Tver stayed in the office to study the despicable Herbo, but as soon as he completed a stage of the task, four angry little wizards appeared outside the door.

“Tell me, what happened this time?”

Tver looked helplessly at the long-lost Harry trio and Fleur, who was still a little confused.

“Professor, have you read today’s newspaper?” Harry moved his seat directly, unfolded a newspaper and placed it in front of Tver.

“Look at this! Hagrid’s identity has been exposed!”

“Hagrid’s identity? What is his identity?” Tver looked at them in surprise.

Could it be Hagrid’s status as Dumbledore’s confidant?

This seems to be nothing worth revealing, because everyone already knows this.

“Giant! The identity of the hybrid giant!” Harry shouted anxiously.

“We just went to the cabin to look for Hagrid, but we didn’t see him, so we wanted to ask you if you know where he is?”

Only then did Tver look at the newspaper in realization.

“How to be a good professor?”

“The professors at Hogwarts have always been respected, but what is criticized is that the new professors in recent years do not seem to be so satisfactory.”

“As far as the author knows, Hogwarts has hired a total of six new professors in the past four years, five of whom are Defense Against the Dark Arts professors and one Professor of Care of Magical Creatures.”

“But the problem is, these professors’ performance is a disaster!”

“Except for Professor Foley, I can’t find even a shred of merit in any other professor. It’s as if all their merits are concentrated in Mr. Tweel Foley!”

“‘Four years ago, Professor Quirrell’s performance could not be compared with Professor Foley’s. Fortunately, I was only in the first year and took Professor Foley’s class, otherwise I would have repeated the class!’ A Hogg This is what a Watts fourth grader complained to this author.”

“It was even more obvious for Gilderoy Lockhart three years ago, and he’s still squatting in Azkaban.”

“As for Professor Lupin two years ago, according to Vincent Crabbe of Slytherin House, there was always an atmosphere of panic in his classes.”

“And Moody, who joined the company half a year ago, is known as Mad Eye. As a retired Auror, his vigilance has directly turned into impulsiveness and irritability!”

“But what I want to tell you today is not the shortcomings of these professors, but -”

“Compared with Rubeus Hagrid, the hybrid giant, these shortcomings can even be said to be advantages!”

“It is known that giants are cruel by nature and were driven by the mysterious man in the last war because of their bloodthirsty nature.”

“But now, according to the author’s investigation, Rubeus Hagrid, the descendant of the giant Friedvarfa and the wizard, is working openly and honestly as a professor at Hogwarts who gets along with the students day and night!”

“Excuse me.”

Only then did Tver notice that Harry’s and the others’ expressions had become much uglier, so he read the rest of the text quickly and silently.

In fact, it’s nothing. Basically, it uses things like the hippogriff and the Explosive-tailed Skrewt to express Hagrid’s different perceptions of dangerous creatures.

Then he compared Tweel’s popularity in school with Hagrid and criticized Hagrid for being useless.

“I don’t know where Hagrid is, but I guess he is probably in the cabin, but he just didn’t open the door for you.”

Tver put the newspaper away, lest they should see it and get angry again.

Just thinking that Hagrid was avoiding them made them even more sad. They all lowered their heads in despair, looking at the floor without saying a word.

“I’ll write to Rita Skeeter and ask her to apologize for slandering Hagrid.”

Tver took out a piece of parchment, and the quill immediately flew to the paper, writing automatically as he chanted.

“As far as I know, Hagrid is a respected professor at Hogwarts. Not only me, but also other professors are very happy to be like Hagrid…”

“Actually…” Hermione suddenly plucked up the courage to raise her head, “What I’m angry about is not the report, no, it’s not just the report!”

“The bias in the report is indeed serious, but the question is, why can people judge Hagrid’s character and conduct just because of his identity as a half-giant?!”

Seeing the professor’s encouraging eyes, her tone became firmer.

“I know that the nature of giants is indeed difficult to change, and even Hagrid has been affected to some extent.”

Sensing Harry’s hesitant movements, Hermione looked at him with very calm and rational eyes.

“Harry, this is an objective fact. Only by admitting this can we better help Hagrid, other hybrids, and magical creatures!”

“For this does not mean that the nature of crowds is

It will definitely apply to every individual, not to mention Hagrid is a mixed race! With half human blood! ”

Fleur immediately nodded in agreement.

Wizards also think that Veela have a very bad temper, but in fact it is often because humans do not keep their promises that they irritate them!

“By the way, Hagrid’s father is also very powerful. He even fought with a giant…”

Ron muttered something with a strange expression on his face, which immediately dissipated a lot of the serious and sad atmosphere in the office.

“Ahem.” Tver didn’t know what he thought of, and his expression became weird.

“Hermione is right. This proposition is not only applicable to Hagrid, but also applies to all intelligent creatures, including humans.”

“For example, there are four houses in the school. Although we always say that bravery is the quality of Gryffindor, it does not mean that all Gryffindors are brave, nor does it mean that other houses are not brave enough.”

“But Slytherin must be bad.” Ron immediately whispered.

“You see, this is a typical stereotype.”

Tver pointed at Ron, attracting everyone’s attention to him, which immediately made him blush.

“Ron, even if you don’t like Slytherins, or even if the Slytherins you meet are not very friendly, don’t use one word or one impression to measure every wizard from Slytherin.”

Ron nodded noncommittally, his dissatisfaction with Slytherin would not be let go so easily.

Harry looked at the professor thoughtfully.

The professor has indeed been instilling similar ideas in him in the past few years, but now it has been extended to all intelligent creatures.

But Hagrid’s experience made him more and more convinced of this idea.

“I think this topic can be published in newspapers, just in contrast to Rita’s report, so that people can see the inclusiveness of our thoughts.”

Tweel gestured to Hermione and Fleur with his eyes, obviously intending to leave the specific content to them.

“We can also help.” Harry pulled Ron, who was a little confused, and said quickly.

“But we can’t even cope with the homework papers…”

“Forget it, you two, don’t be too helpful when the time comes,” Tver said disgustedly, “And isn’t Harry going to prepare a second project? I think Fleur and the others have ideas, what about you?”


Harry immediately scratched his head in embarrassment.

“So, leave it to Hermione and Fleur, but don’t be too anxious, because an important guest will come over soon to provide guidance for you~”

Turville said to Hermione and Fleur with a smile on his face, which was completely different from his attitude towards Harry and Ron.

Hermione and Fleur’s sadness for Hagrid immediately disappeared from their faces, and they looked at each other with bright eyes.

They already know who this guest is!

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