High-Tech God

Chapter 129 Being Cheated

Zhang Yong's whole body was now scorched by electricity, and he felt unspeakably uncomfortable. His speed and strength were greatly affected. It seemed that there was no way to deal with Yang Yi today.

At this moment, Yang Yi's off-road vehicle had stopped, the door opened, and Yang Yi walked out.

Zhang Yong has seen Yang Yi defeat many big men by himself, and his skills are very good. In his current state, he is no match for Yang Yi. He can only find opportunities to take revenge in the future.

He jumped up and prepared to escape, but he didn't expect that as soon as he reached the air, he was kicked down by Yang Yi who suddenly appeared. His body hit the ground so hard that the ground was cracked.

Ah! My head! Zhang Yong howled in pain.

Want to run? Can you run? Yang Yi squatted down and looked at Zhang Yong whose whole body was burned and said in surprise: It's you?

Yes, it's me! You didn't expect it! Zhang Yong said with a ferocious smile.

Yang Yi looked at his miserable appearance, smiled and said, I really didn't expect you to turn into a roast pig!

You! Zhang Yongfei was about to be furious. He didn't expect that Yang Yi would tease him like this at this moment, which made him unbearable: What you didn't expect is yet to come!

Zhang Yong decided to make a desperate move. Since he couldn't leave at this moment, he would fight Yang Yi. He didn't believe that after the transformation, he still couldn't beat Yang Yi.

He rushed toward Yang Yi angrily, reaching out to strangle Yang Yi's neck.

Yang Yi easily ducked to the side and kicked him out at the same time, hitting him in the ribs.

Ah! Zhang Yong howled again and flew out again, breaking another big tree with his body.

My waist! Zhang Yong howled miserably. Although his strength and speed had been greatly improved, his body was not much stronger than before, and it was still very painful to be hit.

Yang Yi came to him again, sniffed the air, and said in surprise: You have a strong smell of blood. It seems that you have killed someone recently! Let me see, who did you kill?

Yang Yi reached out and grabbed Zhang Yong's head and began to check the memories in his mind. He soon knew who he had hurt.

It turns out that Lin Xiaoli was killed by you. No wonder the police couldn't find the murderer! Yang Yi stared at him and said.

Zhang Yong grinned with his burnt lips and said: Yes, I killed that stinky woman. With my current skills, I can completely avoid being wanted by the police. No one can do anything to me!

Really? Yang Yi's hand began to exert force, squeezing his head tightly: Although Lin Xiaoli is not a good person, she is Yang Ranhao's only relative. You have now made Yang Ranhao an orphan. It is really a heinous crime!

A scum like you will only harm others if you stay in this world. I will kill you for Yang Ranhao and avenge him!

Then Yang Yi exerted force on his hand, and Zhang Yong's head was crushed and he died on the spot.

In order not to let the surrounding pedestrians notice, Yang Yi asked Sophia to close the eyes of the surrounding pedestrians from the moment he got off the car, so that they could not see this scene at all.

Then Yang Yi burned Zhang Yong's body before getting into the car.

The three people in the car were very scared. Just now they all saw a man covered in black who looked like briquettes fighting with Yang Yi. Fortunately, Yang Yi won in the end, and they felt relieved.

Xu Ningxiang couldn't help but ask: Who was that person just now?

Yang Yi replied calmly: Zhang Yong!

Xu Ningxiang was very surprised: How did he become so dark? And he became so powerful. What is going on?

Yang Yi smiled helplessly, turned to look at Xu Ningxiang and said: In order to take revenge, he imitated Sun Wukong and practiced in Taishang Laojun's Bagua furnace, and he became that virtuous.

Zhang Yong became really powerful just now. His body hit the ground so hard that it cracked the ground. This showed that he was no longer an ordinary person. Xu Ningxiang believed what Yang Yi said.

Seeing Xu Ningxiang's innocent look, Yang Yi smiled helplessly, then started the car and left.

Yanjing City, in a mysterious laboratory.

Valke immediately received the news that Zhang Yong had been killed. He installed a tiny chip on Zhang Yong's body with thousands of cameras on it, allowing him to observe the surrounding situation in all directions.

Therefore, he saw the scene when Zhang Yong and Yang Yi were fighting.

Valke frowned and said to himself: I didn't expect that his strength has reached such a level. It seems that I have to create a more powerful super warrior, Yang Yi! Just wait! Sooner or later, one day I will kill you and replace you with everything you have!

The time soon reached evening, and Yang Yi immediately got up and went to the train station to prepare to meet Lin Xiuer's good friend.

Yanjing Railway Station.

A slender girl stood at the door of the train station, slouched, breathed in the air in the city, and praised: Although the air here is not as good as in the countryside, the vitality here is still good, everyone is working hard , not as comfortable as the countryside.”

This is the city where I am about to start my dream. I wish me smooth sailing in my future!

This slender girl is Lin Xiuer's good friend, Chen Yuanxiang.

She is very beautiful, with wheat-colored skin, sweet appearance, and slender but prominent figure, everything is fascinating.

Soon she attracted a nearby taxi driver.

The taxi driver was probably less than forty years old. He had a big body, a round waist, and a face full of flesh. He noticed Chen Yuanxiang who stood out from the crowd at a glance. He immediately drove the car next to her, stuck his head out and said, Beauty, where are you going? ah?

Chen Yuanxiang has been living in the mountains and doesn't know much about the outside world. People in the place where she lives are very reserved, so the taxi driver's beauty immediately made her a little shy.

I don't know where I'm going. My friend said someone would pick me up. She said simply.

When the driver saw how innocent Chen Yuanxiang was, he immediately guessed that she was from the countryside and didn't know the routines in the city.

Looking at her alluring figure, the driver had an idea, wiped his saliva and said, So you are the one I want to pick up! Get in the car quickly, your friend is waiting very anxiously!

What a coincidence? Chen Yuanxiang didn't expect to meet someone who came to pick her up as soon as she went out. She didn't think much and got into the car directly: Then let's go!

The driver saw the beauty behind him through the rearview mirror and became excited. Thinking that he would be able to taste the beauty later, he immediately locked the window, stepped on the accelerator, and the car rushed out quickly, heading towards Rush to the remote countryside.

The night was getting darker and darker, and the lights in the city were lighting up one after another. Chen Yuanxiang, who had never seen the world, was fascinated and appreciated the beautiful scenery of the city.

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