High-Tech God

Chapter 533 The annoying village doctor

Yang Yi thought for a while and felt that he had a talent for mobile phones, so he arranged for him to join his Los Angeles mobile phone branch and let him learn while redoing his old profession.

Wang Quanzhu knew how precious this job was, and he was so moved that he cried.

Yang Yi comforted him a few words, sent him back, and then told him not to forget to report to the company.

After returning, Yang Yi originally wanted to take on a new task, but saw that there was only one week left before the end of the year.

He didn't want his mother to spend the New Year alone at home, so he took his wives back to his hometown to spend the New Year with his mother.

On New Year's Eve, more than a dozen of Yang Yi's wives gathered together to help his mother make dumplings. The scene was spectacular and made Yang Yi feel very proud.

Just when it was about to have lunch, Yang Siming, the son of the neighbor across from Yang Yi's house, rushed in angrily, panting and said to Yang Yi: Hurry up and come with me, my sister is dying.

Seeing that there was an emergency at his house, Yang Yi followed him directly to his house without even bothering to have lunch.

On the way, he briefly told Yang Yi about the situation of his sister Yang Cairong.

His sister has had congenital heart disease since she was a child. She cannot bear any stimulation, cannot be angry, and cannot be too happy or sad.

Because of this, his sister has been a treasure in their family since she was a child, and almost everyone takes good care of her.

But just now, his sister suddenly fainted, unconscious and dying.

Yang Siming once heard Yang Yi's mother say that Yang Yi had magical medical skills and could bring people back to life, so he came to Yang Yi for help.

Yang Yi followed him to Yang Cairong's room and saw that Yang Siming's parents were here. Doctor Yang Fuyu from the village health center was also here, and he was observing Yang Cairong's condition.

Seeing Yang Fuyu, Yang Yi suddenly lost his face. He hated Doctor Yang very much.

Because Dr. Yang is famous for taking advantage of others. As long as a beautiful woman comes to see a doctor with him, no matter how minor the problem is, he will ask her to get an injection.

This injection was not given to the arm, but aimed at the person's butt. This was obviously taking advantage.

Although everyone knew what he was like, no one dared to fall out with him.

Because he was the only doctor in the area, many people were angry at him but dared not speak out after they knew what he was like.

After all, everyone has a headache and fever, and they are sick sometimes. If you anger him, then you will not think of him for medical treatment in the future. You can only take a car to the hospital in the county.

It costs a lot of money to go back and forth, and it also takes up a lot of time.

Yang Yi remembered that when he was a child, he went to see a doctor at Yang Fuyu's place. A very beautiful elder sister went there to get medicine. She just had a common cold and just took some medicine.

But Yang Fuyu just let him get the injection. The beautiful elder sister had no choice but to let him get the injection with a blushing face.

From then on, Yang Yi particularly hated Yang Fuyu and felt that he was too much.

But saving people was more important now, and he was too lazy to meet Yang Fuyu.

Then he walked over and was about to treat Yang Cairong. Yang Fuyu turned and glared at him and said, What are you doing? Who asked you to come here?

The patient is very weak now and cannot bear any germs. If you come here now, if you carry germs on your body and infect her, you will harm her!

Yang Yi looked at him speechlessly, thinking to himself, you are really fooling around, and was about to say something to him. When he saw that Yang Yi refused to leave, he turned to Yang Cairong's parents and said, Do you still want your daughter to be well? No Do you hear what I said? Get this person out of here quickly, he will delay his illness, or your daughter may die!

Yang Cairong's parents didn't want anything to happen to their daughter, so they had to invite Yang Yi out.

Yang Yi felt that he could take this opportunity to deal with Yang Fuyu. He had been doing evil in the village for so long, and it was time to give him some retribution.

Yang Yi has already observed that although Yang Cairong is weak now, his life is not in danger, so he will let Yang Fuyu give it a try first to see what he can do.

Then Yang Yi went to the yard, put on perspective glasses, and observed the situation in the room.

Yang Siming felt very uncomfortable when he saw Yang Yi being kicked out by his parents. After all, he was the one who found Yang Yi.

But for the sake of my sister, I didn't dare to take risks, so I had to wait and see if Yang Fuyu could cure his sister.

Yang Fuyu stared at Yang Cairong's graceful figure, his eyes gleaming, and his mouth went dry. He felt that it was a pity that such a beautiful girl was going to die soon.

You are going to die anyway, so if you give me some advantage before you die, you will be doing a good deed. Yang Fuyu thought proudly.

Then he said to Yang Siming and his parents: You three should go outside and wait. His condition is very serious now. I want to perform an operation on him immediately. No outsiders can be present.

Yang Cairong's family all hoped that she would wake up soon. They did not dare to disobey Yang Fuyu and went outside to wait in the yard.

Seeing them all leaving, Yang Fuyu was extremely excited. He had been a doctor in the village for so long, and although he often took advantage of others, he had never had such a beautiful woman.

Looking at Yang Cairong, who was pale and lying quietly on the bed, Yang Fuyu's heart almost jumped out of excitement.

He first made himself naked, and then with trembling hands, he was about to touch Yang Cairong.

Yang Yi felt it was time. With a flick of his right hand, an air wave invisible to the naked eye directly broke the window. Suddenly everyone standing in the yard could see what was going on inside.

When Father Yang, Mother Yang and Yang Siming saw Yang Fuyu's appearance and actions at this moment, and thought of his usual behavior, they immediately became furious and rushed in to deal with him.

Father Yang grabbed Yang Fuyu's neck and glared at him angrily: You bitch, didn't you say you wanted to have an operation? Is this how you performed the operation?

Yang Siming said angrily on the side: Dad! Don't talk nonsense to him. This beast is not a human being. My sister is already like that. He still wants to bully her. We can't let him go no matter what!

Yang Fuyu went too far, and Yang Siming's family finally couldn't bear it anymore, and they all attacked him with fists and kicks.

Soon Yang Fuyu was beaten until his nose was bruised and his face was swollen, and he was covered in blood.

Don't beat me. I know I'm wrong. Don't you forget? I'm the only doctor here. If you beat me to death, no one will be able to save your daughter. Yang Fu couldn't bear it. He shouted in severe pain.

Hearing what he said, Yang Siming's family realized that Yang Cairong still needed treatment, and they could not destroy Yang Fuyu.

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