High-Tech God

Chapter 574 Beam in the Channel

Then Yang Yi took out the ultra-long-range sniper rifle he had used before.

When Shuai Mei saw the ultra-long-range sniper rifle in his hand, she was instantly conquered by his powerful appearance.

Wow! What a powerful sniper rifle! she said fondly.

Yang Yi handed the sniper rifle to her: Take it, I'll ride a motorcycle and move you around quickly while you snipe the guards outside!

Shuai Mei excitedly fired the sniper rifle and promised: You can just leave it to me without any worries!

Over here at the alien base.

An alien who looked like a commander walked out of the base and asked the guards around him, How are you doing? Is everything normal outside?

Everything is normal! the guards said in unison.

The alien who looked like a commander nodded: Well, although nothing has happened now, you still can't take it lightly. There are many forces on the earth that can fight us, and we must not be careless.

Yes! Sir! the guards agreed in unison.

The alien who looked like a commander turned around and was about to go back when a slight sniper gunshot suddenly sounded in the distance.


A hole appeared in the alien's head, and he fell straight down.

No, there's a sneak attack! The guards immediately moved and looked in the direction of the sound.

Bang! Bang!...

The sound of a sniper rifle suddenly sounded in another direction, and immediately several guards fell to the ground.

No, the opponent is moving and shooting. We must not stand still and be targets. We must also move! said a guard.

As soon as he finished shouting this sentence, there was a sudden gunshot in the distance, and there was a bloody hole in his head, and he fell straight down.

Shuai Mei sat on Yang Yi's cool motorcycle and kept shooting. With every gunshot, one of the top leaders fell.

Wow! It's so exciting. I haven't had such fun shooting in a long time! Shuai Mei said very excitedly.

When Yang Yi saw that most of the guards outside had been eliminated, and the remaining small number all retreated to the base, he knew that their opportunity had come.

He drove a super-fast motorcycle and approached the alien base at extremely fast speeds. He directly crashed the base's door and rushed into the base.

There were also many alien guards inside. Yang Yi punched them directly, and the powerful punch killed many aliens at once.

The two of them kept rushing through the passage, and soon came to a passage full of lights.

Bang! Bang!

As soon as they entered, all their exits and retreats were blocked by the super alloy door that suddenly fell.

There's no way to trap us! Shuai Mei directly picked up the sniper rifle and fired a shot at the giant super alloy door behind her.

Don't shoot! It's dangerous! Yang Yi quickly spoke out to stop her.

But the speed was still slow. Shuai Mei had already fired, and the bullet flew out with a bang and hit the giant super alloy door.

It left a white impact mark and bounced back in another direction.

The bullet went back and forth several times in this small passage, and then shot towards Shuai Mei.

Yang Yi directly grabbed her waist and took her away from the super fast motorcycle.

The next moment, the bullet flew past where Shuai Mei was, hit the wall behind, and then flew in another direction.

Yang Yi quickly shot out a burst of cold air, which directly froze the bullet.

Shuaimei breathed a heavy sigh of relief: Wow! It's so dangerous!

At this time, she found that Yang Yi's hand was still holding her tightly, and she immediately blushed and quickly broke away from his hand.

Yang Yi turned to look at her and said, Don't shoot randomly here, we will be hit by bullets!

Handsome and beautiful nodded with a red face, like a child who had done something wrong, pouting and said: I know.

Yang Yi looked at the sealed passage and wondered how to leave. Suddenly, all the red lights in the passage lit up and emitted a red light.

Suddenly the entire passage was filled with red light, and Yang Yi and Shuai Mei had no choice but to separate.

Shuai Mei looked at these red lights in panic and said, What is this? It can't be the lasers in the movie, right?

Yang Yi looked at these red lights with a solemn expression, nodded and said: It may be that kind of thing. In any case, we must not touch these red lights, otherwise it will be dangerous!

Shuai Mei nodded and was about to approach Yang Yi, when suddenly these red lights started to move.

The two had no choice but to move quickly to avoid these red rays of light.

Shuai Mei moved slower and was almost injured by the red light several times.

Seeing that she would be in danger if this continued, Yang Yi quickly moved to her side and took her with him.

Although the two of them would inevitably have close contact in this way, at this critical moment of life and death, Yang Yi couldn't care so much.

After half a minute, Yang Yi felt that evading like this was not the answer, and his strength would run out sooner or later.

And since they were trapped here, the aliens outside were probably preparing to evacuate. Yang Yi was determined not to let them evacuate, otherwise the mission would not be completed.

He carefully observed the surrounding lights and felt that as long as those red lights were destroyed, these beams of light would disappear.

Thinking of this, he immediately hugged Shuai Mei tightly and spun directly in the air, and winds as powerful as a tornado immediately appeared around him.

The two of them kept spinning in the middle of the eye of the storm. The wind outside became stronger and stronger and began to tear away the red lights hidden in the wall.

Soon the light bulbs burst and the beams inside disappeared one after another.

In less than half a minute, all the light beams in the entire channel disappeared.

Yang Yi let go of Shuai Mei and saw that her face was very red at the moment, reaching the roots of her ears.

Seeing her like this, Yang Yi knew that this must be the first time in her life that she had such close contact with a boy.

Unconsciously taking advantage of so much, Yang Yi felt happy. At this time, he saw that Shuai Mei's favorability had increased a little, reaching 69 points.

Although this is not a very high score, it at least shows that she already has a good impression of herself.

Seeing Yang Yi always staring at her, Shuai Mei felt very embarrassed and quickly said: Let's see how to get out of here!

Yang Yi came back to his senses and felt that it was a bit abrupt to stare at her like this. He smiled awkwardly and looked around for a way out.

At this time, he saw his super-fast motorcycle, which had been turned into fragments, cut into pieces by the red beam just now.

Seeing the appearance of the super-fast motorcycle, he and Shuai Mei felt nervous. If they hadn't dodged those light beams just now, they might have ended up like this!

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