High-Tech God

Chapter 184 Cooperation

Yes! Rush in! Take back our business! Others shouted.

The strong man at the head had always had a hatred of the rich. Now that he saw such a beautiful girl in front of him being the plaything of a rich man, he suddenly felt even more unbalanced.

Even if he works hard, he will never be able to have such a beautiful woman in his life. However, it is different for the rich. They can have such a woman at will, and they can have multiple women, and they can play with them in applause. No responsibility at all.

Thinking of this, the strong man became even more angry and thought that Yang Yi was not a good guy, so he led others to rush in aggressively.

Lin Xiuer immediately said coldly: I'm warning you, it's best not to come forward again, otherwise I will be rude to you.

The strong man snorted coldly: Little girl, don't scare us here. You should go home and discuss it with your parents to see if what you do can make them look good.

He believed that Lin Xiuer was a toy of the rich and was no longer a good girl. Therefore, he lost his good attitude before and felt that Lin Xiuer was very contemptible.

Lin Xiu'er was an orphan, and what she usually tabooed most was for others to talk about her parents. Now her condition had seriously violated her taboo. She raised her head and kicked the strong man away.

This kick was so powerful that the strong man's nearly two hundred kilogram body immediately flew backwards and directly outside the yard.

The rest of the people were stunned. They didn't expect that Lin Xiuer's slender body could have such strong explosive power. She could kick a 200-pound strong man away with one kick. Is this something a human can do?

They didn't dare to step forward anymore and took a few steps back, fearing that Lin Xiuer would suddenly take action against them.

At this time Yang Yi walked out of the house. He had seen everything that had just happened. He looked at everyone and said, Everyone, I understand your feelings. You don't have to be like this. We can sit down and talk!

Then he turned to Lin Xiuer and said, Go and bring back the person who was kicked away!

Lin Xiuer nodded, her figure flashed, and she disappeared directly from the spot. After about two or three seconds, she reappeared, still holding the unconscious strong man in her hands.

Everyone watching below took a breath.

Is that woman a human or a ghost? Why did she suddenly disappear just now? And when did he bring Brother Lei back?

I think that woman is very weird, a bit like a female ghost in a ghost movie. There are weirdness everywhere here. I think we should leave quickly!

You're right, life is still important, let's leave now!

Lin Xiuer threw Brother Lei directly in front of them, glared at him and said, Let me see which of you dares to leave!

Everyone who was about to leave immediately stopped and did not dare to take a step.

In their hearts, they already regarded the extremely powerful Lin Xiu'er as a female ghost who could kill them in an instant, so no one of them dared to move.

Okay, don't scare them, let me have a good talk with them. Yang Yi said to Lin Xiuer.

Lin Xiuer nodded and stood aside, still staring at those people coldly.

Yang Yi came to the strong man, put his hands on the strong man's shoulders, and began to revive him.

Soon the strong man woke up and found himself lying on the ground. He immediately got up from the ground: What's going on? How did I get here?

The companion beside him intended to explain to him, but noticed Lin Xiuer's cold eyes and had to hold back.

Yang Yi looked at Lin Xiuer and motioned for her to step away first.

Lin Xiuer glared at those people again, making them tremble all over, and then left with satisfaction.

Yang Yi looked at them and said: Okay, you are here to solve the problem today, then let's discuss how to solve this problem!

Originally, they planned to vent their anger and then discuss business. Now it seems that they can't vent their anger and can only start talking about business.

Seeing that they were silent, Yang Yi continued to say to them: I know that the rise of my business has affected you, but have you ever thought about how far the quality of fruits, vegetables and meat has dropped in order to make money? Is it still food for people to eat?”

Yang Yi asked a good question. In order to make quick profits, some businessmen spray fast-growing pesticides on fruits and vegetables, use various methods to make them grow quickly, and then sell them for money.

Such food has lost most of its nutrients, tastes bad, and may even be harmful to health.

Even meat is eaten with various feeds, causing it to lose its original nutrition and value.

Although some businessmen have cultivated and raised some natural vegetables and meat, the prices are too high and I cannot afford them as an ordinary person.

The purely natural, pollution-free, fruits, vegetables and meats brought by Yang Yi not only do not raise prices, but also retain their nutritional value, which allows people to eat with more confidence.

Yang Yi explained the truth to them, then looked at them and said: Now there are two ways in front of you. The first is to cooperate with me and help me sell pure natural food.

The second is to be my enemy. Of course you will be eliminated by the market and your life will become more and more miserable in the future. You can choose for yourself!

Everyone began to think about the two paths given by Yang Yi, and there was a lot of discussion for a while.

What should we do? Do we really have to work for him in the future?

This is a bit like relying on someone else. It's not as good as the freedom to do business on our own before. We all should discuss it carefully!

Lei Ge also fell into thinking. Before coming here, he had seen and tasted the food sold by Yang Yi. The size, appearance, taste, and nutritional value were far superior to the food they sold before.

He is a person who has been doing business all year round and has a deep understanding of business matters. He feels that the food sold by Yang Yi will definitely become the mainstream of the market in the future, and the rest are destined to be eliminated.

Therefore, going against Yang Yi is destined to end badly. Following the development of the market, doing business with him is the right way.

He took the initiative to stand up and said to everyone: I think Mr. Yang is right. We can't continue to sell harmful food. We should let everyone eat safe food. After all, we have to eat every day!

We all have witnessed Mr. Yang's ability. If we work with him, our future will be limitless!

With Brother Lei taking the lead, the rest of the people have also realized that doing business with Yang Yi is the right way. Facts have proved that everyone who has cooperated with Yang Yi in the past has already prospered, and their achievements are much higher than before.

They all agreed and were willing to cooperate with Yang Yi.

Yang Yi nodded with satisfaction. He was currently short of manpower. With the addition of these people, the manpower problem was solved.

Then Yang Yi asked them to sign a labor contract, and they would be partners from now on.

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