Harry didn’t need to remind him. As soon as Voldemort stood up from the crucible, he realized that there was a strong young body standing behind him!

“Who are you?!”

He turned around suddenly. If the size of the crucible hadn’t been quite large, the two of them would have been fencing…

But Voldemort also saw clearly what this man looked like.

He has dark eyes, is tall, and his face is a little pale, but not as pale as Voldemort’s. He looks young and has an unusually mature, knife-like face.

Apart from the occasional flash of red in his eyes, his appearance betrayed no hint of arrogance or aggression.

No one would believe that this is what he looked like when he was young…

Seeing the mirror-like appearance, Voldemort was instantly pulled into his memories, but he was only in a daze for a second!

“Not only do you want to steal my soul, but you also want to use my hand to resurrect me?! Don’t you have the materials to be an enemy yourself?!”

Fury filled his face as he realized Malvolio’s plan.

Hearing what he said, Malvolio suddenly felt that he had indeed gone too far.

“Uh… Actually, that’s what I told Tver, but he thinks that one pot of stew is enough, so don’t waste any more materials. After all, my old father really doesn’t have many bones.”

“But why are our looks so different?”

He stretched out his hand, lowered his head, and kept checking and groping this strong and solid body.

Looking at this situation, he was not so strong even when he made this Horcrux, at least he must be in the same state as he was just after graduation!

By the time he left Bojinbok’s shop and traveled abroad for ten years, the flesh and blood in his body had long since dried up because he had made too many Horcruxes and experimented with more black magic.

So, he’s getting younger?

But finally getting a real body, rather than a body pieced together with life force, Malvolio didn’t care about this little situation.

At least his current appearance is quite close to Tver’s age group~

Voldemort’s face across from him was getting darker and darker.

He didn’t care what his appearance was like, the key was that Malvolio was so confident!

His former body, whose soul had been robbed, was standing in front of him, and Malvolio still had the nerve to show off his body!

“Isn’t this body still mine? You are just a vassal abandoned by me!”

Voldemort waved his hand, and his body flew out. The robe that had just been thrown to the ground was draped over him. More importantly, he got his own wand!

“Abandoned?” Malvolio was unhappy at the word.

“Did you forget that your name is also Tom Riddle?!”


Seeing Malvolio’s defense somewhat broken, Voldemort raised the corners of his mouth proudly.

“Tom Riddle is already in the past. Now and in the future, I am Voldemort, and I will only be Voldemort!”

Malvolio stared at Voldemort coldly, and with a wave of his hand, a robe that had been prepared wrapped up his body.

As the hand stretched out from the sleeve, the wand clutched above was also revealed to Voldemort’s sight.

This made the pride on his lips even thicker.

“I once thought you just didn’t like my father’s name, but I didn’t expect that you even wanted to abandon everything in the past.” Malvolio said with some disappointment.

Although he had long known that since Voldemort began to fuse with other souls, it meant that he wanted to separate from the past.

I just didn’t expect that he would do it so resolutely!

“That’s right!” Voldemort’s scarlet tongue licked his lips, looking like a snake’s reconnaissance action before hunting.

“With the past, people will have weaknesses. The name Tom Riddle is like a burden to me!”

“Avada bites the big melon!” He waved his wand and killed his other half’s soul without hesitation!

Turning his head, a green light flashed, and Malvolio showed a relieved smile.

I, Malvolio, inherit Tom Riddle’s past, present, and future.

Voldemort was born at this moment, but he will always be Voldemort and has nothing to do with Tom Riddle!

“You should really find a good teacher. People who miss the past actually have the strongest will!”

“Split into pieces!”

He responded with a cutting curse with his backhand.

“Ha, is this your most powerful will?” Voldemort scornfully dodged the magic that flew past his head.

Not only was Malvolio not annoyed, he also had no idea of ​​continuing to attack.

“Why don’t you look at your back first?”


There was a splitting sound, and Harry’s body suddenly relaxed, and he fell out of the air unexpectedly.

To be honest, he quite likes watching Voldemort fight with others, no

I really wanted to be noticed by Voldemort.

Facing Voldemort’s angry eyes, Harry quickly stood up from the ground.

“Uh, you guys continue? Just pretend I don’t exist…”

“how dare you……”


A short figure was suddenly thrown in front of Voldemort.

And walking towards Harry were none other than Viktor, Fleur, and Cedric!

“Cedric!” Harry cried out in surprise, but it seemed like a slap in Voldemort’s face.

“How did you survive? Uh, I mean, what just happened? I remember the Killing Curse hit you?”

Recalling the life-and-death crisis he had just faced, Cedric’s face showed a smile that showed the aftermath of the disaster.

“The professor taught us the kid’s magic! The Iron Armor Curse can’t block the Life Curse, but the kid can!” He said loudly happily, completely different from his usual gentle image.

Looking at Harry who was confused, Viktor explained to him: “The imp is born from the soul, so it was hit by the Death Curse instead of Cedric, but his soul was not!”

“Of course, the impact is still there. After all, this is a life-killing curse cast by the mysterious man.” Cedric rubbed his chest, where there was still a dull pain.

The moment he was hit, he was actually knocked down by the impact. Coupled with the pain of hitting the ground, he fainted all of a sudden.

It wasn’t until he was affected by the aftermath of the battle between Peter and Viktor that he woke up and took the opportunity to ambush Peter.

“Master…Master.” Peter Pettigrew was a little embarrassed.

Having learned some magic from Voldemort, it was easy for him to deal with the two students, but he never thought that he would be plotted against by Cedric, who was already dead behind him.

“You idiot!”

The originally perfect resurrection plan has been repeatedly frustrated since last summer, and even ended up with a piece of soul that finally split.

Now even killing a student has failed!

The more Voldemort thought about it, the angrier he became. As his soul was already extremely unstable, more and more intense magic suddenly rippled around his body.

Feeling something bad, Malvolio quickly raised his wand.

“Get out of there, you kids!”

Tver, who had been observing secretly, also realized that something was wrong. He didn’t even want to waste the time of walking. An Apparition came to Harry who was closest to Voldemort, blocking the students behind him.

“Professor!” Harry had never felt so at ease, and the blood spurting from the wounds on his face was so warm.

Wait, the wound is still bleeding? !

Before he could cover his face, suddenly, a majestic magic power centered on Voldemort and swept toward them like an explosion!


Through the professor’s light blue armor spell, Harry saw Peter’s face full of horror.

Voldemort grabbed Peter’s neck, raised it in front of him, and let his legs kick in the air.

“You useless coward, give me your last loyalty!”

Voldemort’s eyes became dark and strange, and Peter immediately became unable to move, exactly the same as last time.

But this time, Voldemort was not so kind!

Due to the lack of oxygen and the rapid extraction of his soul, Peter could only make a sound like a deflating balloon.

“I’m more than you all thought…!”

Voldemort did not give him a chance to continue speaking, even if there was only one simple word behind it – “brave.”

His hands holding Voldemort fell down weakly, but his eyes flashed with a gleam of remembrance, but with the loss of his soul, this brilliance gradually dissipated.

Just like his humble life.

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