To be honest, it has been a while since Hermione’s article was posted.

It’s just that they haven’t received any positive feedback, which makes Tweel and Hermione a little discouraged.

Of course, it is just a small means. It is best if it succeeds. It is expected that it does not achieve results.

However, today Tver saw another side of Fleur.

The other side he has always ignored, an unexpected gain!

These magical creatures may not be indifferent to the article, but because their voice in the magical world is too small and they cannot express any voice of approval, Tver thinks that the effect of the article is very poor.

But secretly, the article has probably become a hot topic for discussion among many intelligent and magical creatures!

Realizing this, Tver suddenly became excited.

Fleur’s performance shows that these magical creatures are longing for recognition, and she can be a harbor that gives them a sense of recognition!

It remains to be seen whether Fleur can truly become his helper.

After all, this conversation was a bit too sudden. Tver had never paid much attention to Furong before and didn’t know her well. It was impossible for him to rashly entrust him with an important task.

Moreover, Tver’s thinking in this regard has not yet been perfected, and it is still necessary to gradually add and understand the group of intelligent magical creatures.

Especially, the hybrid wizard hiding in the magical world!

However, what came out faster than Fleur who was lost in thought was Rita’s report on the Triwizard Tournament…

Seemingly feeling threatened, Rita did not dare to write anything about Tver this time. In fact, every warrior had a single photo, but Tver only had an obscure figure in the group photo.

If the newspaper hadn’t mentioned that he was a warrior, everyone would have thought he was just a student just looking at the picture.

Just to make up for it, Rita wrote some messy tidbits…

For example, Rita described standing in the corner looking at Cedric and Fleur as a love triangle between three people…

Of course, the part about Harry and Hermione must be avoided, but because the content is too outrageous, Tver probably only read it as a short story for bored housewives.

On the other hand, after Goyle and Crabbe were taught a lesson by Draco, they turned their fire on Harry, often using newspaper stories as excuses.

In addition, Professor McGonagall restricted duels, causing Harry to feel suffocated recently and had nowhere to vent his anger.

But for Tver, this is just a small gossip story about the Warriors. He still has the biggest gossip to listen to~

“I heard that you often go to the library recently?”

Hearing Tver’s teasing words, Viktor couldn’t help but blush.

Wait, Viktor is just older, he is actually younger than himself!

But that didn’t stop Tver from continuing to look at him with a teasing look, and even held his chin leisurely to see how long he could remain silent.

“Ahem, the library at Hogwarts is very big with many books. I like the atmosphere there very much.”

Viktor couldn’t hide, and looked at his classmates not far away with twinkling eyes as they discussed the upcoming classes.

After the coordination of Professor McGonagall, it was confirmed that these Durmstrang and Beauxbatons students would be better off taking sixth-grade Defense Against the Dark Arts and other seventh-grade courses.

So, in today’s sixth grade class, these students came to the arena with high expectations.

It’s just that they were expecting too much and came too early. Even the most diligent students in Hogwarts haven’t arrived yet…

Tver didn’t mind either. Anyway, his little brother had been very weird recently, so he was very happy to use the time before class to explain Viktor’s emotional problems.

“Let me ask you a question, what is the name of the librarian at Hogwarts?”


Victor hesitated for a long time, but couldn’t come up with a name.

In his mind, he only saw the majestic look of the lady who drove him out of the library because of his fans. As for her name…

He didn’t really go to read a book!

“It seems that our little Vic has some thoughts now and doesn’t want to share them with his friends~”

Tver shook his head pretending to be disappointed.

In fact, Viktor was almost the same as when he first entered the school, silent and taciturn.

This is why they became good friends even though they were several years apart.

But under the guidance of the teacher, Tver gradually became cheerful, at least he behaved very cheerfully.

But Viktor’s nature is to keep things in his heart, and even Tver can’t change this.

But he and Cynthia were an exception.

So Victor hesitated for a while, and he also wanted to find someone

Talk about it.

“It’s like this. Some time ago, I accidentally met a girl. She can’t be said to be very beautiful, but she likes reading and is very smart. Especially when I heard Fleur say that she is very concerned about the living conditions of house elves. , I think she is a very cute girl.”

“So you like her?”

Tver looked at him strangely.

Unexpectedly, Viktor paid attention to Hermione because of this. In fact, they met during the summer vacation and took photos together…

“I don’t know if I like it, but I just feel like this kind of girl…”

Viktor hesitated for a moment, not knowing what adjectives to use to describe his feeling.

“Very attractive to you?”

“That’s right!” Victor nodded happily immediately.

“Then do you remember that you and Hermione actually met during the Quidditch World Cup?”


Tver shook his head helplessly.

In the final analysis, it turns out that it is just the budding desire of adolescent children. Especially in European and American countries where puppy love is not prohibited, it is completely normal to fall in love with one or two people from time to time.

As for whether it can happen, Tver thought about Viktor, who had no follow-up information in the plot, and knew that the two would at most become friends.

“What are you talking about?”

Cedric came closer, followed by the Weasley twins who were peeping their heads.

As for Davis, he was staring shamelessly at Fleur not far away and drooling…

“We’re talking about the classes later.” Tver looked at them with a smile.

Cedric immediately became excited, or in other words, all the students who were about to attend class were excited.

This is the first time in history that students from three major European universities have attended classes together!

Moreover, this class also gathered warriors and a professor representing these three schools!

“What’s the content of the class later? You won’t give theoretical classes to the guests, right?”

“How is that possible?!” George poked Cedric’s head in disgust.

“The professor is such a good person, it must be a practical class specially prepared for the guests that impressed us deeply!”

“Right, Professor?” he asked, turning to Tver with a salivating face.

“Yes, it must be a class that impresses you.” Tver said meaningfully.

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