High-Tech God

Chapter 165 Strange eyes

Yang Yi didn't know what kind of medicine the little girl was selling in the gourd, and he happened to have nothing to do today, so he agreed.

The two made an appointment at the Yanjing City Scenic Area, beside a large lake.

When Yang Yi arrived, Wang Yaer was already waiting here. She was wearing a white suspender skirt today, and her devilish figure was fascinating.

She stood by the lake, blowing the breeze, and her whole body was as beautiful as a painting.

Yang Yi was slightly startled: This little girl is quite beautiful today!

Wang Yaer usually has a cunning and domineering personality, and her clothes are similar to her personality, making it difficult for people to approach her.

But today she changed her style and became a good girl. In addition, she had a junior high school beauty, so Yang Yi was slightly surprised.

I'm here, what do you want me to help you with? Yang Yi asked behind her.

Wang Yaer turned around and suddenly became a little shy: I want you to be my boyfriend.

Yang Yi was slightly stunned and stared at her.

She quickly explained: I'm just pretending, I'm just asking you to help, I'm not really asking you to be my boyfriend.

Yang Yi smiled slightly and shook his head: No, I can't help you with this.

Why? Wang Ya'er asked doubtfully.

Because I already have a girlfriend, and I don't want her to misunderstand me, and I don't want to do such a boring thing. Yang Yi looked at her and said, thinking she was childish.

Just help me! I can't find anyone else to do this for me. I know you are a good person, so just help me this time! Wang Ya'er looked like she was begging, clutching Yang Yi's hand tightly. arm.

Yang Yi still shook his head, not wanting to do such a boring thing.

Well, if you are willing to do me this favor, I will give you a hug. Wang Yaer said reluctantly.

She originally wanted to give Yang Yi a kiss, but thinking that it was her first kiss, she had to change it to a hug, which she was a little reluctant to do.

Yang Yi is not the kind of person who forgets his integrity and will not give up his principles for Wang Yaer's benefits. He was about to refuse again when Sophia suddenly gave him a task.

Ding! Find out Wang Yaer's true intention of asking the master to help today, and you will be rewarded with 10,000 points!

His eyes immediately lit up. Ten thousand points was a lot of money. After completing this task, he could make up for the points he owed before.

Moreover, the reward given this time is so generous, so the task must not be simple. Maybe Wang Ya'er asked herself to help for other reasons, and there may be unexpected gains today.

Okay, seeing how pitiful you are, I will do this for you! Yang Yi agreed directly.

Wang Ya'er's eyes suddenly lit up when she saw Yang Yi, and then she agreed immediately. She immediately thought that he wanted to take advantage of her. He begged him just now, but he didn't agree. Now when he asked him to give him a hug, he immediately agreed. See It turns out that he is not as serious as he seems.

She now regrets giving that condition, but the words have been spoken, and she can't find anyone to help her now, so she has no choice but to leave it at that.

Come with me! Wang Yaer turned around and walked along the lake towards a boat.

Yang Yi followed her closely and asked tentatively: Why do you want me to pretend to be your boyfriend? What do you want to do today?

It was impossible for Sophia to give that task for no reason, there must be something fishy in it.

But Wang Ya'er obviously didn't want to have any more conversations on this issue, so she calmly replied: You'll know when we get there!

The two got on the boat and went directly to the opposite side of the lake. There was a big river in front of them. They walked along the river and exited the scenic area. Beyond that was the uninhabited primitive jungle area.

Finally, the two came to a flat land in the jungle area. Wang Yaer paid the boat fee and let the boat leave.

Yang Yi looked at her doubtfully: What do you mean? Let the ship leave, how can we go back?

Wang Yaer was always cold on the way here, and she was in a very depressed mood. She glanced at Yang Yi lightly: We are not going back today. Don't worry, there is a place to live on the mountain!

Yang Yi looked up at the top of the mountain and saw that there were indeed some houses on it, which seemed to be really inhabited.

He is not worried about encountering danger here. With his ability at this time, he is fully capable of going back.

Then Wang Yaer climbed up the mountain. There was no mountain road on this mountain, so it was very difficult to climb up. Moreover, she was wearing such cool clothes today, which made it even more difficult to climb. Some branches scratched her delicate skin.

Hiss! She gasped in pain and frowned.

Let me take a look for you. Yang Yi stepped forward and wanted to help her treat the wound.

No! Wang Ya'er refused very coldly, and then said coldly: You don't have to pretend to be my boyfriend now. You won't start until you meet other people.

Yang Yi could see that Wang Yaer was very taboo about him touching her, and she subconsciously avoided him.

Yang Yi is not a shameless person. Since she doesn't want him to get close, there is no need to worry about her anymore.

Until they reached the top of the mountain, Wang Yaer was injured several times by branches, but she kept enduring it and refused to let Yang Yi help her.

Then Wang Yaer took Yang Yi to the largest house on the top of the mountain, opened the door and walked in.

At this time, there were three men and three women sitting inside. They were chatting and laughing. When they saw Wang Yaer coming, they all took the initiative to say hello.

Hey! Ya'er's outfit today really surprised us! A man who looked like a monkey said with a smile, his little eyes looking around Wang Ya'er.

A girl with big earrings saw the wounds on Wang Ya'er's body and couldn't help but feel distressed: Poor Ya'er, why are you dressed like this today? Don't you know we are going to climb a mountain?

The monkey-like man smiled and said, Of course she did it for Lu Zimu.

At this time, Wang Yaer looked at a handsome boy sitting inside, with sadness in her eyes.

The handsome boy didn't dare to look at Wang Ya'er at all, but turned his attention to the beautiful girl next to him.

That beautiful girl has fair skin, a superb figure, and a cold temperament. Compared with Wang Yaer's unruly and willful temperament, she is indeed more attractive.

Wang Ya'er immediately looked away in despair, a glimmer of coldness flashed in her eyes, but it quickly disappeared. Then she returned to her previous unruly and willful state, directly took Yang Yi's arm and introduced to everyone: This is mine. Boyfriend, his name is Yang Yi, please take good care of me!

The three men and three women, except for the handsome boy and the pretty girl, all looked at Yang Yi with strange eyes.

Through observation, Yang Yi discovered that Wang Ya'er should like the handsome boy, but he did not like Wang Ya'er and fell in love with the cold girl next to him.

As for the way the remaining people looked at him, Yang Yi was a little confused. He felt that there was both ridicule and pity in their eyes.

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