The food at the dinner was as delicious as ever, but whether it was an illusion or not, Tver always felt that there were more types of desserts at the dinner and the taste was better…

And in the past, desserts were only put on the table after the main meal, but now the desserts on the main meal are comparable to other staple dishes!

Not to mention that when it came time for dessert after the meal, the various chocolate cakes made Tver have trouble choosing for the first time!

After the dinner, the last dessert disappeared, and for the first time Tver, who had eaten and drank enough, showed no regrets and looked at Dumbledore standing up with a smile.

“Welcome everyone back to Hogwarts!”

The hum of voices in the auditorium gradually disappeared until it was completely gone, leaving only the sound of the wind and rain outside.

“I think everyone has eaten and drank enough, so please bear with me and listen to a few announcements.”

“This year there are a lot more prohibited items in the castle. Students who are interested in learning about and using them should go to Mr. Filch’s office to check them out.”

“The use of magic is still not allowed in the corridors, but the empty classrooms will still be available for everyone to practice magic. The opening hours are from 9 o’clock in the day to 9 o’clock in the evening. The doors of these classrooms will open and close automatically. Please pay attention to the time to avoid being locked in.”

“And of course, don’t do anything weird in there.”

Dumbledore smiled strangely and raised his eyebrows, causing the students to burst into laughter.

“I mean, don’t practice magic in there that’s not allowed in school.”

In Professor McGonagall’s dissatisfied eyes, he explained. As a result, the students laughed even more, but soon they stopped laughing.

“Also, there will be no House Cup and Quidditch Cup this school year.”

Dumbledore was still smiling, but the faces of the young wizards suddenly fell down, and they stared at Dumbledore incomprehensively.

Especially Gryffindor, they have won the Academy Cup again and are looking to continue their glory!

Dumbledore ignored the protests from the students, but glanced at Turville vaguely.

Something’s wrong!

Tver frowned and realized that things were not simple.

There was a hint of ridicule in Dumbledore’s eyes!

“Please rest assured that the school has made such a decision because when October comes-”


As a huge thunder exploded from the ceiling, the door of the auditorium was banged open.

A man stood in the doorway, leaning on a long cane and wrapped in a black traveling cloak.

In the light of lightning on the ceiling, everyone could see his appearance clearly.

Every inch of skin on that face seemed to be scarred, the mouth was like a big crooked hole, and the place where the nose should be raised was missing.

But what scares everyone even more is his weird eye!

It was a bright blue eye, but it was obviously very different from a normal eye——

It kept moving without blinking, turning up and down, left and right, and finally even turned over, revealing only the whites of its eyes like those of a dead person!

Under the silent gaze of everyone, he took off his hood, shook out his long gray hair, and walked towards the staff table step by step.

Tver looked at him with a smile, but Mr. Moody didn’t seem to like this kind of look.

When he saw Tver, the pupil of his other intact eye shrank, and the magic eye that was originally observing the back of his head suddenly turned over, glancing back and forth, observing Tver covertly.

“Let me introduce you to this year’s new professor and another Defense Against the Dark Arts professor—Professor Alastor Moody!”

After Moody sat down in the only empty seat, Dumbledore shook his hand, muttered a few words and introduced his identity to everyone.

It seemed that due to Moody’s terrifying appearance, the students didn’t applaud much. Only the awkward applause of Dumbledore, Hagrid and Tweel echoed in the auditorium.

“Ahem,” Dumbledore cleared his throat and put down his hand simply, “As I just said, the school will hold a year-long event this school year.”

“That’s it – the Triwizard Tournament!”

These words immediately exploded among the students. The students who understood it in advance were surprised and confused, while the students who didn’t understand it looked confused.

For a moment, the silence brought by Moody was suddenly broken and turned into a lively discussion.

“I think many people may not know about the Triwizard Tournament, so please allow me to explain it briefly.”

“The Triwizard Tournament was founded more than seven hundred years ago. It is an inter-school competition jointly organized by Hogwarts, Durmstrang, and Beauxbatons.”

“Each school selects a warrior to represent the school

The school passed the many tests jointly arranged by us, and finally the final winner was determined, winning a prize of one thousand Galleons, and bringing incomparable honor to the school where he is located! ”

“Of course, the purpose of this competition is to promote understanding between schools…”

Dumbledore rambled on for a while about the importance of international exchanges, but the students were all focused on the competition and excitedly discussing with their classmates, completely ignoring him.

Realizing this situation, Dumbledore raised the corners of his mouth a little.

“Ah, right.” He pretended to suddenly remember something, and patted his head in sudden realization.

“In view of the extremely high risk involved in the competition, for the sake of your safety, applicants will be limited to those over the age of seventeen!”

His eyes swept over the students who protested the loudest, and the volume automatically increased.

“Students from Durmstrang and Beauxbatons will arrive in October. I hope you can maintain a good mental state to face guests from afar, instead of rude abuse.”

“The dinner is over. Prefects, please take the students back to the lounge!”

After saying that, Dumbledore ignored him, but he didn’t leave either. Instead, he grabbed Tver who wanted to stand up and leave.

“There’s something else I want to tell you, Tver.”


Turville looked at Dumbledore curiously.

Dumbledore was a little weird when he mentioned the Triwizard Tournament, but he didn’t expect that he would say it out so soon.

“That’s right,” Dumbledore smiled mischievously, “You remember Headmaster Karkaroff of Durmstrang, right?”

“He heard that you were still teaching at Hogwarts, and he planned to wait for the students from Durmstrang to come over, and let those students take classes together with the students from Hogwarts.”

“Especially your class.” He emphasized.

But Tver’s brows frowned.

“Don’t worry, and,” Dumbledore suppressed the words he wanted to refuse, “Ms. Maxim of Beauxbatons also knew about this and made the same request.”

“For the sake of international friendly exchanges, I agreed on your behalf.” He took the chocolate cake on the table with a righteous expression and placed it in Tver’s hand.

“I ordered the kitchen, and if you agree, this year’s dessert will be the highlight of all meals.” He said quietly.

Damn, no wonder tonight’s dessert was even better!

Seeing Dumbledore’s pinched smile, Tweel took a big bite of the chocolate cake in a spineless manner.

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