iron plate, there is a secret passage.

Two figures with awe-inspiring auras and surrounded by Innate Qi.

Suddenly burst out of it.

The three of them used their horns.

Directly surrounding Fang Chensha and Feng Changyue.

Seeing being discovered, Fang Chensha immediately understood.

"It turns out that the Barbarian King is so scheming.

"Forget it, Uncle Six took the initiative to call for a fight, so there must be an arrangement."

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