High-Tech God

Chapter 6 Chance Encounter

Oh, Mr. Zhang, you see, people are laughing at us, the charming woman suddenly said.

She had just been lying in Zhang Yong's arms, and when she saw Yang Yi standing behind him smiling inexplicably, she thought he was laughing at them both, and she felt angry and unhappy. So he said to Zhang Yong coquettishly.

Zhang Yong turned around and glared at Yang Yi angrily, saying harshly: Little guy, how dare you laugh at me?

When Yang Yi heard that the woman was causing trouble over nothing, he felt extremely disgusted. He gave the woman a disdainful look.

Oh, look at Mr. Zhang, he's cheating on me. When the woman saw Yang Yi cheating on her, she felt aggrieved towards Zhang Yong again, and her body twisted even more violently on Zhang Yong's body.

Are you tired of living? Little thing, are you watching to see whether labor or management will dig out your eyeballs? Zhang Yong said to Yang Yi with angry eyes.

Yang Yi was even more angry when he heard what Zhang Yong said, and was about to teach him a lesson, but at this time the elevator happened to reach the basement.

Thinking that Xu Ningxiang was still waiting for him, Yang Yi planned to let him go first. Anyway, he would have to deal with these moths tomorrow.

He glared at Zhang Yong angrily and said, Huh, trouble comes from your mouth, so how about you practice some moral integrity? Then he said to the charming woman, I don't know how I found it. It's so short. Does it make you happy? ? After saying that, he ignored the two of them and walked out of the elevator.

MD, why don't you say another word.

Zhang Yong heard Yang Yi's taunt and angrily cursed outside the elevator.

Along with the scolding, the sound of a sports car rang out, and a cool motorcycle whizzed past Zhang Yong and the two of them. They looked at Yang Yi sitting in the motorcycle and froze in shock...

Xu Ningxiang was waiting anxiously at the door. She was about to call Yang Yi when she saw a cool motorcycle parked in front of her.

Looking at the cool motorcycle in front of her, Xu Ningxiang became more convinced that Yang Yi was a rich second generation.

In a blink of an eye, the two of them drove to the villa where Xu Ningxiang was staying. On the way, Yang Yi described what happened in the elevator to Xu Ningxiang. Xu Ningxiang was so angry that she beat her chest and feet for a while.

In fact, she had heard that Zhang Yong had a problem a long time ago. She just turned a blind eye before because he was the company's sales support. But now the company belongs to Yang Yi. Since Yang Yi said that he should be dismissed, then there is no need You need to be polite.

Yang Yi walked around the villa and sighed inwardly. He didn't expect Xu Ningxiang to live in such a big place alone. It was three hundred square feet, right? This is the decoration...

Um... Mr. Yang, I'm usually busy with work. I'm the only one at home. I'm too lazy to ask for housekeeping, so... I'll ask someone to clean it tomorrow. Xu Ningxiang saw a hint of confusion on Yang Yi's face after looking at the house. Dissatisfied, I thought it was disgust, so I hurriedly explained.

When Yang Yi heard her explanation, he felt contempt in his heart, but it was only for a moment. He smiled and said: No, I am bored to design an artificial intelligence housekeeping system. I will install it later and it will clean for us. of.

It just occurred to him that there was some kind of smart butler sent by the system in his mailbox. He didn't know what it was, so he just had a chance to try it.

Ah? Smart housekeeper? Xu Ningxiang listened with confusion on her face.

You'll find out later. Yang Yi pretended to be mysterious.

Xu Ningxiang stood there in a daze, with a doubtful expression on her face.

There are 6 rooms in the whole villa, and Yang Yi chose a relatively ample room as his bedroom.

The system prompts: Successfully received the artificial intelligence butler.

Activate now?.


Yang Yi chose yes without hesitation, and then performed a reasonable installation according to the system prompts.

Because the installation required touching the circuit, the system was advanced, causing a power outage in the entire villa area for a while. As a result, the complaint hotline for the business office in the villa area was inundated with calls.

Hello master, I can only serve you with my housekeeper Sophia. If you need anything, please ask me...

Sophia? Yang Yi muttered and touched his chin thoughtfully.

He just successfully activated the smart butler, but a strange thing happened. He could no longer sense the Milky Way system, but instead there was an extra figure in his body.

This made him a little worried, wondering if it would have an adverse effect on him.

Sofia, please explain what happened? Yang Yi asked in a commanding tone.

Hello master, I am Sophia. How can I help you?

A humanoid image dressed as a girl appeared in Yang Yi's mind and said with a smile. The voice is sweet and pleasant.

If the original Galaxy System was just an intelligent voice, then Sophia is her evolved form, and her voice is more mature.

Looking at Sophia's tall and graceful figure, Yang Yi couldn't help but swallow a mouthful of saliva.

Master, what are your orders? Sophia asked again.

Huh? Oh!

What happened just now? Yang Yi asked after coming back to his senses.

Report, due to the power failure just now, the system was unstable and the wrong version was updated. Sophia explained leisurely.

Then? Will it...?

Master, don't worry, it will never harm your body.

Knowing that there would be no danger to Yang Yi, he let out a heavy breath. The huge boulder in my heart was relieved by half.

Then, where do you belong now? Are you still in the original Milky Way system? Yang Yi asked.

In addition to its own security issues, there are of course functionality issues. If it didn't have the original functions, how could his super-tech innovation plan be implemented?

Of course! Master, don't worry, the original system is still there. This unexpected update not only gives Sophia a body that can be accommodated, but also greatly stabilizes the system, while stimulating the system's potential functions and reducing energy consumption.

Sophia explained eloquently.

Hearing Sophia say that the system had been updated, Yang Yi was overjoyed and curious about what was different, but he was currently not famous enough to know.

Yang Yi tried various methods, both soft and hard, but couldn't get anything out of Sophia's mouth, which made him very disappointed.

But one thing surprised him. She actually knew when he was having sex with Sophia in his mind.

Sofia punished him with electric shocks, which made his head hurt for a long time.

Through this, Yang Yi seems to know that Sophia, or to be precise, the Milky Way system has evolved into a self-AI consciousness super system.

Of course, this also brought him new problems. Yang Yi didn't know whether this was a good thing or a bad thing for him, and he didn't know whether Sophia would be dangerous to him in the end.

At least it's okay so far, no matter what! Yang Yi put these problems behind him and ordered Sophia to deal with the household dust.

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